[pic] [pic] 毕业设计(论文) 苹果公司营销策略研究 | 学院名称 | 经济与管理学院 | | 专业名称 | 市场营销 | | 学生学号 |N3080310225 | | 学生姓名 |程圳 | | 指导教师 |薄文雅 | 2012年5月 |苹果公司营销策略| |研究 程圳 | |北京航空航天大学| |北海学院 | 个人声明 我声明,本论文及其研究工作是由本人在导师指导下独立完成的,在完成论文时所利用的一切资料均已在参考文献中列出,文责自负。 …show more content…
时间里苹果这个品牌成为了IT企业的标杆,创新的代名词,在很多国家苹果都是前卫的象征。但是相对于中国消费者而言它却是一个陌生的品牌,然而iPhone4一夜之间却红透了中国的大江南北,随后苹果公司的其他产品销售量也日渐高涨。苹果公司的产品究竟有何种优势?随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的跨国企业进驻中国。在中国市场竞争日趋激烈的时候,如何能够得到消费者的青睐,获得更大的市场份额,营销策略的运用就显得尤为重要。本文的目的就是通过对苹果中国市场的市场环境、竞争情况、营销策略等方面内容,发现其营销策略存在的不足,并以之为研究点,提出相关的建议,帮助苹果公司更好的巩固在中国的市场地位。 1.3 研究方法 本文使用文献资料法、定量分析法和调查法。 通过实地考察及访问苹果公司的零售店和官方网站,查阅大量文献和调查来获得资料,全面地、正确地了解苹果公司中国营销策略。了解有关问题的历史和现状,帮助确定研究课题。 本文主要以STP理论和波特五力模型为框架,运用了市场营销等方面的理论知识,拟采用理论与实际案例相结合的方式,研究苹果公司在中国市场的营销策略。采用SWOT分析了公司所面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,对苹果公司进行市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位,找出影响公司发展的不利因素,并提出了适合公司发展的4P营销策略组合及相应的辅助策略。总结苹果公司的营销策略优势和不足,并提出相应的建议和思考。 1.4国内外研究现状 市场营销组合概念在20世纪50年代由美国的尼尔•鲍顿提出,对市场营销理论和实践产生了深刻的影响。菲利普•科特勒认为,营销组合就是公司用来从目标市场寻求其营销目标的一套营销工具。1960年,美国营销学家杰罗姆•麦卡锡将市场营销组合表述为产品(Product)、价格(Price)、地点(Place)和促销(Promotion),即著名的4P组合。 4P组合理论的提出、发展及其在营销实践中取得的巨大成就,使之被营销经理们奉为营销理论中的经典。1990年,美国营销学家罗伯特•劳特朋在《广告年代》上发表《4P退休,4C登场》一文,4C组合理论从其出现的那一刻起就普遍受到营销理论界与企业界的关注,并成为顾客满意管理的理论基础。进入90年代以后,国际营销学界又提出许多新的理论和方法。美国唐•舒尔茨将关系营销思想简单总结为4Rs:关联(Relevancy)、反应(Respond)、关系(Relation)、回报(Return),从而阐述了一个全新的营销四要素。要想在市场竞争中取得胜利,首先必须对市场、环境和竞争等因素进行缜密的分析,从而确定正确的行动方向,以使企业少走弯路,而这种智慧和谋略正是体现在市场营销战略之中。 市场营销至今已经面世100多年,在我国出现的历史则不到30年。由于历史原因市场营销学在国内直到1978年之后才开始发展起来,大致可以分为3个阶段。恢复引进阶段(1978—1989),多样化发展阶段(1989—1999),差异化创新阶段(1999至今)。期间靠着对国外市场营销学书刊杂志及国外西方学者讲课内容进行翻译介绍,以及国家选派大量学者、专家、学生赴国外访问、学习、考察国外市场营销学开设课程状况及国外企业对市场营销原理的应用情况,经过近30年的风风雨雨国内市场营销学已从单纯的理论学习阶段步入需要全面创新和拓展的时代,但是在营销理论与实际国情整合方面依然有待完善。 2理论综述
Good afternoon everyone, my name is Yonghui Lin. Before giving information to you, here I’d like to show some pictures from the latest news. (PS: Showing some pictures about Irma Hurricane in Florida) As of September 15, the hurricane -Irma has caused at least 82 deaths, including 43 in the Caribbean and 39 in the United States.
Kickstart Kids is an amazing program that has impacted my life and others around me in many different ways. Kickstart has helped me become the leader I am today, it has helped my shyness and make new friends, build my confidence and finding a passion that I love to do. I can start by saying how this program has impacted my life. Kickstart has helped me become a better leader because I can help out in classes and teach students everyday. I can also help out at my school and get involved to be the difference in the school. I can make new friends by going out and getting involved in things and meeting new people. I can meet people in this program that share the same love for the sport as I do. The Kickstart Kids program has helped me build my
People involved in the IT industry and people who use technology, including current Apple users, affluent young adults and adults who have money to spend on a new phone have been targeted by the authors of the texts. Boxall’s text appeals to all as it is a factual article, whilst Lovejoy’s opinion text appeals to those interested in his subjective viewpoint. Boxall’s text is factual and he provides unbiased information such as “The screen, which takes up the whole of the phone’s front panel, is made from surgical-grade stainless steel, with glass on the rear panel. It’s water- and dust-resistant, and available in space grey and silver.” By stating these facts, his information is directed towards technologically savvy people who understand the phone’s complicated features and functions and are appreciative of the information. On the contrary, Lovejoy’s opinion is negative and his audience is people who desire an expert’s opinion on Apple’s new release. This is clear by Lovejoy including critical information such as “The first piece of bad news is photos. 16:9 photos are fine, as those are just centred on the screen. But display a wide-aspect photo horizontally on an iPhone X, and… the notch intrudes into the side of the photo.” With Lovejoy’s
World War II and Propaganda Posters Propaganda during World War II was escalated to perhaps the greatest heights in history. Propaganda is used to manipulate information to influence public opinion, rather than merely communicate the facts about something. The American government used propaganda posters to persuade people to conserve material needed by soldiers, to discourage gossip about information heard about the war effort, and to invest in war bonds. Other posters enforced the need for mass production of war materials and some were directed at women to become part of the workforce because of the depleting number of men left for combat. Firstly, war bonds were debt
“We always keep on pace with the demand of our end customers, delight them through continuing maintain a close relationship between manufacturing, ongoing Research and Development as well as working closely with supply chain and outsourcing partners, to provide cost-effective, high-quality Smart phone, wireless devices and software to our customers, internationally. Constant Training and Development program and strong culture practices are held to motivate the employees, also, to ensure infinite innovation and creation come out from them. Most importantly, offer attractive
Despite the fact that there are multiple successful paragraphs in today’s reading, the one that stands out the most starts on page 364 and continues on page 365. The previous paragraph compares China’s industrial boom to the Western booms in Europe and America. Hessler explains how there are great contrasts in both China’s and the western industrial evolution; Europe and America’s industrial change focused on “radical changes in thinking” due to the lack of labor hence the need for efficiency. However, with China’s working population (72 percent of 1.3 billion citizens), China’s boom is, in Hessler’s opinion, wasting human resources even though there are some “triumphant” stories like Master Luo’s (who is just making bra rings despite his success.) Master Luo’s story in this paragraph creates pathos that grabs my attention and sympathy as my parents have similar stories. Furthermore, the paragraph contributed criticisms of China amid the growing industrial change. Perhaps it was the pathos that grab my attention or maybe the honest criticisms of China that made me realize China is not as grandiose as many say it is, but this paragraph stands out most
With the ‘open door’ policy, China boosted the publications and entertainment of all kinds. New brands of clothing appeared in China. a number of
The product that I choose for my commodity chain project was the Apple IPhone that has been one of the most popular cell phone devices since its initial release in June of 2007. The idea around me picking the iPhone revolved around the fact that I have owned every generation Apple IPhone since the first generation IPhone release and am very familiar with its technology and background. In the initial part of this paper, I will discuss the rudimentary junctures in the iPhones commodity chain such as manufacturing and retail sale. In the latter half of my paper, I will then specifically investigate into the people who physically produce the iPhone and their living conditions, ways of life, and overall character. It is important to understand that even though Apple is a very profitable company that sells successful, unique products, they still use a contract manufacture known as Foxconn that is known for their harsh work environments and poor labor treatment.
I am writing you in regards to This American Life’s retraction of its episode “Mr.Daisey and the Apple Factory”.Although the excerpt you gave was partially fabricated from what I understand from the retraction episode all the things you mentioned are actually happening in China. Just because you didn't see them yourself doesn't mean you shouldn't have mentioned them. To me it seems like you thought just that. You saw your visit as a piece of the pie and you wanted the whole pie but you didn't have it.
I decided to do my international business case study on Apple and Canada. I chose Apple because they are phenomenal in the global business market and who better to look at then the company that pretty much wrote the book on emerging into foreign markets. I chose Canada because it was a country that is right next to America but completely is completely different. How does Apple, a technology company, not operate wrong and fail miserably in the Canadian market? I will explain how I believe they were able to be successful and still prosper to this day.
“Dear Scott, you are about to embark on the ride of your life, so, buckle up dude,” writes author Scott Kronick in the opening line of a letter his younger self. “…When you have the chance to move to China in 1995, jump at this. It will be an inflection point in your life you will not forget.” Kronick, CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations, Asia Pacific, the leading public relations consultancy in Asia, has lived in China for nearly two decades, during which he’s experienced tremendous social, economic and personal change. The Lighter Side of China, while diminutive in weight, is more than an autobiography or travelogue, it’s Kronick’s professionally refined “CliffsNotes” on how to survive 20 years as a foreigner in modern China. They key to it all, to happiness in business and at home, Kronick explains, is to continuously “seek to understand.”
This kink is named oversea factories with horrible working conditions. A factory in Suquian, China, owned by Apple, was found to have “serious health and safety, environmental, and human rights violations.” Articles rarely tell you the specific violations are, but you can probably add them up for yourself. Health violations can include dangerous machinery, not supplying proper safety gear for the workers, and more. Environmental conditions could be considered black mold, something wrong with the factory ventilation systems, or sewage dumping near the factory. Last, but not least to address in this case, is human rights violations and those can go on forever. A few of them are basic slaves, unequipped, and being made to work exceedingly long and unnecessary hours. This means that the iPhones in your pockets were made by other human beings who were being underpaid or not paid at all, working with dangerous machinery, and unsafe
Apple is being criticized in China for three main issues, including slave labor, guarantee scandal and underdeveloped infrastructure. However, China is a significant market for Apple. Apple’s market share in China is continuously growing while decreasing in mature countries. Issues related to human rights and labor protection in China are sensitive and of globally mutual concern. If we do not address these issues properly, we will lose Chinese customers as well as suppliers and sub-contractors. This may also seriously impact the reputation and sales of Apple products worldwide.
As an evolving technology company, Apple is one of the most successful companies in history. In today’s society, we cannot live without Apple products such as the Pad or IPhone. Apple 's success has come at a high cost with regards to safety to the workers of Foxconn, a supplier which makes products for Apple and plenty of other tech giants. As a result, some workers have committed suicide and many riots and fights have broken out.