
Are Extreme Sports Worth The Risk

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Are Extreme Sports Too Risky?
Millions of daring young athletes are treated each year for an injury caused by their participation in extreme sports. The question is… “is it worth the risk?” There are positives to having your kid play extreme sports. However, research shows kids that participate in extreme sports causes a wide variety of problems, for example, solo extreme sports have unique high risks, contact sports cause concussions along with other serious injuries, and the use of steroids causes problems.
To begin, solo sports such as snowboarding, rock climbing, motocross, BMX, skateboarding and so many more are becoming increasingly popular and perhaps too extreme. In fact, over five million youth athletes participated in these sports in the U.S. in 2013 (Free 12). However, one must ask if these extreme sports really worth the risk. Four million youth aged athletes suffered injuries due to their involvement in extreme sports since the early 2000’s (“Extreme Sports” 23). Team sports usually have a coach to supervise, on the other hand, extreme sports are individual. A huge risk forms with the absence of adult supervision while the athlete is training. Should a serious injury occur, there would be no one to treat the injury, causing it to become extensively worse (“Extreme Sports” 23). The article in the magazine Extreme Sports comments, “Kids are less likely than adults to think about risk” (23).When one adds that thought to the possible injuries, the outcome is not

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