
Are We Teaching Shakespeare Too Soon In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

1. “I was young and missed the point entirely, was unable to behind the words and as it were, the diction, to what the poet was saying.” We live in a society today that if at first we don’t understand, then it’s not our fault it’s the author’s. I agree with Baldwin message of it being hard to understand without our own experiences to reflect on as we read Shakespeare different playwrights. Are we teaching Shakespeare too soon in schools? This can be debated with the fact that they may not have an experience that they can relate to Shakespeare work, which may lead to why so many American’s hated reading him in high school. The other side of this can be debated should schools be teaching Shakespeare earlier? As kids grow they can relate their experiences back to Shakespeare. 2. Baldwin compares translating Shakespeare’s language such as translating Jazz music into a language. Shakespeare was determined to make English words his own as Jazz musicians are determined to make music their own. Each of these individuals are speaking a language that some may love and/or understand. While other’s become confused and dislike it because they don’t understand it. “If the language was not my own, it might be the fault of the language; …show more content…

In Bill Clinton’s foreword he also speaks of how Shakespeare is not written for the American language. He also discusses his hatred for reading Shakespeare’s playwrights when he was forced to memorize a hundred lines from Macbeth. Are schools teaching Shakespeare or are they being forced to memorize his work because that is what society tells us we must do in order to be considered educated? In school we were never forced to memorize the lines for Shakespeare, but walked through his acts trying to find ways to relate his writing to our lives today. We were also given a sheet of Shakespeare’s words to translate them to more of today’s language. Is the translation accurate or are we completely changing the meaning of what Shakespeare is going

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