What are hydrogen fuel cells? Are hydrogen cars good for the environment? Hydrogen fuels cells are made by running electricity through water. According to Trace Dominguez hydrogen makes up 75 percent of the universe meaning we can't run out at least not anytime soon. Some people think hydrogen cars are bad because they have an invisible flame. Other people think hydrogen fuel cells are good because in a car crash the hydrogen would almost evaporate instantaneously. Everyone should have a hydrogen car because they are good in a lot of ways and they look cooler than gas cars. Hydrogen cars are good because they are environmentally friendly, they use less fossil fuels, and they have a longer driving distance (300 miles per hydrogen cell). What makes a hydrogen car better? Well for starters hydrogen cars are better because they dont use fossil feuls ‘’The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago’’ says it's environmentally friendly and so does Dnews and more. Hydrogen cars use less fossil fuels which means less pollution and stopping global warming! Using fossil fuel is bad because to get fossil fuels some sacrifices have to be made, like drilling into the earth, taking …show more content…
Hydrogen cars are better because they go a longer driving distance according to Danielle Muoio hydrogen cars can go 300 mile per hydrogen cell! Hydrogen cars can also refuel in a minimum of 3 minutes. Dnews says ‘’hydrogen-powered cars are hitting the road this year, and eventually one's going to be in a crash so what would happen would it explode?’’ In the video he talks about how when the hydrogen car gets in a crash the hydrogen cell would not start a fire because the hydrogen would evaporate almost instantly be the gas doesn't evaporate because the gas is heavy. The hydrogen car is just like the gas car but with better mileage, can go longer distance, faster recharge, environmentally friendly and they don't make pollution or
Newspapers have since become an exceptionally poor means of reaching a motivated audience that can justly enforce change. Social media has the capability to uphold a broader grasp of an audience that encompasses forwardness. Furthermore, the use of an Internet platform, such as Facebook, to present the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” would have accelerated a positive outcome to the brutality of Birmingham by broadening the audience without differentiating the rhetorical situation.
For many years, the only way to fuel a car has been through gasoline. Many people believe that it the best form of operation, but recently alternatives to gas have surfaced. Today we opt to purchase hybrid, solar, and electric cars instead of gas fueled. The problem lies in the difference of efficiency of gas fueled cars versus alternative fuel options. Do we need gas fueled cars? Is it worth the extra money for an electric or hybrid car? Do gas fueled cars really affect the environment? Will getting rid of gas fueled cars cause a loss of jobs ? People need to understand that the continuation of gas fueled cars are detrimental to the environment. The replacement of gas fueled vehicles is best for the natural world.
In the following essay I will be talking about the disadvantages and advantages of partisan elections for state politics. I will also examine the last couple year's election results and costs. Finally, I will discuss if partisanship made a difference in the vote, as well as if a judge should be decided by partisan vote. In the next couple paragraphs I will talk more specifically about these topics.
Gasoline powered vehicles are better! No, hybrids are better! Have you heard these two points-of-view? This last election, the question of energy was a part of both party’s platforms. They talked about wind and solar versus coal and oil, and gasoline versus hybrid vehicles. So here we are, the election is over, but the battle between a gasoline powered vehicles versus a hybrid continues. You might know someone who owns a hybrid car. My uncle bought one in 2006 and for him it works great, but he usually just travels back and forth to work. However, my uncle’s needs are not the same as my dad who is a contractor. In the end, you need to weigh the pros and cons before deciding on which vehicle is best for you. After much research,
A second major problem with the plan is not easy to see at first. You must look much closer at what types of research is being done. There are two ways that hydrogen fuel cells can be made. One is by a reaction with oxygen. These cells are about 70% efficient and the only emissions are water vapor. The second way it by using oil or coal to make the cells. These cells are about 33% efficient and release harmful emissions into the atmosphere (Abelson 1469). I feel that we should fund research into using oxygen as opposed to fossil fuels when making hydrogen
Honda has already produced a hydrogen fuel cell concept car they claim is “overall 64% energy efficient”. To put this into perspective in the average gasoline combustion engine “only about 20 percent of the thermal-energy content of the gasoline is converted into mechanical work”, making it 20% energy efficient [5]. This new line of cars could bring about jobs in the automotive industry and all industries that branch from it. As of right now the commercial market for hydrogen gas produced from the use of fossil fuels is at about $100 billion. A majority of this hydrogen goes into producing fertilizers and petrochemicals [1]. All it would take is an inexpensive source of green hydrogen, such as the one recently discovered, to completely change this industry.Overall hydrogen has the ability to bring about jobs and continued advancements in every market and industry touched by it. This could be just about every industry when considering how important transportation and shipping are to the economy; hydrogen would give them an inexpensive fuel for transport. Hydrogen fuel could do this all the while solving our most important problem of finding a renewable energy source.
There has been lots of controversy on whether hybrid vehicles are environmentally better than gas vehicles. In this new age of technology and vast growth of human population, there would have to be ways to make driving environmentally healthy considering the fact that millions of people drive(Goffman, “Electric Car Batteries Could Provide Energy for the Smart Grid”). Hybrid cars use clean electric , while gas powered cars use harmful polluting fossil fuels. For the most part, to make sure that this world becomes cleaner, hybrid cars will definitely need to be used in the future. Hybrid cars are environmentally better than gas cars.
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell could revolutionize the world. This ingenious technology, which creates electricity from the chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen has, in its 150-year history, passed many of the critical tests along the path from invention to innovation. Recent developments in fuel cell technology and concurrent developments within the energy and automotive industries have brought the world to brink of the fuel cell age and the hydrogen economy.
Dear client this paper is to inform you, of your right to confidentiality, and further more explain the process of informed consent. In the world of Psychology and counseling, confidentiality and informed consent has been the cornerstone to our practices (University of Phoenix, 1994). This paper will help you to understand how the things you say during the counseling sessions may have legal implications against you; by first explaining the decision of Tarasoff v. the board of Regents of the University of California, followed by how it relates to the therapist-client relationship
When most people think of Hydrogen they think of the Hindenburg. The Hindenburg was initially supposed to be lifted by Helium. However, because Helium was so rare and expensive at the time, Hydrogen was used instead. Hydrogen was very cheap, it could be manufactured in industrious amounts and it is lighter than Helium; Hydrogen is also the most substance to date where Helium is not flammable at all. When the Hindenburg was launched it only took it about 32 seconds for the entire ship to fall and burn completely due to the 7,000,000 cubic feet of Hydrogen being used to get off the ground. Out of the 97 passengers only 62 survived this tragic event. Welcome to Hydrogen.
Fuel availability is an everyday thing. You just go to the service station down the road and fill up for a decent price. However to produce fuels it is a bit more complicated. Fuel is made by the fossil fuels that are deep in the ground formed thousands and thousands years ago. It was made by dead organism. However, fuel is reliable but it is running out fast, so we need another energy source for our everyday needs. Hydrogen powered cars are very environmentally friendly, they do not admit any sort of harmful fumes into the air. It produces steam instead of exhaust gases. The things that makes this car able to drive is a fuel cell. It converts the hydrogen into electricity producing heat and water as by products. We collect Hydrogen from water,
Recent years have shown an increasingly large need for a practical renewable energy source for such reasons as diminishing fossil fuels and increases in greenhouse gasses. Hydrogen appears to be a way out of this gasoline-dug hole, or at least, a way out in the future. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are being engineered as we speak as the technologies to refuel them cleanly are being proposed. Unfortunately, most of the technologies associated with hydrogen are still in the prototype/pre-production stages and require better enhancements before becoming mainstream. This paper assesses the practicality of hydrogen power in cars both now and in the future while explicating the actual process of how a
For the past three decades Oil dominates the agenda of political discussion. With scares over price volatility, sizes of reserves, international imports and least of which are the environmental impacts due to carbon dioxide and other emissions. Various speculations and educated guesses place our total depletion of crude oil within the next 50 years and there is a general consensus between environmentalists that we steer toward a hydrogen transportation system given the projected work and nonexistent carbon dioxide emissions (Environmental Technologies class lecture, Santa Clara University). However many barriers stand in the way of attaining such a goal, most of which pertaining
Hydrogen cars are currently being produced, but the cost of these cars is much more than the average American can afford. For example, the Hydrogen Shelby Cobra starts at $150,000. The Cobra holds four gallons and can get 25 miles to the gallon. This is a major problem, especially due to
In order to understand the why behind the need to change from fossil fuels to hydrogen power, it is necessary to understand what that power is and how it works. Hydrogen is the most abundant and simplest element on earth. It is most commonly found as part of water. In its pure gaseous form it is extremely light, but when ignited in this state releases a large amount of energy in an explosion. In this violent reaction the hydrogen combines with free oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and creates water vapor. This is similar to the way gasoline is combined with air and ignited in an internal combustion engine in the cars used today and like with gasoline, the combustion of hydrogen has risks. In addition to the risk, some of the energy released in the reaction is lost in the form of sound and heat. As an alternative to burning, these same gases can be combined with the use of catalysts to extract the free electrons produced as liquid water is formed(Popovici and Hoble Dorel). Using cables connected to a fuel cell such as this, those electrons go through a circuit, generating electricity. This is more efficient than combustion because less energy is wasted in the form of sound and heat. Going further, greater efficiency for this reaction can be had the lower the temperature it is allowed to take place at, with 83% power at 25◦C(77◦ F)(Popovici and Hoble Dorel). As fuel cells are created with better heat management and