
Are Deadlines An Incentive Essay

Decent Essays

Are Deadlines an Incentive?

Procrastination nation has taken its toll on students all across the world. In Los

Angeles, StudyMode, an ed-tech company designed to help students succeed in school,

conducted an experiment on procrastination asking approximately 1,300 high

school college students about their study habits. “The findings show that procrastination

is widespread, with 87 percent saying they procrastinate, and that it's affecting their

performance—45 percent report procrastination negatively impacts their grades on at

least a fairly regular basis” (StudyMode). These numbers alone indicate that students end

up leaving their assignments till the last minute, having to rush through it in order to

reach the deadline, resulting in a low grade. Deadlines are key to an assignment because …show more content…

This leads to the main question, are deadlines an incentive? Based on the multitude of research conducted, deadlines are an incentive for

students to get their work done on time. Especially when there is a penalty for handing it

in after that deadline. Students are pressured into handing in work before the due date

because of the fear that losing points will bring their average score down. Teachers of

various classes use deadlines as an incentive, but most of the time because of …show more content…

With the

knowledge that assignment is accomplished around the last hours before the deadline a

new question is raised. Is it smart to make the deadline so late in the night?

Alan Ward conducted a study claiming that since most students hand in their

assignment right around the deadline would it be smart to make the deadline late

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