
Archetype In Huckleberry Finn

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“Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes” by David Platt. David Platt’s quotes fits in with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain’s theme of learning and education and the archetype, The Orphan because it is talking about how you could oversee something or someone a million times, but once you actual know them, you start to care about them. The archetype the orphan motto is every man is created equal. First, the way an orphan treats others can be a reflection on how they were raised. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn it states “The Widow Douglas, …show more content…

The motto of the archetype the orphan ties itself to this quote because now that there are on the raft there free to do whatever they want to do.Huck started out as a follower and a gullible boy who followed what Tom said for everyone to do. When he was locked in his father’s cabin he learned that he was on his own and had to think for himself. After he escaped he made it seem as though he were killed so no one would follow him, as he and Jim headed down the river he started learning from his mistakes rather than by others and by what others told him. Also as he traveled with jim he was constantly fighting himself about whether he should turn jim in, not for the money but because that's what society and what he thought Miss. Watson had told him he was supposed to do. Eventually he realized that whether society thought it was bad or not he was going to do it because it was what he thought was wright. Near the end of their journey when Huck ran into Tom, Huck lost a little of what he had learned as he had grown down the river. but in the end he learned to think for himself. Also to have freedom you have to learn to for

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