Are You Hungry? The crunchy, brown fried dough glistens in the mid-autumn sunlight. Your mouth begins to water at the sight in which you are seeing. Although sounds of dozens of busy people buzz in your ear, your undivided attention lies in what is in front of you. You grab the thin wooden thick that attaches on to it. Even with your hand of the stick you can feel the radiating warmth from the mouth-watering treat. As you bring it closer to your face, you smell the aroma of freshly made dough. As you bite into it you can taste the juices start to mingle in your mouth. You can taste the heavenly flavors all mixing and mingling inside your mouth, this is the pinnacle of all cuisine. As you sink your teeth into this meal again you can taste
“You are required to write a report on how marketers use the different methods of marketing research to identify opportunities of the market, segmenting and targeting the market based on the valuable results collected from their marketing research activities.
Nearly 50 billion cheeseburgers/burgers are eaten per year, which means on average an American eats three burgers a week. My favorite meal would have to be a homemade cheeseburger with mash potatoes, fruit (strawberries and honeydew), and to top things off a fresh glass of sweet tea. All foods have their healthy and non-healthy factors but do you really know how your food is really affecting your body?
What makes this meal so unique was not as much the item itself, but the way I always chose to eat it. The first step was to pull back the tin foil that’s crinkling sound gave me goosebumps as if I had just listened to Jimi Hendricks play the “Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock in 1969. I ate the first mouthwatering half of the burrito before removing the rest of the tin foil and emptying the tortilla contents on top of my chips that are complementary with each meal. Using my fingers, I rubbed the tortilla back and forth feeling for any food remaining inside to ensure that it had all ended up in the bowl. I then drenched the now nachos in the famous Kaiser salsa and steaming hot queso. Using a combination of my fingers and the oh so familiar black plastic fork, I proceeded to take my first bite, aroused by the crunch that filled my ears, mixed with the flavors that were taking over every single taste bud in my mouth. Before I knew it, the entire plate was cleared, but it could not have been more satisfying and I could not wait until the next Sunday when this adventure would begin all over
My stomach let out one last roar as the waiter set down the plate of tacos accompanied by Spanish rice and beans. I went straight for the chicken taco garnished with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. A puddle of my cravings formed at the pit of my mouth as I grabbed the taco and pulled it closer to the portal of my hunger. The crack of the taco shell was as satisfying as the A I received on my final exam last week. My taste buds exploded like fireworks on the fourth of July. The crunch of the fresh lettuce became joyful music to my ears. Each bite become more savoring. I became distracted by the tingle I detected on my tongue and soon realized the tacos were topped with spicy
Hunger in America is very important and dangerous. Hunger means that people are in need of
My head is on something soft, but my body is laying on something hard, and dry. I gradually open my eyes. Sight. I look around at what I can see without moving anything. I see the group, all sitting down quiet from.. eating. Then I hear small crackling from a very small fire. I smell... I smell.. meat! Cooked meat. "She's awake." I know that voice. It's like my ears are tuned to that voice. I could pick it out in a sea of thousands. That voice makes pretty singers, who sing pretty songs sound dull. That voice makes everything else sound ugly. "Carl." I say with delight. He puts his hands under my head, then one on my back. I slowly figure out what he is doing. Sitting me up. Now that I have some strength back, I use that to help him. Most of the group is indulging in whatever food we have come across, the others are watching me. "Here. Eat this." Carl hands me a small stick with chunks of warm meat on it. I take a bite. Taste. It sends a wave of flavor over my tongue. Moistening it from the juice. I moan at the tasteful treat. "So good." I say to Carl or anyone who can hear me, all while I rip another piece off. I hear a small laugh from him and Rick. "What.. how.. when did you get this?" I don't know how to word my question. "Um.." Carl shoots a look at his dad. "Deer, about an hour ago." I nod. "Never thought a deer would make my day." I finish the last bite, whipping my mouth with my sleeve. I can feel more of my
Everyone loves watching a good movie, especially me. I love being lost in the worlds of fake characters on a screen more than being lost in the real world. Most of the time, the situations and environments the characters are in are more compelling and enthralling than the world us teenage kids live in. It’s hard having “fun” as a teenager (depending on what your definition of fun is).
Hunger in the United States, and how it’s an important topic to write about and that everyone should know about. The hunger in America then and now, we have moved from efficient scavenging to conspicuous consumption and then back again. The estimated percentage of household waste about 22 percent millions of thousands approximately. Food waste has become a serious issue in our society in the last few that affected poor and rich countries as well. We live in a world where so many have no clue about the people in need of food. I feel like so many don’t show their kinder sides to those who need our help and can’t eat. Of course, there are a good proton of people out there who show kindness to those in need. Just think about everyone who is worrying
Lunch menus are getting makeover across the country of America. They have started a cooking boot camp to train cafeteria workers to prepare food and they are taught by trained chefs. Cooking boot camps are now in demand, as school leaders are interested to send their cafeteria workers for training. The first lady, Michelle Obama was one of the supporter of healthiers cafeteria and in June 2010, she startd a new program called "Chefs Move to Schools". The 24 states of America has already began making changes in cafeteria and stoped using processed and canned foods. Now, they are using fresh food. Chopping vegetables in funky shapes are for getting kids interest and satisfy kids picky taste. Boot camps are successful and cafeteria workers like
I’m so hungry right now I could eat a cow. I wanted to go to the cafeteria today but I overslept and missed the meal hours. Days like this I wish I had a car so I could go to McDonalds and get a hot and spicy plain and some cookies! Wow, I’m really hungry now that I’ve typed that. Anyway, set an alarm so you don’t oversleep and miss the cafe hours because you will be hungry enough to eat a
Vacation, mummies, redecorating, the goblin in the attic, I the ogre. These are just a few of the many things my family talks about over dinner. I am interested in pursuing a career in film production, specifically special effects. I have always loved watching movies (what kid doesn’t) and being able to escape for an hour into a completely different world filled with unique people and strange places. However, my favorite part of the movie was never the big battle or the goofy sidekick, not even the hilarious bloopers. My favorite part was watching behind the scenes and seeing how they did the stunts, made the set, and the hundreds of people it took to make one 30 second scene just right. It looked like so much fun and I could always picture
After researching about fast food and understanding how the huge industry works. I can conclude that the effects of eating fast food on a day to day basis are
Why should middle school kids get more food? Here's why. Middle school kids should get a higher proportion on food at lunch because we are still growing. Between the ages 8 and 14 is when you grow the most in your life. You typically stop growing between the ages 15 and 20. When we do grow we tend to eat more. We can’t grow with such a small proportion in food at school. Small proportion and a big appetite don’t mix.
I always think dinner is good, however having dinner with three people who I would like to talk to, that dinner would be the greatest. Three people I would invite to dinner are Fred Weasley, Hermoine Granger, and Johnny Depp. These people are some of my greatest idols. This dinner would be a dream come true, even though I would love to invite so many more people. Furthermore, there are so many reasons I would invite these three people.
“Man oh man,” I exhaled. It was half-past twelve, according to my cellular device. The bright LCD screen of the computer illuminated my eyes of little sleep from a full night of anime. Bowls upon bowls, derived of noodles, cover the entire surface area of my desk. The bowls only left the lingering sent of the various flavors of broth. The one that stood out the most was the kimchi flavored broth. Tasting the smell, it had the flavor of a pickle soaked in brine, with a hint of sweetness from the napa cabbage, and a small kick of heat from the various spices kimchi is fermented in. Feeling the strange urge to play some video games, I decided to load up my JRPG. Before while booting up however, I felt like someone or something was watching