
Apologies: A Short Story Of An Apology

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Apologies are truly arduous to make by the fact that we don't even recognize what we did erroneous. Unquestionably, I believe that we tempt to beg for forgiveness in order to keep the ones we care and love for, in order to make them stay in our lives. As Robin Williams once said, "I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you." This quote clearly shows that we don't care taking responsibility of our actions and we'll do anything for the people we care for. So, telling a short story of one of the most horrible experiences that I ever had by asking for an apology that changed me as a person. Few years ago, being in a toxic relationship with someone who wasn't the correct person for me, made me do one of the most stupid and innapropiated decision I had ever done. My partner believed that by having a matching tattoo with our date's anniversary would keep us together forever. Randomly, one day I accepted his request and decided to get does tattoos. Sorrow, regrets and guiltless were the only feelings I felt. Firstly, because I never asked for permission from my parent to do it. I wasn't even an adult in order to be responsible enough to make such significant decision. …show more content…

Confessing my horrible mistake was unsuitable. Telling my parents about the tattoo was the worst scenario ever. Disappointment was the only word that could describe me. I could only felt nerves and anxiety, because I recognized that my actions have an impact and consequences on others. That was definitely a moment I don't want to revive anew. This experience was tough and I was truly regretful for my actions. My parents were indignant and incredibly annoyed. The reflection on their watered eyes showed pain and sadness, I will never forget how horrifying was. That moment was the only one time that I regretted taking action on, a single

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