Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, Greece. He was a mathematician, physicist, weapons designer, astronomer, inventor, and engineer. Do to lost information; Archimedes' life does not have concrete details. He might have had kids or got married. It is known that he focused on mathematics and science. His discoveries and inventions certainly act as evidence to this.
For the majority of his life, Archimedes lived in Syracuse, Greece. At this time, Greece had a certain focus on scientific discoveries. The enjoyment of knowledge fueled Greek scientists' desire to study the universe. There is very little information about Archimedes' family life, but there is information to support that his father was an astronomer. This also might have motivated
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One of his most famous discoveries actually was made while taking a bath. King Hiero II had himself a crown made out of pure gold. When the crown was finished, King Hiero II thought that some of the gold from the crown had been stolen. He consulted Archimedes about the situation. Archimedes was pondering this problem in the bath, when he suddenly had an epiphany. When he sat down in the bath; the water level increased and when he stood up out of the bath, the water level decreased. This discovery made Archimedes so happy that he forgot to clothe himself before running outside to the king. This is where the famous saying 'Eureka' comes from, for when the idea came to him he yelled this word. Eureka means, 'I've found it!' After this event, Archimedes set to work on solving the king's dilemma. He applied the concept he discovered in the bathtub to solve the problem. He used liquid displacement to find out the volume of the crown. He did this by measuring how much the water level increased when silver was set in water and when gold was set in water. He compared the results to the crown and found that the crown had both silver and gold within it. Archimedes had successfully discovered how to measure the volume of irregularly shaped objects through liquid …show more content…
In fact, his calculation of Pi is used to find the circumference of a circle and the Archimedes' screw is still used to water crops. The formula for finding the circumference of a circle is commonly used as two times Pi times the radius. The main function of Archimedes' screw is to transfer resources. Under transferring resources, there are many uses. It can act as a combine, which cuts and harvests grain and other crops, then collect the product. It also can act as a sewage system in which the wastewater is moved to a treatment plant. The screw can also water crops by pulling water out of the ground and moving the water to crops. In fish nurseries, the screw is used to move fish from one tank to another. As described, the screw has numerous modern day uses. Archimedes' inventions and discoveries certainly benefit modern day
- When people think of Archimedes they often think of the famous tale of his bath, and how he helped discover density whilst unknowingly using the displacement method. -
Major accomplishments he had in his lifetime is he invented the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics. He also discovered the laws of levers and pulleys. He calculated pi to the most precise number still known today. He showed how exponents could be used to write bigger numbers. He also invented the first water pump to get fresh water out of the ground. It was known as the archimedes screw.
Archimedes was a Greek Mathematician from Syracuse, Italy. He was an astronomer, physicist, inventor, and an engineer. Minimal details of his life are yet to be discovered, but his achievement of being the leader of scientists in the classical antiquity. Over the years of his life, Archimedes obtained as much knowledge as he could from his teachers and then decided to travel an extremity to Egypt and there began his study of Alexandria. In a lapse of time Archimedes earned a scholarship and he was known for having a great reputation. When he was done with studying and traveling he returned home to continue in the path of invention and thought. Many legends compare to how Archimedes was a replica of King Hero II. Archimedes was also
Archimedes, born on the island of Sicily in the city of Syracuse around 287 B.C, he was the son of Phidias. Phidias was believed to be an astronomer due to Archimedes referencing him in his work. No one is sure who Archimedes mother is, or how many siblings he had. Most of his early life is a bit of blank. It is believed that Archimedes was a close relative of King Hiero II. Archimedes spent his life furthering his education. He spent most of his life in Syracuse but would eventually travel to Egypt to study in Alexandria,
Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Greece in 287 BC and died in 212 BC. He studied at Alexandria, Egypt which at the time was considered the intellectual hub of the world. It was established by Euclid, another Greek mathematician also known as ‘the Father of Geometry.’ Archimedes later returned to Syracuse after having completed his formal education and spent most of his life in Syracuse, Sicily. Though little is known about his life, his love for pure mathematics and geometry was evident.
2. In 1593, Galileo was questioned about the placement of oars in galleys and submitted a report in which he treated the oar as a lever and made the water the fulcrum. A year later the Venetian Senate awarded him a patent for a device for raising water that relied on one horse for operation. This became the basis of modern pumps. Some people thought Galileo’s Pump was just an improved version on of the Archimedes Screw. However, there is evidence showing Galileo’s invention was connected to Archimedes older and less complicated design.
Archimedes was one of the greatest inventors and mathematicians in history. He lived in ancient Greece during the third century B.C. He enjoyed physics, engineering, and mechanics. At times Archimedes would be so focused on his work, he would absolutely forget to eat and sleep.
He studied sciences and mathematics in the Mouseion among Strato’s pupils in Alexandria. It was here where Archimedes would make his first contribution to society (but certainty not his last). Archimedes’s invention of the Water Screw enabled the rest of the Nile delta that was uphill to be irrigated. His invention is still being used in some parts of Egypt to this day. When he returned to Syracuse he continued his studies of hydraulics and invented the subject of hydrostatics (the study of still water). Archimedes was also interested in geometry, and even used Aristotelian logic and reasoning to prove that Plato’s claim, which states that “It is possible to form a sphere out of a series of triangles or pentagons” was false. Archimedes continued to come up with more inventions and scientific breakthroughs, dazzling the people of Syracuse with his discoveries; most of which, would not have been possible without the influence of Aristotle. However, in 214 BC the city would come under siege by the Romans, but Archimedes would not give up without a
There is one thing that motivated Archimedes and his work, which was his family and culture. Archimedes father, Phidias, who was an astronomer, had a massive impact on Archimedes life. The standards were set high for Archimedes. Originally, Archimedes was born into the Greek scientific culture. Although, he lived in Syracuse for most of his life, he branched out his education in Alexandria, Egypt. During the 16th and 17th century
thales grew up where it was less education. thales had went to egypt to learn about astronomy and math . astronomy was to learn about the heaven and what god was thinking about , when thales came back home , he changed jobs, made lots of money and became the first scientist.
Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist born on the 15th of February 1564 in Pisa, Italy. Galileo had a great passion for science, his main areas being physics, astronomy, mathematics and engineering. Galileo is often referred to as the “father of modern observational astronomy” and the “father of modern science”.
Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and putative founder of the Pythagoreanism movement. He was born in Samos, Greece and died in Metapontum. His parents were Mnesarchus and Pythais. Some say that Pythagoras had three daughters and one son. Others say he never got married and had children. He is referred to as the first pure mathematician. He was a well educated man and was interested in mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, and music. It is said that he was influenced by Pherekydes (philosophy), Thales (mathematics and astronomy) and Anaximander (philosophy, geometry). They don’t know very much about his mathematical achievements. They don’t have any of his writing’s like they do other philosophers.
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In astronomy, he is credited with being the first person to use the little dipper, or Ursa Minor, as a navigational aid. This was very helpful because the little dipper contains the star Polaris, which moves very little during the night sky. It is also claimed that he predicted an eclipse, but this is anecdotal and cannot be confirmed. He also made discoveries in geometry such as his intercept theorem that deals with intersecting lines. He also came up with the theorem that was named after him, the Thales theorem that deals with triangles. In the study of Philosophy, Thales is most known for his position about the nature of matter. Thales believed that all things came from a single substance, and he believed that the substance was water. Thales believed that everything was just a different form of water, and that everything would eventually revert back to water. This was an important philosophical idea because it questioned the nature of all
Mental health within the United states is a very serious issue that has evolved to become more caring and more scientific from its earlier days. Mental illness is the 10th biggest killer in America and a major cause of mass shootings, so there's powerful reasons we need a strong system of treatment for this disease.