Occurrence of microRNA expressions using various nutrient deficiencies presented to Arabidopsis thaliana
Arabidopsis thaliana is the model organism chosen for investigation of miRNA expression because its entire genome has been sequenced (Weems 362-369). This organism also has a short life cycle and grows relatively quick with restricted space and this also makes it useful for lab research (Weems 362-369). The nutrient concentrations that were observed in this study included phosphorus and sulfur. These nutrients are specifically used because they are considered macronutrients that are required for plant growth (Axtell). Phosphorus is a component of nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATP and coenzyme. Sulfur is also a component
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The plant recognizes the double stranded mRNA as foreign and breaks down the complex. This acts as a negative post-transcriptional control (Axtell). The four microRNAs used for this investigation were miR156, miR395, miR399 and miR398. The control, miR156, has no nutrient requirement and would be expected to show no change due to nutrient levels changing (Hsieh 2120-2132). miR399 is up-regulated during phosphate starvation and thus targets phosphorus uptake and metabolism (Hsieh 2120- 2132). miR398 is regulated when there is Copper/Zinc starvation, targeting the enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Bouché 684– 686). This stress responsive miRNA has low levels of expression in both low sulfur and phosphorus environments (Bouché 684- 686). Lastly, miR395 depends on sulfur concentrations and targets mRNAs involved in sulfur metabolisms (Hsieh 2120-2132). These miRNAs should show different effects due to the nutrients …show more content…
The control in this experiment was the full media plate. The independent variable manipulated in this study was the media type that the seeds were grown on. The dependent variable measured was the varying levels of miRNA expression. I did a full media plate. The plates were then allowed to grow for two weeks. The full media plate was used in comparison to the low phosphorus and low sulfur plates. After growth the plants were collected with sterilized tweezers and grinded using a lysis mix and a pestle. Next, the kit used for isolating the small RNAs was a Sigma mirPremier microRNA isolation kit following the manufacturer’s protocol. The microRNAs were then run in the thermocycler performing reverse transcription reactions to convert the RNAs into single-stranded complementary DNAs. Reverse Transcriptase Master Mix was used for the reverse transcription reactions. Lastly, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qt-PCR) was used to analyze the microRNA levels. Four microRNAs were examined for each media type. Every media type was analyzed using this procedure and U6 was used as the reference gene for analysis. A U6 Master mix and miRNA master mix were used for analysis of each media type. The four primers used for analysis were miR156, miR395, miR398 and miR399. The efficiency values, E, were then obtained from the previous study (data
vulgaris plants, via the formation of a standard curve prepared using varying concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution. Following absorbance readings of the various BSA solutions, they were plotted against their concentrations providing an indirect measure for determining protein concentrations of the plant samples within the assay tubes, and through further calculations the sample protein concentration. The mean protein concentration for the control group was calculated to be 3.34 ± 1.30 mg/mL, while the mean treated group concentration was 2.01 ± 1.26 mg/mL. These results similarly like the chlorophyll results correlate with the literature articles, as a reduced protein content within the Paraquat treated plants can be expected to some extent (Chia et al., 1981). This reduction in protein concentration is the result of those superoxide anions produced by Paraquat, disrupting the chloroplast membranes and allowing for intracellular components including some proteins to leak out, hence the decrease in protein concentration in comparison to the non-treated plants (Qian et al., 2009). A slight outlier may exist within the treated groups protein concentrations as one of the groups provided a negative value for protein concentration which is not valid, but even after exclusion of that data value, results are still supportive of the expected outcome. Though these results support the claim of Paraquat toxicity causing membrane deterioration and leakiness, protein concentration values are rather more purposeful when used to analyze malondialdehyde (MDA) values on per mg of protein
The first lab was conducted to analyze how germination affects the rate of cellular respiration in lima beans compared to dormant seeds. In order to
At the start of this experiment we were required to obtain a set of four Wisconsin Fast Plants, which are genetically, known as Brassica rapa. These plants have been, “originally selected under continuous fluorescent light to grow and reproduce quickly for research purposes, these petite, fast-growing plants have been used for teaching biology concepts” (Wisconsin Fast Plants). These four pots that contain our plants will be under our watch for the next 16 weeks where we will show our results at the end of the semester.
However, for each quad, the fertilizer used for the control was added altogether with the fertilizers being studied. Since the only plant that presented growth was in the control quad, it becomes necessary to explore the effects of excess fertilizers, and furthermore, excess nitrogen, would have in the development of the fast plants. Although Nitrogen is one of the elements most living organisms require, some studies have showed high levels of nitrogen can cause toxic stress to some plants, to the point where growth can be inhibited. (Yu et al.
A plant's growth ability is dependent on its ability to acquire the resources it needs to survive. Competition such as interspecific and intraspecific, limiting resources, and population density affect the fitness level of a plant. This experiment was conducted in order to test the capability of collards and radishes to grow in manipulated densities under interspecific and intraspecific competition. I hypothesized that both collard and radish plants will grow more efficiently in single species pots under low-density conditions. I also hypothesized that in the mixed species plots the radishes will be more fit to survive and grow better than the collard plants in both the high and low-density pots. Both high and low density and single and mixed species plots were planted and results were observed. There was a significant
This experiment began on the first day of lab by planting 12 total seeds from the F1 generation in six individual cells. Potting soil was added until each cell was a little
Today’s lab incorporated the six steps of the scientific method to the growth and development of their own Wisconsin Fast Plant, also referred to as “Brassica rapa” in the scientific community. My group’s experiment included researching the effect of acidity on seed germination. The Wisconsin Fast Plant or Brassica rapa, was originally created by Professor Paul H. Williams at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The word Brassica can refer to many different plants such as mustard plants, cabbages, rapes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, turnip, rutabaga, and the Chinese cabbage. The Brassica rapa plants were created to help provide a better understanding and more research on the Brassica plant’s family diseases. Brassica rapa plants are in the Cruciferae family, and are named this way because all of the plants have 4 flowers in the form of a crucifix.
Photosynthesis is essential for a plant to survive. In order to perform photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is needed and is the most important component in the creation of matter. There are two other factors that go into photosynthesis, which are solar energy and water. Both are equally important in order to perform photosynthesis, but they don’t create the majority of the matter in a plant. The carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere which has a high concentration of carbon. “During the spring when plants start growing again, concentration drops” (Riebeeck p.5). Plants absorb the carbon dioxide and keep it, in order to grow. Once the carbon dioxide is fixated, glucose is produced and used in the process of cellular respiration.
Figure 1: . In 2010 A cartoon by Piraro about how fast food effect pigeons which representing the people who addicted on fast food.
The play I went to go to see was called An Octoroon written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. I have never been to a play at the Mixed Blood Theatre, so I was very excited to go and see this play. This play has been mentioned a lot lately by some of my theatre professors, and they said it would be very interesting. They also mentioned to not worry about the bunny too much, but I did. I am very glad I got to see this unique play with its many interesting views.
Throughout time, greed can take shape of thoughts and emotions and guide down paths of ill will. The prophecy made by the three witches in Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, drives Macbeth upon a path of destruction to fulfill his destiny. The predictions made by the three witches show how one must not take every word sincerely and become overconfident, because assumptions can lead to misinterpretation, which in turn can lead to downfall. Macbeth and Banquo, the Thane of Lochaber, both receive prophecies from the three witches, which they each interpret differently (with a focus on Macbeth).
This procedure has also been performed successfully in the lab with dicots, broadleaf plants, soybeans and tomatoes for many years. Through this procedure, the desired gene and marker is inserted into the tDNA of the plasmid. Tissues of the organism are then transferred to a medium containing an antibiotic or herbicide in order to tell if the organism has successfully taken up the desired gene because only the tissues expressing the marker will survive. These tissues are then grown under controlled environmental conditions in tissue cultures containing nutrients and hormones so that whole plants are grown. When plants are grown and have produced seed, an evaluation of the progeny is done making sure that the desired traits have been passed on (Understanding GMOs).
This data shows a strange outcome, in the hypothesis; it says that “If acid is introduced to the seed during germination, then the roots will not grow as long as the seeds that are given water”. This statement proves to be untrue, because the roots grew longer with stronger acid than weaker acid, and in some, cases, grew better with strong acid than it did in water. This may be true because of the acid growth theory. The acid growth theory states that auxins cause the elongation of stem cells by promoting wall loosening. It was determined that this wall loosening is caused by hydrogen ions. This idea and subsequent supporting data gave rise to the acid growth theory, which states that when exposed to auxins, susceptible cells excrete protons into the wall at an enhanced rate, which in turn decreases the pH in the wall. The lowered wall pH then activates the wall loosening process which is essentially doing the same thing as the auxin hormone.
Today, modern movies often portray women as strong, courageous feminists or even the heroine that will eventually help save her people. However, Pretty Woman focuses on how women are viewed as objects in a world dominated by powerful men. The protagonist is viewed as an outcast in society, because she is not rich and poised and because she is a prostitute, until she becomes the epitome of society’s ideal woman - rich, beautiful, and well maintenance, through the help of a well respected businessman, in which she is then embraced by those in the high class society. However, the protagonist refuses to let society’s standards change her dreams and the way she views herself. By depicting that the “ideal woman” is someone who has to rely on men for help and has to have elegance and affluence in order to be well respected or successful in society, Pretty Woman emphasizes that women are only viewed as objects in a dominant male society. Even though the “ideal woman” is someone who
The evolution of ACC also brings about the production of 5¢-methylthioadenosine-nine. Increase in the rate of respiration of the fruit gives ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) need for the methionine cycle and can lead to induced ethylene production without high levels of intracellular methionine. SAM is a crucial methyl giver and relates to numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. Thus, the two steps involved in the synthesis of ethylene is the formation of ACC and its conversion into ethylene. The genes encoding ACS and ACO have therefore been studied more deeply than other enzymes in the pathway, although there is proof that a few other genes concerned with methionine synthesis and methionine salvage pathway are differentially demonstrated throughout ripening and in response to ethylene (Alba and others 2005; Zegzouti and others 1999). ACS and ACO are encoded by multigene families in higher plants, with tomato having at most nine ACS (LEACS1A, LEACS1B, and LEACS2-8) and five ACO (LEACO1-5) genes (Barry and others 1996; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Oetiker and others 1997; Van-der-Hoeven and others 2002; Zarembinski and Theologis 1994). Expression survey has disclosed that at least four ACS (LEACS1A, LEACS2, LEACS4, LEACS6) and three ACO (LEACO1, LEACO3, LEACO4) genes are differentially shown in tomato fruit (Barry and others 1996, 2000; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Rottmann and others 1991). LEACO1, LEACO3, andLEACO4 are shown at low levels in green fruits that are in the first