a) I read an article named “applicability of 4D modeling for resource allocation in mega liquefied natural gas plant construction” in Automation in Construction. The authors are Ying Zhou (Huazhong University of Science &Technology), Lieyun Ding Huazhong (University of Science &Technology), Xiangyu Wang (Curtin University), Martijn Truijens (Australasian Joint Research Centre for Building Information Modeling), Hanbin Luo (Kyung Hee University). b) This paper presented that four-dimensional (4D) modeling has gained much potential in improving construction process design and planning. It gave readers a description about the tradition approach in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant construction and the development of it. Then the author described a process of an example where 4D models were applied to an offshore LNG plant construction project. At last the paper made a conclusion that the 4D models played an important tool for LNG construction projects and planning and the scheduling of resources. The focus of this article is similar to a topic covered in CVEN 638. The topic is “Digital Cities”. In the class, the professor gave us the concept of digital cities. A digital city platform allow for heterogeneous 2D, 3D and 4D temporal data to be brought together in a comprehensive format. Here the 4D model means the time streamline will be added in the model visualization in order to improve the efficiency of scheduling, planning and cite communication. It’s
This chapter helps to define some elements that may represent a city. For example, when
The main aim of factor 4 is to decrease the level of materials utilization and usage of human resources to one fourth level. The Factor 4 follows a set of guidelines for comparing design options and for evaluating the performance of buildings and their component systems. Factor 4 suggests that for humanity to live sustainably today, we must rapidly reduce resource consumption to one-quarter of its current levels. Fortunately, the technology to accomplish Factor 4 reductions in resource consumption already exists and requires only public policy prioritization and implementation.
The goal fo architectural and engineered construction drawings is to organize, clarify, and effectively convey an enormous amount of detailed information in order to describe how a complicated building, such as a medical clinic or net-zero house must be built. Andrew's construction drawings have a quality of sophistication that demonstrates his genuine understanding of the complex codes and project criteria. It is important to note, on all of the projects Andrew has been involved in, I have never had a change order; this is undoubetly due to the consistant high quality of his work. I have no doubt that his concetrated attention to detail will be a critical asset in his future career.
It became “virtual” and turned the real architectural landscape of the city into the collection of spaces and ties between them. The city space started to exist in the global environment, where the distance between two continents can be overcome in shorter time than the distance between two neighbouring areas that have traffic jam. A modern city that preserves the features of its cultural identity and combines them with the progressive technologies of life organization has the biggest chances to become attractive for the citizens and compete for the best of them with other global
In the modern world, human civilization has seen many changes from earlier points in our history. In the more developed countries in the world, human civilization is broken up into two main categories known as “Urban Sprawl” and “New Urbanism”. In the interactive, Urban Sprawl and New Urbanism are broken down into five main branches: Regional Transportation, Parking, Street Plans, Shops, Civic Buildings, & Workplaces, and Residential Distribution. These branches reflect many of the places that we live in and see every day, and explains their purpose in depth.
Some researchers say selection of construction method to propose new approaches for obtaining effective results. Ferrada and Serpell (2014) have reviewed saying selecting the best construction methods for an operation achieves high productivity. They conducted a survey among the interviewers giving them two definitions selected from various sources on construction methods, in which they had to choose one. Most of them identified the second definition which was “construction methods include the definition of the construction plant, how the resources are to be
Imagine the city of Toronto residing on a complex urban structure, which contains the sophistication and complication of any gigantic city. Toronto is made of strict gridline system, interconnected and repeated but hundreds of feet in height. Imagine it comprising of a density of massive volume, seeking space for balanced perspectives of users and visual openings for nature to sneak in. The city will be appreciated for its capacity to include transportation systems, parks, open spaces, retails, public squares, theaters, and public activities, all in height. The location of any one of these is of course governed by the stability of the global structure, which allows every single element to exist individually and yet within the system.
(1)3D Coordination (2) Design Reviews (3)Design authoring (4)Construction System Design (5) Existing Condition Modeling (6) 3D Control and planning (7) Programming (8) Phase planning(4D modeling) (9) Record Modeling (10) Site Utilization Planning (11) Site analysis (12) structural Analysis (13) Energy Analysis (14) Cost Estimation (15)Sustainability LEED Evaluation (16) Building System Analysis (17) Space Management /Tracking (18)Mechanical Analysis (19) Code Validation (20) Lighting Analysis (21) Other Engineering analysis (22)Digital Fabrication (23) Asset Management (24) Building Maintenance Scheduling (25) Disaster Planning.
Automation of construction equipment characterized by artificial intelligence, able to implement very complex buildings, interact and carry out instructions from a distance, and installation of building components in precision and speed. Also, the automation of production blocks, standards and prefabrication of various building components may lead to convert the design of buildings into a process of selecting parts. These techniques have also led to reduced cost, the time of execution of major projects and energy efficiency. Figure17 shows the multi-functional building unit, used to raise and enter the components of prefabricated houses into a support structure. Although these standard components, but it will have a multi-variable distribution, to allow for maximum individual expression in interior design and decoration.
This approach has several advantages. First, it provides much more spatially-detailed information than traditional data at the aggregate level of planning districts. Hence, using this disaggregate information, we can suggest policy implications to establish specific land use and transportation planning. UrbanSim, one of the advanced microsimulation model developed by University of Washington, uses gridcells of 150*150 meter, which presents spatially detailed structure and enables researchers to evaluate current urban land use patterns as well as predict future urban land use change at the micro level. However, a building scale analysis provides much more benefits because it is a more realistic model and can be easily combined with current urban big data. For example, if this agent-based model is combined with complex human behaviors data, it can provide much more specific information for predicting events of an emergency such as a building fire and disasters from earthquake or tsunami. Also, if this model is combined with information on spatial human activities from mobile-phone, it can provide great benefits for managing spatial and temporal planning for the urban places. More specifically, we can identify hot spots during daytime and nighttime, which can help to predict travel demands as well land use demand.
The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and tools into the construction industry made a rapid revolution in this field. BIM can bring a complete digital representation of a building with a fully analyzed data. Introduction of this models are very much helpful in construction of the real building. By creating a BIM
Building large industrial or commercial facilities require the adoption of the same methodology, and can prove to save your organization time, money and reduce risk.
The development of smart city requires managing a complex system of factors in the line of the above axes. This is because everyone 's dimensions give the actual value that is required to achieve the target. The smart city is defined as a superset systems aimed at optimization of public and private city systems. The processes leading to the improvement of urban business is
Kevin lynch’s book ‘Good city form’ gives us the answer of the question that what are the factors and aspects which makes good city and how to achieve it as cities are too complicated objects, they are far beyond the control, and they also affect the too many people with too many cultural variations. The book provides knowledge of various urban theories through comprehensive discussions.
Cities are places which have huge amount of gathering of people, collection of economic activities and complex infrastructure for people which all together are supported by transport systems.