Community development involves assisting communities and empowering them to attain well-being. This is done through advocacy, organizing communities and mobilizing resources. Other than theories of economics, development and politics, community development is also influenced by contributions from the field of psychology. Different branches of psychology help us to understand community needs, their cultural dispositions, and how communities form social cohesion and participate in community initiatives. The concept of psychological sense of community was initially propagated by the psychologist Seymour Sarason (1974). The Sense of Community describes the sentiment of belonging, trust and cooperation that people of a community
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Human needs theorists further understand that although needs cannot be compromised, they can be addressed in a generally win-win or positive-sum way.
People are motivated to work towards achieving a need that they feel they have. The more acutely they feel the need the more willing they are to work towards meeting that need. It is for this reason that communities should be exposed to experiences that could in a reasonable time earn the community a higher value than it currently has. A project manager’s ability to effectively appeal to one of these motivational drivers is a key determinant to the potential success of a project.
A project manager should also beware that communities are at different levels of development. Different communities (or even members of the same community) will be at different levels of development and awareness at any one time and a community’s behavior is heavily influenced by its history and various forces around it.
In such circumstances, we expect that a community will most likely behave differently not only from other communities, but, also within the same community. It is for such reasons then that it would be unreasonable to expect a community that is struggling with its basic survival to be enthusiastic about unselfish pursuits. Some services, BepaPay, for example, may be marketed successfully to those in the third or fourth level of Maslow
From the summit meeting that occurred between the 1st and 2nd of January, the majority opinion among those in attendance was the continuation of the Great Leaps Westward, finishing it from the point it originally started almost a year earlier. With the Remnants beginning to become an important player in the Ryanite war effort, they started to work at the forefront in the assisting of the RGA and their allies’ goals. As a result of their cooperation, should the dubbed ‘Second Great Leaps Westward’ be deemed a success like the first one, the RGA’s most important allies will be given significant rewards. In the case of the Dwellers, it meant new Dweller cities to be added to their fledgling Coalition; for the Republic and Confederation, the complete fulfillment of a central tenet within the Catholic School Conservationist Movement, which entailed the westward expansion of the Children’s Paradise and the prosperity that comes with it. Similar rewards were also given to its other allies as well.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is used to analyze motivation of consumers, which are composed of 5 five stages. From the lowest level to the highest one respectively are physiological, safety, belongingness, ego needs, and self-actualization. (Solomon and Barmossy et al., 2006)
Project management provides a strong foundation for developing the attributes needed to pursue high-level leadership roles, analytical positions, and many other areas within the business environment.
All fields of business, including the project management field holds a duty to making a conscious effort to provide back to the community. This can sometimes be overlooked in the speed and ramifications of everyday business work, yet there are still people that find ways to connect professional organizations, colleges, and business leaders together to reach out to the project management community and others to provide opportunities that all parties involved can learn and grow from.
There are many management styles when it comes to an effective work environment. In correctional officers jobs they do their work by day to day events, where crisis is encountered every day, and leadership is essential to keep an operative system running. The basis for all management is leadership where correctional officers should have authority, talent, experience, ethics, and training. One that really stands out is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for prison guards. Prison guards need to feel important as they are caring for and essentially keeping appalling criminals safety. They need to know what they are doing is important for society and also be emotionally stable to handle the high levels of stress they will encounter. All levels of the pyramid need to be met for prison guards to justly do their jobs while also staying mentally fit for their work.
Abraham Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 's in Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires. Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfill the next one, and so on. The earliest version of Maslow 's hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often viewed as hierarchical levels inside a pyramid. The five stage representation can be separated into basic needs and growth needs. The deficiency or basic needs are said to motivate and stimulate individuals when they are unmet and not fully attained. Also, the desire to fulfill and accomplish such wants and needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. Once these needs have been relatively satisfied, an individual may be capable of reaching the highest level of the pyramid called self-actualization. Maslow though that self actualization is a state that exists when an individual is acting in harmony with his or her full capabilities. In Cormac McCarthy 's novel, The Road, we will examine the character 's physical journey towards self-actualization on Maslow
Throughout my career, I increased my capabilities through a series of challenging projects. Whether designing and constructing an orphanage in Africa or planning a research facility on the Arctic glacier of Greenland, I have learned there is no individuality in project management and everyone involved must function as a team.
For this paper, I chose one of my colleague Devin who works with me at our office. I chose him because he is a psychology major and I find him interesting in terms of his curiosity in the field of psychology. In terms of his education, he is currently in his senior year of school and is majoring in psychology with honors. When asked about a particular focus in the field of psychology, he said that he does not have a specific track, but enjoys learning about positive and community psychology. While interviewing Devin, I also learned these terms specifically about positive and community psychology and how he uses the same knowledge into his daily work. I learned that the term positive psychology refers to the strengths that allow communities and individual to thrive (Michael & Neuman, 2010). On the other hand, the term community psychology refers to how individuals relate to their community, and the reciprocal of how communities relate to the individuals (Anonymous, 2015).
Throughout human history people have sought to better themselves and ascend to higher levels beyond what others thought possible. As many might say, life is more than just surviving, it is about doing the things one dreams of, learning new things, mastering new skills, and being with the people that one enjoys being with. On the contrary, not all people get to do any of those things. It seems that the ultimate goal is self-actualization and life fulfillment, yet why do people never seem to reach that point?
Fukushima represents a catastrophe that had world wide implications for the nuclear power sector. On March 11, 2011, following a major earthquake, a 15 m tsunami hit the coast of Japan. This natural disaster caused a great deal of damage to the surrounding areas, but had a particularly dangerous effect on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. In response to the initial earthquake, the operating units at Fukushima were automatically shutdown (Hindmarsh, 5). The 15 m tsunami, which hit the plant, flooded it under several meters of water. This combined caused the entire plant to suffer a complete power blackout. It was not believed that the plant would lose all power, nor that a tsunami of such size could occur (Hindmarsh 28). Resulting from the loss of power, existing cooling functions for the reactors were shut down also and as a result, fuel in the core was damaged, and radioactive material was released into the environment (Hindmarsh 12). Charles Perrow's Normal Accident Theory (NAT) proposes "a framework for characterizing complex technological systems such as air traffic, marine traffic, chemical plants, dams, and especially nuclear power plants according to their riskiness" (“Normal Accidents” 5). Perrow suggests that systems that are highly complex and tightly coupled create the environment for ‘normal accidents’ to occur; that is, accidents that are inevitable (“Normal Accidents” 88-89).
The Thrive approach was created by a body of specialists including OFSTED who have worked within education since 1994. Thrives approach is to identify children at an early stage in their emotional development. Addressing the emotional development of an individual at an early stage can build upon the individuals or child’s resilience, which in turn can help reduce the risk of mental illness.
Another flash surrounded the car and Penelope’s hands started shaking, everything came back to her. William hopped back in the car and stared at her, “Penelope?”still shaking she flung herself against him “They wiped my memories, I told them I wouldn’t marry Cori. They threatened my family, I tried to leave and they wiped my memory. I think this is their final threat, if I leave I loose everything. None of you stay, they won’t give me new memories, they will erase months and I wake up in the middle of the woods.” He rubbed her back and neck softly “It’s okay. It’s okay.” Suddenly, Cleo’s voice broke into her mind in a gloating manner Still want to leave? Penelope looked up at Liam “When they wipe me, make sure I get home. Don’t leave me.” She
I believe this video is included in our patient care class to show us that there are many different kinds of disabilities a patient can suffer, all the while keeping a positive attitude. Something that stuck out the most in each person’s story was their want of independence. They want to live a normal life and be treated like any normal person. Being able to accomplish simple goals without the help of others is apart of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I think that this is hard for some health care workers to understand. At the end of the day the job is to help people who can’t help themselves. The reality is that even though most disabled people cannot do certain things on their own, they still want to try. It will be our job to make sure that
William Byrd and Leonardo Da Vinci and the composer and artist duo that I have chosen from the Renaissance era or music and art. As Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in a city called Vinci, Republic of Florence which today is not modern day Italy and died on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67 in the city of Amboise, Kingdom of France. Da Vinci was more known as an artist and scientist, but was also an inventor, architect, musician, mathmation, engineer, astronomy, writer, historian, and geologist. So you could say that Da Vinci was a “Renaissance man,” meaning that he was pretty much good at everything he did. Da Vinci’s most notable works of art were the “Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and the Lady with an Ermine.” Da
been widely established in areas such as the planning and control of time, cost and quality. In