Augustus saw Rome as a downtrodden city in comparison to the Empire and he wanted to make life better for the citizens. Working with Vitruvius resulted in On Architecture; architectural standards for planning, design, materials, etc. used to improve the city. One of the first things they did was build a 40-mile aqueduct that brought water to the city center. After establishing a water system, he turned his attention to the housing situation. Augustus felt the houses were too small but knew there was no way to make them bigger. This realization resulted in restoration of temples and beautiful outdoor spaces. He felt this would get people out of their homes and give them something to do.
The above examples mimic modern society and public services we receive. We all have city water; water that flows through aqueducts before it comes into our homes. We also have an assortment of parks across the USA; everything from your neighborhood park to national parks like Mt. Rushmore. But I think I found the most similarity between cultures in the architectural outline
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Augustus wanted the people to like him, if he made life good they would like them and in turn would be loyal. Our public works are ran by budgets, not whether or not the official wants the people to like them. And there’s never enough money so public work improvements have to be prioritized with a completion date that could be several years away. In addition, there are cities in the US who don’t have drinkable water in their homes. In today’s society this is unacceptable. But the government officials who should have been overseeing this and fixed this swept it under the rug. That is until word got out. Augustus was able to build the aqueduct in what I can tell 1 year, yet Flint has been going almost 3 years with poisonous water and repaires haven’t quite started. In fact, they don’t expect it to be completed until 2019 – 5
There are two sides to this story, the government of Flint, MI and the people who reside
The city of Flint is 70 miles away from the costs of the Great Lakes which hold the greatest sources of fresh water, yet there residents still can't get clean tap water. 15% of homes in Flint Michigan are boarded up ,40% of the people are in poverty , high unemployment rate, and consistently on a list for most dangerous places to live in the nation .In an attempt to cut budget cost in 2014 Flint stop getting pre treated water from the city of Detroit . Problems began when the city started using water from the Flint river .Flint River is 19 times more corrosive than Lake Huron (Detroit water source) . City and state officials denied for months that there was a serious problem by that time, supply pipes had sustained major corrosion and lead
He preserved all of the traditional offices while slowly taking many of the offices for him self. He was both consul and tribune. Commander and chief of the military and the senate also gave him direct control of many provinces, these provinces supplied men for his armies and food for them also, not to the senate. Augustus knew the importance of religion in roman society, he then named himself pontifex maximus which means supreme priest. He encourages the construction of temples dedicated to Rome and Augustus. None of these innovations in his ruling method altered the Roman constitution. The laws he did change however were the laws of the provinces of Rome which made them more romanized, so Augustus could be open about his actions so the senate would not bring him down and be with him. The Romans had a strong sense of there traditions and were fascinated by there history they loved when they could point out how the gods operated in there empire and allowed them much conquest of the western world. Before Augustus it looked for the romans as if the gods had left them, for they killed each other in revolutions and civil wars. Augustus’s many military victories and expansion of the empire through land and a political sense, show that the gods where on his side. He glorified Rome by hiring painters, sculptures, architects, and painters to design and build beautiful structures. He has paved the way for future Roman emperors to come.
The Roman leaders found Rome empty and built it into one of the greatest cities of all time. Augustus build a new Forum, with statues of great heroes of Rome, theatres, porticoes,etc. (Document 1). It was called “to be a spectacle from which its is hard to tear yourself away from,” Strabo. Augustus and his men built aqueducts, arches, etc. which are all 21st century items. The government leaders in Rome were always looking out for the safety of the people. There are ancient pictures of Augustus telling the architects to structure all the buildings to stand at least seventy feet high (Document 6). Rome’s people all were permitted to freely gather and bathe. Today we have swimming pools in which all people are allowed to access. Something that has shaped society today, when reflecting back on Roman times, are aqueducts. The Romans received water by using this method of irrigation which was first used in 312 BC. In America and throughout other countries we use irrigation as our water source, a similar source to the aqueducts. Romans used cement to build arches in which water would flow through (aqueducts), today in modern life we still use bridges/arches for many things. Roman architecture is still shown throughout America
An attempt to save money by changing water sources by an indifferent government caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, negative health effects, and a total loss in faith in the government of Michigan. Although measures have been taken to mitigate these problems, their effects have already marred the city of Flint and its
There is a water crisis in Flint. An entire city of low-income people do not have access to fresh water. Many people have died as the result of consuming contaminated water. This is one of the worst public health crisis in American history. Many people claim that America does not have the $400 million needed to help the residents of Flint. However, this country has reportedly handed out $30 billion to Israel.
The aqueducts also gave birth to another landmark in building of early mega-structures: the arches. Through use of arches, aqueducts could be made taller and longer without using a lot of building materials. The aqueducts enabled expansion of Rome and helped keep the city clean. Through aqueducts the common Roman citizen had access to running water, a quantum leap in the civic amenities as per many experts.
The contamination began in April 2014 after the source of the town’s water supply was switched from Lake Huron to the Flint river in order to reduce governmental costs. This was done despite the fact that the Flint River had a strong history of pollution. Among this pollution included car parts, a dead body, and high levels of chemicals. (Semules par 5). Once the pipes were switched there were several complaints of the water having a foul smell and metallic taste (Foley par 4). In the beggining the government denied that anything was wrong despite the fact that lab examinations of the water proved otherwise. Two years after the Flint water crisis gained media attention, the Senate passed a bill that would provide Flint residents with water, but this is
To reassure Roman Citizens that prosperity was evident Augustus set about reconstructing the city of Rome. Coins from the period ( illustrate the ‘health of the republic’ which was an essential part in reinforcing the feelings of stability that the Augustus wanted his people to encompass. The use of propaganda was also in an attempt to bolster his power. The reconstruction of the city involved creating essential services such as roads and aqueducts and also glorified Augustus and set in stone his achievements.
They began to form a new Rome by fusing the Etruscan people with the natives throughout the country. "Rome became recognizable a city; it also acquired some of the features which characterized Greek city-states and distinguished them from other less-civilized communities, in particular a well-defined legendary past, a carefully formulated religion and a disciplined citizen army" (Ogilvie 33). The Etruscans slowly and gradually with success formed many of the key foundations of the Rome that you hear about today. The city turned from a city of mud dwellings to buildings being made of products such as brick, clay, and stucco. The city had aligned streets, although not calculated using math due to the severe differences in its landscape. Public Buildings were built for the purposes of markets and meeting areas. The Etruscans slowly built Rome into a metropolis in the sense of the world today.
The design and structure of a city is as important as the people who dwell within her walls. The placement of streets and the structures built there are carefully plotted for optimal use. Foot and cart traffic, fire hazard, and access to water were all key factors in city planning. Eventually the Romans had fine tuned their design principals in such an advantageous way that they molded all of their city states similarly.
Who knew that Flints water could be deadly? Everyone should be allowed to have the same clean water to bathe in, drink, cook with, and to have fun in. Unfortunately, residents in Flint could not do this for quite some time. These residents were bathing and drinking from this water before the founding of high lead levels in it. Not only was it because of the high lead levels, but the pipes were very old as well. Due to actions made by the city council this caused a lot of problems for the residents in the city of Flint. This effected children, pregnant women, and the elderly the most. Many lawsuits were filed against the city of Flint. It was so serious to the point that Governor Snyder had to declare a state of emergency. This took place January 5th of 2016. High levels of lead in the water and old pipes lead to lawsuits, the sickness of Flint residents, and the city of Flint not doing their job.
Throughout the history of Ancient Rome, the construction of public buildings was used as a political tool, to manipulate the views of the people and to demonstrate the power of the State. The very first emperor of Rome, Augustus, initiated social reform through the construction of buildings from 27 BC onwards. Emperor Vespasian in 69 AD used a similar initiative, and throughout Rome’s history it can be seen that times of civil unrest are often followed by a flourish in architecture and the arts. An example of this can be seen in one of Vespasian’s major building projects, the Colosseum, officially the Flavian Amphitheatre, which had
Roman aqueducts were very important to the ancient Romans and heavily influenced their daily life. The aqueducts brought wealth, power, and luxury to the people of Rome in more ways than imaginable and more than just for the obvious purpose of delivering water. When the wells and rainwater were no longer sufficient for the population of Rome, they had to develop a new method of bringing water into the city. Thus creating the invention of aqueducts.
Many centuries before the birth of Christ, the city of Rome grew, prospered, and developed into a thriving Republic. As in most cultures, Rome's buildings became more elaborate and impressive. They developed fantastic building technologies and ideas. The feats of Roman engineers were groundbreaking, and many structures built by this culture still stand today. With knowledge borrowed from the Greeks, Rome made impressive architectural achievements, these were namely major attributes of buildings, colossal structures, and a legacy that would influence later buildings (Cornell and Matthews 11).