Are Extreme Sports Too Risky?
Millions of daring young athletes are treated each year for an injury caused by their participation in extreme sports. The question is… “is it worth the risk?” There are positives to having your kid play extreme sports. However, research shows kids that participate in extreme sports causes a wide variety of problems, for example, solo extreme sports have unique high risks, contact sports cause concussions along with other serious injuries, and the use of steroids causes problems.
To begin, solo sports such as snowboarding, rock climbing, motocross, BMX, skateboarding and so many more are becoming increasingly popular and perhaps too extreme. In fact, over five million youth athletes participated in these sports in the U.S. in 2013 (Free 12). However, one must ask if these extreme sports really worth the risk. Four million youth aged athletes suffered injuries due to their involvement in extreme sports since the early 2000’s (“Extreme Sports” 23). Team sports usually have a coach to supervise, on the other hand, extreme sports are individual. A huge risk forms with the absence of adult supervision while the athlete is training. Should a serious injury occur, there would be no one to treat the injury, causing it to become extensively worse (“Extreme Sports” 23). The article in the magazine Extreme Sports comments, “Kids are less likely than adults to think about risk” (23).When one adds that thought to the possible injuries, the outcome is not
High impact sports (like football, soccer, etc.) are capable of giving severe concussions and a good amount of long term negative effects. “The NFL revealed that it expects nearly a third of all retired players to develop permanent brain impairments…” (15). People are getting injured in their own careers willingly. More and more
Athletics play an immense role in the lives of youth, whether they play with friends for fun or in team competition as student athletes. Regular physical activity helps build and maintain bone and muscle health, helps reduce the risk of developing obesity, and promotes psychological well-being (U.S. Dept.). Public health programs promote the benefits of physical activity, but those benefits are reduced by the possibility of injury (CDC, 2). The participation in athletic sports outweigh the potential of sustaining a concussion.
In the article “For Children in Sports, a Breaking Point” by Jane Brody the author discusses the underlying problem on whether or not young athletes should be encouraged to push themselves to their physical and mental breaking point in sports from their coaches, parents, or even themselves. Meanwhile, in “Why Parents Should Let Their Kids Play Dangerous Sports” by Jeb Golinkin the writer deliberates why parents should let their children participate in risky sports to understand the significance of failing, teamwork, striving, and succeeding.
High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. Do you want your family members to get killed while playing sports? It’s important to know about your safety so that you can stay positive and safe! Playing contact related sports can be dangerous to your health and could effect your whole life. Participating in contact sports can jeopardize a person’s health because of improper sports equipment, long-term effects from playing with injury’s, and sports becoming more violent, and aggressive, and too much contact.
There are many risks to playing sports but the biggest one is injuries. In invasion games like lacrosse and soccer you risk being pushed, tackled, kicked, and other physical “attacks”. In other games like tennis you can get hurt from a fracture or sprain. In almost every sport you could be injured.
Athletes are always trying to improve their performance and skill in sports. This can harm themselves by overtraining, adopting eating habits that damage them physically or psychologically, and using steroids or illegal supplements banned by the NCAA. Sports injuries are often the result of overuse or trauma to a part of the body. Several risks like injuries include heat illness and dehydration, concussions, and trauma-related deaths. These illnesses include heat syncope, muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and exertional hyponatremia. These illness can end one's career in a blink of an
For most athletes, they're are a form of therapy or relaxation. John Donvan also stated, “While there is an awareness of risk it is not the reason most people are involved, but rather something they accept, they are looking for something deeper and more meaningful.” What Donvan seems to be saying is that most people involved in sports know of the risks they are taking, but they continue to perform anyway, these athletes are in sports and activities to find a calming and focus state. John Donvan's statement also relates for London's claim. Rather than back off an activity because of certain risk, people choose to persist and be active to better themselves physically and
According to, high school athletes make up two million sports injuries, half a million doctor’s visits and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. Those numbers are huge, and a large part of them could have been avoided. The website also goes on to give more specific statistics, and of those, it is mentioned that half of the injuries that student athletes get in middle or high school are from overuse. And of the sports injuries listed on their website, over half of them are
Young children having major physical injuries while participating in sports should be of more concern. In the article High School Football Comes With a Risk, by Jeffrey Perkel it states that, “...boys aged 10 to 14 we’re most likely to end up in the nation’s emergency departments with a traumatic brain injury…,” This shows how adolescents are unnecessarily hurting themselves because of these sports. Expectedly, during the 2005-2006 US high school football season an , estimate of 517, 726 injuries were submitted to the RIO. Even my own personal experiences with sports all ended in tragic faults. Swimming with
The Second letters to Charles V were written by Hernan Cortés of Spain in 1520. The letters were sent to Charles V to justify Cortés actions of attacking the Aztec 's against his superiors order. The letters that Cortés wrote details the lifestyle, and culture of the Aztec 's and how worshipped pagan gods. This document is a set of letters that Hernan Cortés wrote detailing his experiences within the area known today as Mexico. These documents allow readers to see the Aztec culture through the eyes of Cortés during his conquest in Mexico. As a result of this, there is a bias against the Aztecs in the letters since Cortés was a very religious Christion. This article was
A Worldwide survey of emergency room visits shows that about every 25 seconds, a young athlete visits a hospital emergency room from a sports-related injury (Loehrke and Healy, USA TODAY). Occasional bumps and bruises are expected when kids play sports, but when almost 1.4 million kids are injured and sent to hospitals its catches someone’s eye. Sprains, strains, fractures, contusions, abrasions, and concussions all top the list of ER diagnoses for kids age 6-19. That’s averaging a cost of up to 935 million a year. Many believe these are preventable (Carr, Safe Kids).
Young athletes are at very high risks for injuries during the course of playing sports. It should be recognized that the development stage of adolescent growth is a period of physiological growth in height, muscle, skeletal and with their desire to be recognized by peers. Their belief that nothing bad will happen to them makes adolescents themselves prone to injuries. High school students play sports for various reasons such as scholarships, talents, hobbies, and fame, these reasons make high school athletics an important aspect of the student’s life.
Sports have major impacts on the lives of teens. As of 2014, 7.8 million teens participated sports. Data suggest dangerous sports causes a vast amount of injuries, but it gives teens a chance to interact and stay fit. Teens shouldn’t be able to participate in dangerous sports due to frequent injuries involved in the games.
hergenroeder says injuries in sports also include psychological injury as well. Young athletes should play sports for self enjoyment and to boost self-esteem and improve athletic skills. If these are not priorities in youth sports then participation in sports are potentially harmful by decreasing self-esteem, diminishing athletic skills, and discouraging additional participation in sports. Pediatricians should be aware of potential psychological issues within a young athlete and provide guidance to address them. Albert also says pediatricians should always be involved in providing medical care for children and adolescents when these patients are injured in sports participation. Albert says the overall goal of his article was to increase competency of pediatricians in sports medicine care, specificaly prevention of sports related injuries. Overall Phsycological issues should be looked at carefuly to prevent any future damage to the
While the world’s farmers produce enough food to feed the planet, one-third of the food produced for human consumption is not really consumed. Globally, there exists up to 1.3 billion metric tons of uneaten food very year. And in addition to that, growing and transporting that food is estimated to create 3.3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year, which makes wasted food one of the world’s largest emission contributor.