
Are Families Dangerous? Essay

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In "Are Families Dangerous?" Barbara Ehrenreich discusses how "media fixations" are recently allowing us to see the true grime that is our ideal family system. Ehrenreich's main contention is that families "can be a nest of pathology and a cradle of gruesome violence." She states that somewhere inside us, whether or not we want to believe; we know that this is going on around us, and media representations are outing the evils of family life. Implying that families might not be the shiny, happy role-players that we all would like to think of, she speaks of the unthinkable, gruesome crimes to the weak, and infirm, of these so-called families. She elaborates with the supposed fact that ."..families get...more dangerous...and …show more content…

If we went by the percentage of life in media, then all newscasters would live happy, healthy lives, ninety percent of all crimes would be caused by African-Americans, and there would rarely be anything good in the world (since about one story in around two to three news showings are truly positive). I contest that we as people, being of sound mind, cherish the good, can realize, and understand the effects caused by our inadequacies and negative behavior. Ehrenreich's article is clearly one-sided, and far differentiates from the emotionally supportive, educationally aware, and politically sculpted family dynamic that we should all know and adhere to.

I am constantly drawn to the emotional staple in my family, support. Family support systems are just one of the most enriching, and rewarding aspects of daily family life. Through time the family archetype has gone through a tremendous amount of metamorphosis, including the most notable, and varying present-day version. No matter what creed, color, gender, sexuality, or demographic, the support system of today's families are astoundingly positive. Some people, like Ehrenreich, might say that families in and of themselves are a "nest of pathology," but when you look at families in the malls, parks, or other public places, the bruising, or outing of emotional tension, pressure, or abuse is non-existent.

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