
Are We Raising A Generation Of Helpless Children Summary

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Is there such thing as being too protective of your child? There comes a point where parents have to let their children grow up on their own and make mistakes, but it seems parents now are raising a generation full of helpless children. Helicopter parenting is being a way of parenting that everyone seems in on, but what the parents are understanding is that keeping children sheltered from the real world and mistakes can damage them in the future. In the article “Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids?” by Mickey Goodman discusses how helicopter parenting is holding children back from their full potential. In another article “No, Helicopter parents aren’t ruining kids after all” by Valerie Strauss, goes on the other side of helicopter parenting by discussing how this form of parenting is not …show more content…

Being a child of a helicopter parent, I don’t believe that having a helicopter parent made me dependent on my mom, if anything I’ve distanced myself so that I can have more independence. My mom means well she just wants to protect my sisters and I, but how does she expect us to learn if we never get hurt or fail? The effects of helicopter parenting, in my experience, is distancing so that we can do what we want. Rebelling from parents is another effect, again because of the need for independence. I do think that if parents are willing to do their child’s homework and projects then they might as well let them live at home for the rest of their lives because once someone experiences that kind of “sheltering” they aren’t going to want to do work for themselves if they know their parents are willing to do everything for them. In some cases this type of parenting will not have bad effects on the children. It’s natural for parents to want to protect their children, but there comes a point where parents have to let their children fail in order for them to learn what to do and what not to

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