
Appropriate Wildlife Management in Nicaragua Essay examples

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Nicaragua is a Central American country in tropical region. It is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Because of the unique location, Nicaragua is the home for various types of wild animals. Two species I will mention in this paper are Baird’s tapir and jaguarundi. They both live in rainforest ecosystem, which is the natural home for them. Just as all other species live in Nicaragua rainforest, Baird’s tapir and jaguarundi are facing habitat loss issue. Baird’s tapir is now endangered; jaguarundi is currently not endangered but also suffer a lot from deforestation. Putting in more effort to protect rainforest is one thing Nicaraguan government should do. Long term benefits that rainforest and wild animals live in …show more content…

Nicaragua is the second poorest country of the western hemisphere and the poorest country in Central America. Issues with poverty are mainly all Nicaragua cares right now. Environmental issues such as deforestation are generally ignored by the government because these problems are considered not urgent enough. However, the government cannot neglect the importance of stopping deforestation. It is obviously vital to this country. Tourism is a major part of Nicaragua’s economy. Deforestation is threatening this rising part of economy. Without the terrific environment and so many wild animals, this is no way for tourism to keep developing in the future. Therefore, protecting rainforest is not only critical for protecting wild animals, but also critical for protecting the future of Nicaraguan economy. If the government do not take real actions, it will be the doom for wild animals like Baird’s tapir in near future. Nicaragua is a poor country, but it still has an advantage about rainforest and wildlife. Now it is slowly losing this advantage. Rainforest and wildlife should be the symbol and hope for this country. Nicaragua cannot afford to lose them. They are simply priceless.
There are many actions the Nicaraguan government should take in order to save rainforest. Firstly, setting agreement with local

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