Application of corporate governance principles prevent corporate failure (One.Tel Ltd case) Introduction an basic concepts It is notable that recalling the past two centuries and all departments of the financial system, there have been only handful failures in Australia (Davis, 2004, p. 10). In recent decades, however, some large and famous companies unexpected collapsed, such as Pyramid Building Society and most recently HIH groups and medical insurance providers UMP (Davis, 2004, p. 237). There is not an exclusive definition regarding what ‘corporate failure’ means (Rankin, Stanton, Ferlauto, McGowan, & Tilling, 2012, p. 365). In simple words, a company is said to have failed when it cannot repay its financial promises (Davis, 2004, …show more content…
Although the revenue of the company kept growing from 207m to 653m during 1998 to 2000, and the number of subscribers increased 6 times during the period. But the annual report of 2000 indicated that the profitability turned worse and worse, form $9.9m profit in 1999 to $132m loss in half year of 2000. Inside the company, there was no hierarchy in the structure of the company, which led to ineffective communication (, 2015). In other words, the structure is not well-developed. Outside the company, when the company facing the crisis, its two largest shareholders, News Ltd and PBL, did not provide any additional capital (Monem, 2011). One.Tel failure had been indicated since there was a sharp drop in its share price and its cash reserve kept falling. On 29 May 2001, One-Tel’s auditor forecasted that the company needed another $240 to $370 million cash flow to stay alive for the next six months (Cook, 2011). With not sufficient fund to repay debt, on 24 July 2001, the creditors voted to wind up company. Three choices for One.Tel to prevent collapse. It is against our common sense that when a company has ability to expending and earning an increasing revenue and customers, it died. But from the perspective of corporate governance, the failure of the company is written. One.Tel’s governance performance in a very low level. One apparently evidence is that One.Tel’s audit,
The unhealthy financial state of the company could be due to the split from the monopoly. Round 0 financial statements demonstrate last year’s results. The company should look into the future because there is room for growth and financial success. For instance, the company can decide to take long term debt to invest it back into the company. The company can also focus drastically on sales to increase their customer base and obtain a higher market share. If the company takes the right direction of growth, it will quickly become a healthier
Farrar, J. (2008). Corporate Governance: theories, principles and practice. 2nd ed. South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press
The objective of this article was to address the questions “how does the concept of market failure apply to ethical corporate governance? Are corporate ethics authentic in the modern corporation or just lip service? Will Sarbanes-Oxley achieve results?” (Jasso, 2009, p.1). Before they are answered, I want to answer them myself. Market failure applies to ethical corporate governance because the factors that lead up to the failure and after the failure are usually not ethically correct. In other words, corruption was involved and ethics were forgotten, even if they existed. Corporate ethics are authentic in the modern corporation, but it really depends on the company and the people involved.
The first section of this essay focuses on the possible causes of corporate failures including dominant CEO, poor strategy decision and the failure of internal control. Secondly, it discusses how the third edition of corporate governance principles and recommendations could be applied to prevent the causes of the failure. The 1st, 2nd, and 7th principles along with specific recommendations will be mentioned in this section. However, the context is concerned solely with the causes stemming from Dick Smith itself.
The ASX Corporate Governance Council defines the ‘corporate governance’ as the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled within corporations (Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, 2014). The term “failure” of a corporate can be described as “Insolvency” in Australia (Michaela Rankin, 2012). And the reasons for corporate failure can be grouped into six categories: 1. Poor strategic decisions. 2. Greed and the desire for power. 3. Overexpansion and ill-judged acquisitions. 4. Dominant CEOs. 5. Failure of internal controls 6. Ineffective boards(Michaela Rankin, 2012).
Jones over forecasts his inventory and has a low inventory turnover ratio. This drastically increases his accounts payable, as he isn’t able to pay due to low cash inflow. His account’s payable increased by nearly 9 percent in 2006. Nearly half of his current assets are in inventory. Also Jones isn’t able to take advantage of the cash discounts offered by his suppliers due to his slow cash collection process. In order to perform well, the company must improve its inventory system and its cash collection policies.
Financial data from past periods of a company, provides a perspective for future outcomes. Investors give proper attention to different ratios. In this report I am analyzing the financial position and financial performance of AT & T, a US. Telecommunication Company. The objective and conclusion of this analysis will be, if is either good or not to invest in the company.
Postpartum Depression is depression that occurs after performing childbirth. This condition is often mistaken for the “baby blues” which has similar symptoms such as tearfulness, extreme sadness, anxiety, self-doubt, and fatigue. However, the “baby blues” goes away within a few weeks after and unlike the “baby blues”, postpartum depression can cause suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and feeling too exhausted to get out of bed for hours. If postpartum depression is not treated properly or soon enough it can drastically effect the lives of those who have developed it as well as their families. This is because a mother is a very important figure in one’s life because she is the first person that an individual ever makes an emotional connection with; she’s also the first one to play the role of supplying nourishment to her child. Consequently, “PPD can affect familial relationships and a woman’s capacity to care for and bond with her newborn. Some research indicates that young children of depressed mothers are at increased risk of delay in cognitive and language development” (McGarry, Kim, Sheng, Egger, & Baksh, 2009). Postpartum depression can take hold of a woman and her family’s life and is one of the most common complications of childbirth. However, “postpartum depression (PPD) is less frequently detected, treated, or the focus of obstetric research” (McGarry et al., 2009). This is because mothers suffering with postpartum depression are unable to seek proper
A company’s past performance is a good indicator of its future outlook. Investors give proper attention to different ratios. In this report I am analyzing the financial position and financial performance of AT & T to conclude whether it is better to invest in the company or not.
Corporate governance in itself has no single definition but common principles which it should follow. For example in 1994 the most agreed term for corporate governance was “the process of supervision and control intended to ensure that the company’s management acts in accordance with the interest of shareholders” (Parkinson, 1994)1. Corporate governance code is not a direct set of rules but a self-regulated framework which businesses choose to follow. This code has continued to change in the past 20 years in accordance with what is happening in the business world. For example the Enron scandal caused reform in corporate governance with the Higgs Report which corrected the issues which were necessary. Although it does not quickly fix problems, it gives a better framework to
For the purpose of this report, corporate governance is defined as the relationship that exists between company management, stakeholders and the board. Objectives of the company are usually set, attained and monitored through the structure corporate governance provides. (Balgobin 2008).The Guyana Corporate Code of Governance is similar to the UK codes of corporate governance and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2004).These principles serve as a reference point that can be used by companies to develop their own frameworks for corporate governance that reflect their own circumstances or situations.
Most importantly, markets gain interest based on various reasons where some include the core questions of social and political elements. However, questions emerge regarding the occurrence of market failures; the term “factors” is attributed to the various types of market failures. This paper will focus on answering these questions with in-depth emphasis on defining market failures as well as their various types (Keech and Munger 6). Additionally, it will help in determining how market failures pose a problem for the utilitarian defense of the economic theory of corporate social
It’s noticeable how the company’s operations have been deteriorating as they are having a more difficult time translating sales into cash. Their A/R turnover is not where it needs to be, and in line with that, their liabilities are increasing as well. The company has also been inefficient with the use of their assets as their current activity ratios are not up to par with the industry standards.
In Australia the corporate failures means the “insolvency” that a company cease its business operation(Michaela 2012, 365-366). The categories of corporate failures are six possible reasons that lead the failure of corporate(Mickelwaith 2006, 2-6). The accounting theory is a way to explain the accounting practice or prescribe how accounting should be done(Michaela 2012, 133-134). Additionally, the corporate governance was defined that the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes can be exercised and controlled by corporate(Council 2014, 3).
This was a very interesting article, in my opinion it brings to mind the derived phrase, which came first the chicken or the egg. Meaning, is corporate governance an attempt to control the results of unethical practices of corporations or is it meant to deter them. In reading this article, it is clear that certain corporations practiced unethical business behaviors for self-interest, but the questions this author have are: 1. Should corporate governance be regulated by the legislature as well as the organization and to what degree, 2. Is corporate governance, there to protect the shareholder or the stakeholder, 3. How effective is corporate governance on a global level. The need for a governance system is based on the assumption that the separation between the owners of a company and its management provides self-interest executives the opportunity to take actions that benefit themselves, with the cost of these actions borne by the owners (Larcker & Tayan, 2008).