
Appearance In The Minister's Black Veil

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Everyone is always judged, no matter who you are. I believe it’s human to judge, it’s a natural thing for people to do on a daily basis. Most likely anyone who looks at someone that is a slight bit different get’s the majority of attention on them. I don’t believe that this is the best trait people can have but it’s the truth. Appearance comes down to how you look but mostly what you wear. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “ The Minister’s Black Veil”, The main character Mr. Hooper, really opens light to the topic of appearance. Being a reverend Mr. hooper has quite a shocking way he displays himself. A black veil is what he wears down his face, more like a second face he carries around. This black veil represents the sin and sorrow the reverends been holding. …show more content…

Your appearances is a reflection of yourself. Reverend Hooper remains a mysterious character throughout the whole story. Living in a small town the reverend always remained quiet and humble. It was a surprise to everyone when he suddenly and unexpectedly started to wear a veil that covered his eyes and nose. Living in a puritan community, this wasn’t actually accepted. The reverend started to frighten the people that had trusted him in the past. The townspeople all had there own opinion about why he was wearing it right when they seen him. Some people thought that he has gone mad and others believed he was covering a dishonorable sin. Reverend Hooper’s change of appearance did affect him in a way that brought him mostly negative attention, but I don’t believe that is anyway connected to the type of person he

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