
Aquinas And Religion

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Thomas Aquinas is a famous medieval Christian student, teacher, thinker, and writer. In Catholicism, he is referenced as Doctor of the Church, since his writings and teachings are well-respected and used today. Aquinas is most well-known for his work, “Summa Theologica”. Summa Theologica was written for student’s studying theology. The Summa Contra Gentiles was written before the Summa Theologica, which rejects non-biblical knowledge of God. Aquinas focuses on emphasizing both the knowledge of God through the bible, in addition to natural reason. He furthermore wrote this piece to reason with nonbelievers of the Christian faith. There has been a battle and debate for centuries between science and religion, since science is seeing and religion is …show more content…

In the beginning of the Summa Contra Gentiles, Aquinas mentions how truth correlates with intellect and the universe, “the ultimate end of the universe, therefore must be the good of intellect. This good is truth. Truth must consequently be the ultimate end of the whole universe…” (Aquinas, 99). In his first chapter, Aquinas establishes the first philosophy is the science of truth. Aquinas is discussing in regards to the science of truth the origin of truth, which covers both faith and reason principles for where these ideas come from. The “science of truth” sets up the centuries old debate about the beginning of the universe. Faith of course says that God creates all. Meanwhile, science says evolution is how we all evolved and through natural selection. Medicine is used as an example in the text for a situation that puts an individual in a “hypocritical’’ state. A patient may be Catholic for example which is the divine truth, and as a Catholic we are supposed to speak the truth

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