Essay “Are You Hooked” by Leah McLaughlin is about the things that we do, but we don’t really notice we do it. They are called soft addiction. I’m sure everyone in this world has something there are addicted too. Let’s all look back and think what soft addiction for you is? After reading “Are You Hooked” by Leah McLaughlin and got me thinking. What is my soft addiction? After thinking about it for an hour, I finally figured out what I do every day and I don’t notice it. The answer is my car. You are probably thinking “Car?” I spend about 1 hour a day just looking at my car for scratches, dents, and cleanness. Judith Wright says “Soft addictions are an escape from uncomfortable feelings.” I think she is right. When I look at my car
Addiction is like all behaviours “the business of the brain”. Addictions are compulsive physical and psychological needs from habit-forming sustenances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Being occupied with or involved in such activities, leads a person who uses them again and again to become tolerant and dependent eventually experiencing withdrawal. (Molintas, 2006).
4. Describe one of the behavioral addictions and explain why you would or would not consider it a true addiction.
Addiction can be separated into three categories: mind (neurological), body (physical), and spirit (psychological). Within in this breakdown addiction can possibly be explained and properly understood.
Under those circumstances when a person loses someone to gun violence, get threatened or is seriously injured they can become depressed. A mother interviewed in the video “Will I Be Next?” expresses “When you lose a child you lose a lot, you lose a lot in your spirit”. Likewise I know how she feels because, I get emotional every time I talk about the friends that I lost and my step dad. The pain runs so deep and it never stop, hurting. It always feels like a big chunk of my heart is missing and life will never be the same. After his passing, I felt so weak, all my life; I watched over my little brother and protected him. But when his father passed away, I couldn’t do anything to protect him. I realized that I couldn’t fix his broken heart
However, the addiction to illegal and legal drugs is only one of the myriads of other sorts of addictions. Thousands of cases are reported each year stemming from thousands of platforms for obsession, including sex, gambling, stealing, and over-eating. Although some of these platforms may seem harmless and, in some cases, mundane, (i.e. videogames, caffeine), each case of addiction is just as serious as the next.
In the previous article we talked about addictions, we also took the quiz which brought us here, so now we are ready to enrich our knowledge on what is the addiction and how can we face it.
When it comes to the topic of addiction, most of us will readily agree that it is a miserable trait to possess. An addiction is a physical and psychological state of being that if not treated correctly could result into harmful wrongdoing. In The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, he recounts a story in which a fatigued housewife named Angie Bachmann lost all of her family’s assets, amounting to a million dollars due to a gambling addiction. Every habit has three components: a cue or a trigger of an automatic behavior to start, a routine the behavior itself, and a reward which is how our brain learns to remember this pattern for the future. According to Duhigg, “you cannot extinguish a bad habit, you can only change it” (63). Duhigg
This addiction is real and while I feel it is a disease I feel the rising health
Addiction affects 40% of the population in the Western world (Lewis, Marc). There are many different kinds of addictions such as: food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or sexual aspects. When
Merely compulsively engaging in an activity does not necessitate the title of addiction, even if the subject cannot quit of her own volition: there must be an element of negative influence that the habit has on her life in one way or another to be termed as such. The potential adverse effects of addiction are numerous and for any one addiction the detriment can be multifaceted. As addiction is generally discussed, one of the primary negative impacts mentioned is related to a person’s physical or mental well-being which can be harmed by the abuse of certain substances, such as
Addiction is everywhere, from celebrity tabloids, to television, and possibly to a family member or close friend. There is alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling addiction; the effects of such are devastating. The purpose of this paper is to address some of the different forms of addiction and types of addictive behaviors.
Addictions are strongholds and bondages that are more often than not difficult to overcome. The addiction holds a person’s well-being captive which result in unusual behavioral patterns. According to Gabor Maté and Arold Langeveld “addiction means be to a slave” relatively speaking when a person is addicted in reality they are a slave to the stimuli. Furthermore the outcome of addiction will result in behavioral patterns that will satisfy the addiction.
Addiction is all around us. It may be that cup of coffee in the morning for the caffeine stimulation, the cigarette that is smoked for the nicotine, or an alcoholic drink used to relieve a stressful day or situation. For some, the addiction may not be to a substance, but to compulsive behaviors such as gambling, playing video games, or shopping. Consequences to addictions can impact an addict’s physical or mental state. Addiction can also have detrimental impact on the people that surround them. Watching a relationship fall apart because a person has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or another addictive behavior is a sad thing to happen to anyone. Unfortunately, those with addictions usually won’t admit they even
Many people hear the word addiction and imagine person that is heavily addicted to drugs or alcohol. Not that many people hear about soft addictions which are usually harmless thing people do in their day to day lives like listening to music in the morning or checking your phone. Although these things might be harmless activates you do to relieve stress they can be sometimes very unhealthy for you as well. Though the person might get a feeling of pleasure from their soft addiction for instance like drinking coffee every time you're stressed, or going on social media every hour, eventually it will start a toll on your physical and mental health. It is important to control your soft addictions, although it make you feel like you’re in
Every day, hundreds of people experience the overwhelming effects of addictions. Individuals can become addicted to virtually any action or item. If individuals use addictive substances, there will be serious medical repercussions. This paper will focus on the idea of addiction through the fields of anthropology, psychology, and sociology, and how these fields have benefitted this prominent issue. Addictions are currently being researched by various social scientists in an attempt to fully understand their causes and cures.