In the city-state of Syracuse, Sicily a Greek mathematician who would soon make history was born: Archimedes From his birth to his adulthood, he proved just how much of a difference one man could make. Through the use of science and mathematics, Archimedes was able to leave a major impact on ancient society. During his youth, Archimedes was an ambitious learner. His father, Phidias, would make Archimedes solve numerous math problems. He solved most of them correctly, proving to his father that he was worthy of a solid education (Zannos 21). He studied in Alexandria, Egypt under the guidance of Euclid. Besides math, Phidias would often take Archimedes for walks at night. During those walks, Archimedes was intrigued by the stars of the …show more content…
King Heiron had just received his crown from the goldsmith and asked Archimedes to test if it was pure gold. Using the density of gold and laws of hydrostatics, Archimedes determined that it was not pure gold and that some of it had in fact been replaced by a cheaper metal. The goldsmith had cheated the king (Hoffman 32). Without Archimedes, the king would have never known the truth. In the field of Mathematics, Archimedes was able to make the most advances in the subject of Geometry. To help people have a better grip on what exactly Geometry was, Archimedes wrote a few books. His three most notable novels were Measurement of a Circle, On Spirals, and On the Sphere and Cylinder. In his books, Archimedes didn’t just tell the reader how Geometry worked; instead, he explained his theorems through careful reasoning (Gow 12). Archimedes made two more theoretical discoveries about Geometry. He discovered the relationship between volumes of spheres and cylinders with the equivalent radius. Not only that, but he also found more accurate measurements of Pi (Gow 7). People believe that Archimedes enjoyed theoretical discoveries much more over practical discoveries. Geometry was all about theory. His love and passion for these types of findings allowed him to discover more and more about Geometry. Archimedes did
Being one of the greatest philosophers of his time, Pythagoras created a society of skilled mathematicians who worked together to facilitate mathematics, showed how numbers can be independent, and proved the Pythagorean theorem, making him iconic in mathematics today. His discoveries of simple yet essential methods are prevalent today throughout many mathematical fields in which they are treasured.
While many mathematicians dealt in theoretical concepts, one stood out for applying these concepts to his inventions. Archimedes developed many mathematical theories and formulas, proving to be a close asset to King Hieron. The King often commissioned new structures and machines from the inventor to aid in maintaining Greece’s power. Eventually, when Rome attacked, Archimedes became head of defense, building new traps and weapons to do things once thought to be impossible. While no longer used for defense, some of his inventions remain in use today.
Archimedes was a Greek Mathematician from Syracuse, Italy. He was an astronomer, physicist, inventor, and an engineer. Minimal details of his life are yet to be discovered, but his achievement of being the leader of scientists in the classical antiquity. Over the years of his life, Archimedes obtained as much knowledge as he could from his teachers and then decided to travel an extremity to Egypt and there began his study of Alexandria. In a lapse of time Archimedes earned a scholarship and he was known for having a great reputation. When he was done with studying and traveling he returned home to continue in the path of invention and thought. Many legends compare to how Archimedes was a replica of King Hero II. Archimedes was also
Hipparchus has made three contributions to astronomy. Hipparchus was the 1st Greek to create a quantitative and an accurate model for the motion of the Sun and Moon. Another contribution he made is more towards mathematical contribution. Hipparchus possessed a trigonometric table and he likely solved problems of spherical trigonometry. The last contribution is he made a reliable method of predicting solar eclipses, and the compilation of the first comprehensive star catalog. Hipparchus has many others work but sadly they are now lost. These included an astronomical and astrological writings and a catalogue of his own works.
Regarding the personal life of Archimedes, not much was saved. However, the famous Greek still made his mark by being a great mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. His greatest accomplishments have been regarding to mathematics, therefore being regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Although it’s a title well deserved, Archimedes wasn’t born a fantastic scholar like he was.
Searching up Archimedes I have found about a few interesting facts about his goals, Achievements, and discoveries. How some of his inventions are still used today and how he had a major impact on how we do things today.
Euclid also worked with deductive reasoning and postulates. Geometry has had a large contribution and influence in the modern society, and has been commonly taught to high-schoolers, and is used in architecture and engineering, as well as construction and graphic design.
Eratosthenes was an Ancient Greek scientist born in the town of Cyrene in about 276 BC. Cyrene is now the town of Shahhat in Libya. He was educated in philosophy and mathematics in Athens. We do not really know what he looked like.Eratosthenes produced a reliable, logical method to discover prime numbers: The Sieve of Eratosthenes. In an updated form, this is still important in modern number theory.
A well known story about Archimedes is that he discovered that every item has a different density. It is said that he was in the bath tub and realized that the water would rise up when different amounts of weight was placed in the water. It was in the tub that Archimedes is said to realize that objects of the same weight would displace different amount of water. It is known with certainty that he then ran through the streets naked saying,
He worked mostly on the different types of triangles and was inspired to work with these shapes because of the pyramids of Egypt. He was interested in measuring the height, width, and how to measure the pyramids of Egypt’s shadows and how it changes. He then started using formulas that are now known as Pythagorean theorem and started working on how to measure the pyramids. With these inventions and rules created by Thales, it has helped the Math field in today’s world by making life easier. These rules have made us discovered how to work smarter, it has helped us measure the pyramids and other architecture’s. Another example, was that he went to visit the pyramids of Egypt to begin his idea of the equation and he began measuring what he needed to. He used geometry to solve the measurement of the pyramids by measuring the height and
The Greeks made several inventions, most notably in the subject of math, which are still studied today and taught in school. Mathematician Euclid is often credited as the “Father of Geometry” for all his work and studies in this subject, which are compiled in his books called The Elements. He organized known geometrical statements called theorems and logically proved all of them. He proved the theorem of Pythagoras (another Greek mathematician), which stated that the equation (c2 = a2 + b2) is true for every right triangle.
Galileo became a successful musician by learning the lute from his mother.(Giulia di Cosimo Ammannati) He was awarded the Chair of Mathematics for his brave work. He also was the first person to study the sky with a telescope.(His own invention!) He also discovered that the Milky way is made of stars. He was the first to discover that other planets have moons.
Pythagoras attempted to find knowledge by relating everyday things to facts and principles like math. A good example of this would be his ideas on pentagrams. He found that the pentagram is full of “mathemagic” because it shows something called the golden ratio. The idea behind the golden ratio is that it shows perfection in everything from a starfish to a human’s
Pythagoras was an exceptional thinker who had a crucial impact on the field of mathematics. His unique ways of thinking and problem solving led to him creating a new theorem, entitled the Pythagorean Theorem, which significantly changed what was known about math. Although there are no known books written about or by Pythagoras from that time, he was influential in the math field and its expansion.
During his career, Eratosthenes became a well renowned mathematician although he was just short of being the best, he was beat out by Archimedes who was the best in almost every subject. Throughout his life Eratosthenes was called β which is the second letter in the Greek alphabet. In 247 B.C. Eratosthenes was appointed to be the Librarian of Alexandria by Ptolemy III Euergetes. Eratosthenes also created the Sieve of Eratosthenes which is a simple, yet effective way of finding prime numbers. The most notable thing he did was find the circumference of the earth, he did this by adopting a simple