
Application And Application Of Clearing Fee Application

Satisfactory Essays

Currently the current and former clients of the ICE Exchange, their back and middle office personnel (Client Services, Fees team, Balancers) who are the heavy users of this application have complained that the Search features within the membership and Trader ID are not specific enough and that certain processes such as registration and allocations are time consuming, flawed, and not efficient in which they have to use this system for accounting and client services reasons.

Therefore, it is the objective of the Post Trade Technology Department, Development and QA Team, and the Lead Sponsor to improve and develop the Clearing Fee Application to improve current features and to add new uses as well. The opportunity that this project presents is multiple. First, we will learn from our clients through face to face and conference calls what features they would like improved and what they would like added. Secondly, this gives an opportunity to the Exchange to upgrade a client facing application. Lastly, by upgrading the Clearing Fee Application (CFA), it will further enhance our reporting requirement under the Dodd-Frank Act, which requires Exchanges to give more transparency in trades. Overall the project will be conducted in an Agile environment.

Project Deliverables

The first project deliverable would be to gather information from both internal and external sources to upgrading and adding new features. The next deliverable item would create a business requirements

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