I am currently working as a Physical Design Engineer at “Qualcomm India Private Limited”, Bangalore, India and I hold a bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India. I want to pursue graduate studies because it provides me the right platform for research. I envision a career involved mainly with research because it welcomes new ideas, gives me more opportunities to explore my areas of interest and put forward new theories and implement them on my own. I feel that formulating and developing ideas is actually always more interesting than merely using them.
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering at JNTU-Hyderabad laid the right platform for me in gaining knowledge in the domain of electronics and its related fields. My interest in circuit design was sparked by the course Electronic Devices & Circuits where I first learned the principles of circuit analysis. I learned from fundamental concepts to the advanced design and analysis methods of VLSI integrated circuits and their diverse applications, during my junior and senior years, through courses like Linear & Digital Integrated Circuits, DSP, VLSI design and their associated course projects. I was deeply impressed by how semiconductors and VLSI have brought forth a reign in electronics industry with their immensely wide applications.
As an undergraduate student I had a strong reputation in the university. I ranked third in my department. My
"The antigen then binds to the immunoglobulin E activating the fceRI receptors on the mast cells and basophils. These cells then release histamines into the blood system in response.” Wow, this happened to me all because of a nut? That’s what I thought when I looked up what anaphylaxis was for the first time. The event that sparked this curiosity also ignited my path through life. If it weren’t for that day I wouldn’t have the mindset that helped me realize my inquisitive, hands-on nature and my compassion made engineering the right profession for me.
In my Fall 2014 semester I was on the Dean’s list. As a student at Towson University I will excel academically and will be on the Dean’s list more than once, that is a promise I am willing to make. In fact, I am so confident I will be successful at Towson University that I have made it my top choice; I applied exclusively to this school. My dream of attending Towson University first began in the 11th grade. I was determined to get an internship in the fashion industry, and in the summer of 2011 I made it happen. Marsha, my boss at the time was, in the midst in looking for interns for her up and coming local TV show
My most important scholastic honor was to be placed on the Dean’s Honor Roll during the Fall Quarter of my junior year of college. It signified renewal in my college career and was directly resulted from my improved living situation. My grades initially suffered during the first two years of college due to my home responsibilities of raising my sister, helping build the family business, and getting married. I also had to deal with my immigration issues and find the means to afford college. I confronted my conflicts head on by taking the initiative and adapting to solve them. By junior year, I had solved my immigration issues and funded my education from the family business that I helped manage and build. This allowed me to dedicate more time
It’s been a whole academic year being an engineering major at Drexel University. The variety of experiences, skills, and late nights under my belt have accumulated and become a set of values to represent the life of a student in STEM. A simple way to get a glimpse of this life is to understand the inner workings of the classes I took with my fellow engineering students.
I am especially interested in doing graduate work in the area of educational/instructional technology. I like learn how to incorporate technology into the lives of educators and adult learners. I love technology, it is my life, and I see technology as our greatest hope for so many things, from enhancing our capacity to teach advanced mathematics to our children at home to uniting the world one laptop at a time. I consider my greatest quality or asset in life to be my passion for technology and
Overall, I believe I performed to a high standard throughout my undergraduate career. During my time at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, I was able to complete my undergraduate degree in eight semesters, including an occasional winter and summer term. In these eight semesters, I achieved a 4.0 twice, despite a heavy schedule. For several other semesters, I finished with a GPA greater than a 3.5, and never had a semester below a 3.0. Upon receiving my degree, I was awarded Cum Laude for graduating with a GPA of 3.55. I earned only two C’s in my undergraduate career, one of which was my first semester in college, where I was still learning how to be successful on a college level. I was on a scholarship throughout my undergraduate career, and it required me to keep my semester GPA above a 3.0. This scholarship not only allowed me to pursue higher education, but it also helped mold me to be a hard worker which led to my academic achievements. I feel a great part of my academic success is due to my work ethic and studying habits. I approached my undergraduate education as my main priority or job. I kept all my notes organized by class, in a color coded notebook filled with post it notes on upcoming exams or other important details. I spent countless hours and nights in the library of UMBC, making sure I stayed on top of my studies, and never fell behind with my coursework. My drive to do my best led me to visiting professors during office hours to ask questions and learn
With unabated advancements in the field of science and technology, many opportunities were created in new dimensions so as to make this world a better living place. To excel in the futuristic workplace of tomorrow, one will need to possess a perfect blend of theoretical study and practical experience. I want to be a part of this exciting race to create a safe and sophisticated tomorrow and I envision graduate studies as a path towards my advancement in this direction.
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” -Henry Ford
There is no clear starting point when I began to become interested in engineering. Throughout high school, I’ve been naturally drawn towards my math and science classes. When I began visiting colleges with my older brother, it was the engineering portions of the tours that captured my attention. Upon looking into engineering further, I’ve discovered engineering couldn’t have fit my interests better. As a problem solver, fiddling with problems, even if they’re out of my skill range, comes with great pleasure.
Being able to graduate with a Bachelor of Engineer (Honours), majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, will allow me to work in a range of sectors with high-level technology. Skills that I will develop in the course of my degree such as having a high level of technical knowledge and IT skills as well as having strong analysis and practical problem-solving abilities to improve designs. These are core skills that are valued in my future career as an Electrical and Electronic Engineer, which will also help me direct my career into areas such as; designing and testing circuit building blocks, computer programming and computer-aided design. Throughout the duration of my degree, I plan to undertake
My most important honor was making the Dean’s Honor’s List for the spring quarter of my sophomore year, because it gave me the belief and determination to finish my undergraduate career in a better academic standing to how I started it. My performance during the first four quarters at UCLA decreased my GPA. Entering at 17 years old, I was naïve to the dedication needed to succeed in such an academic environment, and with all the distraction I lost focus and my grades suffered. My second winter break was the turning point where I realized that committing only 50% effort to academics would never ensure success. The next quarter saw me more focused than ever before, and with the extra effort my results improved. It was still not perfect, and I
I am Udit, a research fellow in Shock Tunnel Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. I obtained Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Bombay in 2012. I find myself fascinated by the fields of Gas Dynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. I am particularly interested in the areas of derivative fuels, combustion analysis and design of combustion chamber. It is in this context that I am applying for graduate studies towards MS/PhD in Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford University. I look forward to imbibe from the best, which had prompted me to apply to Stanford University, having had this opportunity with the best in India.
The background is based on the premise that future academic and industrial projects will require engineers to adopt a system level perspective and work with interdisciplinary teams [129]. Accordingly, current engineering students are expected to have system design experiences, and the ability to prototype demonstration systems, and also be able to communicate with engineers working in other areas, as well as identify potential market demand based on available technologies [130]. To date, this type of experience has not been offered sufficiently in classroom lectures and laboratory sessions [131]. Presently, our pedagogical practices tend to focus on conveying technical knowledge rather than giving students experience in system development [132]. The proposed research is uniquely cross-disciplinary in that it includes both fundamental circuit design and signal processing techniques, and this cross-disciplinary approach can be adopted in various ap- plications. Taking into
The rights of this field were initially awarded to Petro-Canada-Shell, but they have since abandoned the field due to the discovery of non-commercial oil and Penobscot has been put up for sale again by the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board in both 2007 and 2013 although they are yet to receive a bid for the field.
Today, the world is dominated by the field of electronics. Innovative ideas are coming into existence in our day to day life. Electronics plays a key role in the organization of any system under consideration. This trait of electronics extends into a broader scope. Thus, pursuing a career in the electronics field is my goal. Thus, Masters in Electrical Engineering with Electronics as the major is an apt choice to reach my goal.