Now it was half way down the list and the story she gave for the next question led to some serious cringe from both ends. I asked her, what had been her worst/most unpleasant writing experience. She literally sighed and shook her head looking down for a few moments. To make a not-so-long story, shorter, that incident happened when she was in English class in high school. Her class was assigned to write a sci-fi story about anything. She wrote about a robot that was a womanizer, and her teacher found it so disturbing that he contacted her parents and sent her to see a psychiatrist, because he thought she was having troubles at home. On a positive note, she still passed that essay even though the aftermath of writing it was awkward and
The title of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter refers to the literal symbol of ignominy that Hester Prynne’s community forces her to wear as a reminder of her sin. Though the word “ignominy” is used in sympathetic passages that describe Hester Prynne’s disgrace as an adulteress and out-of-wedlock mother, its use at the same time reveals an extremely critical description of Hester’s community; Hawthorne finds that what is truly disgraceful is the way the community relishes and exploits the opportunity to punish one of its members.
Angalia Bianca is a women who spent 12 years in prison. Angalia started off her story by telling everyone some background knowledge on herself. She was homeless for 20+ years and battled a heroin addiction for over 36 years. Angalia use to be a part of a gang when she was younger which she thinks play a role in how effective she is when she’s spreading peace. Angalia has since then stated working with Ceasefire/Cure Violence at the University of Illinois Chicago. Ceasefire is a program that was created to prevent violence and fatal shootings. Bianca became a public advocate and working with cease fire due to all the corruption she have witnessed over her years. She also stated that she is tired of kids getting killed. She wants to make a change
All throughout my years of schooling, I’ve had just about, one paper that was about one page long, due every year. My papers never had to be more than one page in length. Therefore, I did not have to do much writing or do many essays. Surely not enough to remember any of the assignments. Writing has never been something I enjoyed doing, so I never bothered to many any memories of my writing experiences. I did not think it was necessary to remember any of them since I only had to do them to get a grade. The only writing experience I remember was the first assignment I had in this English 100 class about a writing experience. All week long, I sat there thinking about what to write about, but nothing came to mind as a topic. Then, one thing came to mind, but it was so very vague, I could not write the length that was needed for the assignment. I could only think of a few sentences to write for it. After sitting for a few moments longer, I thought, how about I write about how difficult it was for me to write this essay before it was due.
In “Expectations for College Writing,” the author indicates the importance of thinking and communicating to succeed after college. A writer’s style acknowledges a social or academic expression. A writer’s skill to rationalize ideas and think critically demonstrates an essential technique for enhancing communication in the work environment.
Waking up before the sunrise is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class, then practice, which dominates the day. There are few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of a student athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. Like most students, these athletes need money, but do not have a spare second to work. Without any source of income, athletes are put at a major disadvantage. Their full-time job is athletics, in addition to rigorous college-level courses. The possibility of becoming a professional and making millions becomes very appealing. This course of action leads to student athletes making money illegally, dropping out of school, or leaving school early without a degree to try and make it professionally.
The importance of college-level writing is a topic that is very much backed up and accompanied by facts and studies. Writing in the college-level is needed in order to master college work in any class. Basically all classes require you to more than likely submit some kind of research paper or essay. Writing for Learning to Improve Students’ Comprehension at the College Level by Fahad Alharbi as well as Luiza Costa Ribeiro, Writing Essays at College: Why it’s Important both go into detail on how important writing at this level is and all the skills learned for during and after college. As well on how you can benefit from them.
I have never been the type of student who enjoyed reading or writing. I have always found it difficult to express myself by writing narratives, book reports, and any other required assignment. I am far more skilled at speaking or verbal expression in general as I have found over the years that people tend to misunderstand my point if it is written.
The inevitable had happened; I, as a small child, was demanded to read. A little antisocial human being launched into a world of, at first, difficult words and lengthy phrases. While words and literacy were forced into my mind, I had reluctantly begun the adventure to enjoy and accept the art of literature. Later however, my hopes and dreams were crushed to pieces by a gruesome teacher with an interesting form of a so called “grading policy.”
Write down for both your writing - as well as for your audio-visual skills what your strengths and weakness are. Be concrete and detailed. Give evidence / arguments why you think this is so. Below some sentences are given which may help you on your way.
A person can read and write a great deal in one day whether they realize it or not. Whether it be texting a friend or reading a textbook for a certain class, you are reading and writing constantly and a daily basis. What surprised me the most about the reading and writing that I did on Sunday was how much I am reading and writing on my phone. Whether I am texting to coordinate plans with a friend for the night or reading a random article I saw while reading a Facebook news feed, I am constantly reading and writing on my phone. I never considered it reading and writing when I used my phone, I just saw it as looking at my phone. Just staring at this four-inch screen for some sort of entertainment. What also surprised me was how much we read without noticing it. You can walk down State Street and you will be constantly reading by looking at stores, posters, or even words on a bus that is passing by. Our eyes and brains are looking at and reading words all the time.
Week one assignment is to write a three to four page paper on how I can prepare for academic success at the graduate level. This assignment paper should identify characteristics of graduate writing and explain how writing at the graduate level differs from other forms of writing. This paper will allow me to evaluate my own writing strengths and weaknesses by utilizing the Grammar and Writing Guides on the eCampus to help me identify these areas. In this paper it will identify what I deem as best practices for managing my time and stress associated with balancing graduate school and other life responsibilities.
While doing Project One I learned a lot about how I should be writing in the future. When beginning this assignment, I didn’t think I would learn a lot but to my surprise this project had a positive effect on me as a writer. I have changed my perspective on this class and how it will significantly benefit my future writing skills. I found this the project challenged me because it is the first proper essay I have writing in over two years. I found myself having to go through it a lot after I wrote it. In the past I just quickly threw my thoughts down. I learned from this project I need to be more aware of a lot of things before I write. Next time I will structure my ideas and thoughts more before I begin writing. I think in the future I will
During my past writing experience, I have struggled with formulating and initiating interesting points of discussion, grammar, and transitions. I have often sat down to work on a paper and found myself completely drawing a blank on anything interesting to write about. Whether I am given a specific prompt or general topic to discuss, I constantly struggle with finding a starting point. Once I do, I become too focused on trying to create a poetic sounding paper, rather than focusing on the main discussion points. In some ways, focusing on making my papers poetic have added detail and depth to my writing. However, this frequently distracts me from my papers main theme. One of my biggest drawbacks with writing has always been proper grammar usage.
Think about your experiences of writing at college. Which types of assignments have you found helpful in strengthening your writing skills? Where do you want to improve your writing? What’s the most useful advice you’re received that’s helped you improve your writing. Be as specific as possible.
A successful writing experience you have written is my first term paper in my prior course Pathways to Academic Success. Coming back to school after fifteen years was actually scary to me and I felt unsafe around my ability academically.