My brother Andres had to attend a fundraiser at Applebee’s for his soccer team. Of course, my mother made me go with him, so we got ready and headed to Applebee’s. Once we got there we went inside and the first thing I see is a bunch of guys from school. I already didn’t want to be there. We grabbed our food and sat as far away as possible. I didn’t want to eat in front of them for some reason. As soon as we finished eating, we left. Once we headed out, I noticed my mom’s car. I started running towards her car and my brother trips me, but I didn't fall immediately. It was the slowest fall ever, I kept running but I was slowly losing balance and then I just hit the floor, I scraped my hands, I had tiny gravel embedded in my hands, my knees
It was a Saturday afternoon and my sister and I were bored so we decided to race down the driveway. She was on her moped and I was on my ripstik. We started counting down three,two,one, at two Mackenzie cheated and started going down. I intended to jump into the grass, I landed in the middle of the driveway. While I was in the air I came down and landed on my side. My sister came to see what happened, she saw a puddle of blood where my elbow was, she said that it was like a person had dumped a bucket of red kool aid all over the pavement! My toes looked like my little sister creamed a bunch of red lipstick all over them. Also my waist looked like someone took a knife and cut all of the skin off. After this all happened my sister ran
It was a Friday night, at the Peoria Civic Center. I was there for the Heartland Heroes Concert. This was a fundraiser for the American Red Cross. I went to the concert with my mom, Ashley, and her mom. RaeLynn, Scotty McCreery, and another local girl country singer was there. The concert was incredible. The concert ended at about 10:00 P.M. We all went out to dinner after the concert. We all decided on Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. When we arrived at Buffalo Wild Wings they told us we could sit out on the patio or the bar. The main dining area was full. We decided to sit out in the patio. The patio was all enclosed, so it wasn’t cold out there. We chose to sit at a small square table in the back. There was only one other group of people out
Around seven I got a call from my mom telling me and my brother it's time to come home. When we got home we still were riding around. So I went off a curb and my front tire fell off! I flew over my handle bars. I tried to save myself by landing on my hands but I landed on my wrist weird and my chin hit the ground. My bike landed on my back so I push it off and get up. I see my tire rolling away and
In order for me to become clean of my misdoing, I had to save that cat. I ran out into the road, not thinking, and before I knew it, the bright headlights were coming right at me. I felt a sharp pain, like falling from a chair and not doing anything to stop it, on my whole right side 10 times worse. The only thing I could hear was a deafening ringing and my mom. She was screaming my name.
My older brother Pooh Man was yelling ,’’grand lancey, grandma lancey,’’ while chasing me non-stop. And it really freaked me out and next thing u know i were running snots was just gushing out my nose, my arm was swinging everywhere and one of my shoes came off. And then i saw a fence, i thought there's my chance to get away from him. So, i ran from him and jumped; my shoes lace was untied, it got caught in the fence then my arm snapped as I hit the ground.
Today I attended a fundraiser for Changing Lives Together at Applebee’s. The agency coordinated this event to raise funds for the “Dream the Big Dream” Youth Conference. Typically breakfast isn’t served at Applebee’s; however, they sponsored our event for today. There was a great deal of support and we had an amazing turnout.
So, when I was like five I used to hang out with Nick, Dakota, Kiser, Collin, Dawson, and a few other boys. That day it was just us six though. The boys were jumping off of the equipment at recess. We were playing “transformers”. I decided to just run around and not jump off it. I went down the slide and stuff like that. I was smarter than them and knew something would happen. They kept jumping and trying to make me but I refused. It was about a five foot jump down. They kept pushing me and literally tried to push me off a few times. After about ten minutes of this I finally decided to jump. It was fun at first and I kept going for a while. I would jump, run around to the stairs, crawl through the tunnel, and jump again. I did this about twelve times until they thought it would be funny to push me off. I’m sure my face was priceless when I realized what was happening. I ended up trying to land correctly but messed up and landed on the side of my right ankle so it turned in and immediately went down. The boys jumped off and surrounded me, looking at me because they had no idea what happened. I couldn’t get up until they blew the whistle and I had to. I ended up being able to get up but had tears in my eyes (I didn’t like to cry and still don’t. I like to think I’m tough and no matter what happens I’ll be ok.). I hobbled back to class while everyone else was running back. I almost made it back when one of the aid’s stopped me. She said “Oh my gosh, are you ok!?”. I looked at her and
It tolk us at least 30 minutes but when we finally made it, we were exhausted and hungry so we got our food and sat down. Halfway through eating his dad called him and asked him where we were. When he said we were at Wendy’s I heard him yell at him from across the table. After we were done eating, we left right away and started to head home. Two block down from the Wendy’s, we stopped because we felt like were about to throw up.We waited there for 20 minutes then started back home. We stopped at a church so I could take off my shirt because I was really hot outside. When we were 10 minutes away, there was a giant hill that was a block long. Nick and I started down the hill, I was thinking “I can do this, I can do this.” Oh boy was I wrong. When we went down the hill, we were in the street because the sidewalk was full of cracks. Halfway down, the board was wobbling and I fell off. I did a front flip and landed on my back, shoulder, and my elbow. I got up and ran after my board so it didn’t hit the curb or worse, a car. When I was running I didn’t feel any pain because I was in shock. After I got the board I went on the sidewalk and the pain hit me like a
But i did not know that i was going to fall. On the way down the first hill was fine the second was ok the third not okay. From the speed from the first hill down to the second hill it was a mad rush i flew down half way. The sharp turn I not ready for the hill. I go over the handlebars on the ground this is not grass it is cement. I stand up and say i am ok but then my eyes start to water when i look down at to bloody knees and the skin on my hand starting to peel. My knees sting as i stand up it felt like needles sticking into my knees and small rocks hitting my knees i tell my dad i want to go home not having the courage to get back on the bike.
I tumble down the stairs shrieking when I hit each step. The stairs are a spiraled staircase so my head was hitting the metal rails as well. I finally reached the bottom. When I woke up I saw nobody, I couldn’t even see. I started freaking out. Then I felt a little pinching sensation at my calf then suddenly I fell back asleep. I woke up to hear that my wife had a baby.
When the next round came around we all tried to find a good spot to go and hide or find cover. We had about 30 seconds to start the fight I took the sneaky approach again but this time I got impatient. And ran when someone found me but I ran to fast and I tripped on a curb and twisted my ankle when I tripped I started crying but I didn't feel anything. Because of the adrenaline I had from the fight and running. That is why I didn’t feel anything, but I at the time I didn’t know what was wrong and why I couldn’t get up. When I fell my brother and my friends ran over to me and kind of gathered around me, so my brother asked me why am I crying and what happened to me. I said to him that I ran and tripped over a curb. He
Two days before my senior year, I was involved in a car accident. I was in absolute shock; I couldn’t believe what just happened. A man turned into the wrong lane and hit us head on. I thought about what happened in total disbelief and realized I could have died due to the actions of a negligent driver. I jumped out of the passenger side of the car and screamed. After I calmed down, I asked myself what my name, address and phone number was to make sure I knew who and where I was. My mom got out of the car and I saw her arm covered in glass and blood. I then saw my sister in the backseat screaming and crying. It felt horrible witnessing them going through this traumatic experience.
It started of when I was at my friends house playing soccer waiting for our other friend to come outside. While we were playing soccer i was the goalie and we were playing for like 20 minutes and I got hit in the face 3 times! So then we took a break and started to play golf, but we were only going to do putting and that was all. Then when our friend came outside we decided to do one more put each and I did mine and missed. Then as I was walking away I turned around and right when I saw him swing it came around and hit about 2 inches above my right eye. When both my friends saw my head goosing with blood the friend that just got there helped me up and told the friend that hit me to go get an adult. Once we got to the Hospital we took a C.A.T scan and after the scan the nurse told my parents that I would have to be life flighted to Primary Children’s to get stitched up with plastic stitches that went away without having to get them taken out. Then while we were in the airplane they gave me a drug called fennergin that I found I was allergic to because my reaction was crazy, at first it was my feet were really itchy then I didn’t remember anything else but my mom told me I had a huge fit and I pushed 5 Doctors and a nurse on the ground. Wants I was stitched up I woke up to some of my aunts and uncles in my room. Then I was told that I could not run, jump, and play
Once I got to the door I banged the door a little hard in frustration. After nobody answered the door, I decided to leave. Here’s the turning point of the story. Little did I know, a little bulky rock was lying in front of the stairs? I stepped on it. After about half a second, I let out a giant roar and started tumbling down the stairs. Somehow, while falling my very tiny ankle got stuck in between two rough stone/ concrete stairs. Once I realized what just happened, I let out a humongous ear piercing screech. “AHHHHHH! Mom, please come and get me! Ahhhhhh! Please someone help!” In a matter of two seconds, big droopy tears flooded my eyes and poured down my face. To give you an image of what my ankle looks like in between the stairs, picture a piece of
I was walking back from lunch with my friend Matt, we were telling each other jokes about dead babies. I looked over and saw my little brother, I turned to Matt and said “watch this” then I ran up to my brother and tried to do a jumping high five. He didn’t think I was trying to high five him he thought I was trying to hit him. Out of instinct he pushed me away and I fell backwards, I landed and pivoted on the ball of my left foot. I thought I had gotten away safe and clear, I went to take a step and BAM! I had been tripped by my own untied shoelace, betrayed by my own apparel. I fell backwards and expected to hit lockers, unfortunately it wasn’t lockers or even a door. I had crashed into the glass display case, oh the utter humility. I hit the ground and leaned up on one arm, I was fine, not a scratch. Mrs. Wright come running up in total mom mode “ Oh my God, are you alright, AHH, don’t move!”.