
Application Of A Marie Simulator For Questions

Better Essays

Assessment item 4 [This task requires you to use the MARIE simulator for Questions 1 and 2. Prior to starting this task, you must ensure that the simulator is running correctly by completing the tutorial provided with the simulator, located under Resources within the Interact site.] Question 1 1. Assemble the MARIE program below. Hex Address Label Instruction 100 Start LOAD A 101 ADD B 102 STORE D 103 CLEAR 104 OUTPUT 105 ADDI D 106 STORE B 107 HALT 108 A, HEX 00FC 109 B, DEC 14 10A C, HEX 0108 10B D, HEX 0000 a) List the hexadecimal code for each instruction [3 marks] Hex Address Label Instruction Hex Value 100 Start LOAD A 1008 101 ADD B 3009 102 STORE D 200B 103 CLEAR A000 104 OUTPUT 6000 105 ADDI D B00B 106 STORE B 2009 107 HALT 7000 108 A, HEX 00FC 00FC 109 B, DEC 14 000E 10A C, HEX 0108 0108

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