
Are Children Smarter

Good Essays

Are Children Smarter because of the Internet? Most children and parents are so-called “addicted” to their smartphones, tablets, and computers. Our world is constantly changing, by using less paper and more screens. Is this really such a bad thing? Children can learn from the internet and actually become smarter because of it. The internet has the ability to benefit all ages, but especially children. The world is transforming into a digital place, which allows children to grow and learn, find answers in seconds, and keep up with current events around the world. Children are learning how to use smartphones and other devices at a very young age. Some people may think it is ruining their childhood by being on a phone, but children could actually be becoming smarter because of this. “By engaging their brains in more complex tasks at a younger stage in their lives, toddlers are improving their cognition and critical review skills, and displaying a more advanced understanding of both virtual and real worlds” (“4 Ways the Internet is Making Kids Smarter”). Children are participating in games on their tablet or iPad which provides them with ways to improve on …show more content…

Technology is taking over the classroom, so students and teachers need to be up to date on the latest improvements. If toddlers have experience with these games and how they all work, they should be up to speed or ahead when they come to school. “Kindergarten and first grade students were able to improve on word-reading skills, vocabulary knowledge, and phonological awareness when given digital text. Older students who have used e-reading technology have seen improvements with fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension” (“4 Ways the Internet is Making Kids Smarter”). Students who start using an e-reader or digital text at a young age will be able to improve greatly compared to those who do not use them at

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