If I was making decisions on what homeland security funding was being spent on I would likely lean towards barrier defense, deterrence, and improving DHS intelligence gathering and dissemination practices. I believe barrier defense should be focused on in order to make the United States a harder target by physically securing the border through patrols, additional Federal Law Enforcement Officers being hired, and utilizing more people within the Intelligence sector in an attempt to identify and stop attacks before they go from being an extremists dream to an American reality. I’d have to say that after taking a step back and evaluating what I’ve seen through research and firsthand events overseas that many countries rely entirely too
Since the beginning of reconstruction, women have been fighting for equal rights. Women’s political parties have been formed, some states have ratified voting rights for women, and women in the workforce has increased. Women have always been viewed has “domestic”, only made to serve the husband and work within the household. However, these views were all scrutinized and drawn into question on when Lizzie Borden, the youngest daughter of the Borden family, was accused for the death of her father and step-mother. Kathryn Allamong Jacob, writer of “She couldn’t have done it, even if she did”, argues that Lizzie Borden couldn’t have commit the murders due to the “Victorian conception of womanhood”
If you were a Member of Congress (or a senior staff member of one), what additional statutory authorities/legislation would you propose, and why, to enable homeland security officials (at any level of government) to function more effectively? From which perspective or research (refer to course readings) would you base your proposal to substantiate it beyond political opinion?
Security, however you may think of it the measures we take for it can never enough. It's like insurance you have it not because you want something to happen but because you know that things do happen. That is the United States Border Patrol and Customs they are our first line of defense to the war on drugs and the war on terrorism, for that they have the illegal immigration policy and the pros and cons (www.kyma.com/news/securing-america/646148044.).
In 2010, Secretary Janet Napolitano led the completion of the first-ever Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), which established a unified, strategic framework for homeland security missions and goals. Subsequently, DHS conducted a Bottom-Up Review (BUR) to align our programmatic activities and organizational structure to better serve those missions and goals. The QHSR reflects the most comprehensive assessment and analysis of homeland security to date. DHS worked closely with the White House, National Security Staff, other Federal departments and agencies, and our state, local, tribal and territorial partners to represent the whole-of-government approach to national security envisioned by the Administration.
Using the latest technology, Australian border forces and investing $35 billion, the government aims to reduce the threat of terrorism at our borders in an effort to keep our country secure.
“The Homeland Security Act of 2002 established the federal United States Department of Homeland Security. Its stated mission is to secure the nation against terrorist attacks, to protect against and respond to threats and to ensure safe and secure borders” (Andrew, C., & Walter, F., 2013). “In addition to reducing the nation’s vulnerability to terrorism, the act was also created minimize the damage and facilitate recovery from any attacks that may occur” (Homeland Security, Department of, 2017). Many people want protection from dangerous situations, but what’s the cost of protection.
In our past history, The United States Customs and border officials have been focused on relatively common matters of enforcing laws regarding trade and immigration, watching over agriculture and economic interests from pest and disease, and processing people, vehicles and goods. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, the primary concern was the homeland security. The threat of terrorists and terrorist tools coming through our borders all add to an increased set of dangers to The United States. Is it the responsibility of our United States Military to defend our country from these threats? The following myths are often understood as true, when in fact they are not.
In this research paper, I am going to discuss the plan that the Department of Homeland Security has set forth for the years of 2012-2016. This plan outlines the entire vision of the department to essentially accomplish their missions and goals. The plan consists of missions varying from border security to cyber security. We must not forget the men and women on the front line working hard to ultimately secure and provide safety for the United States of America.
The 9/11 incident crippled the American economy and its impact is still felt at present times. Following this tragedy, a commission was initiated by President George W. Bush and the congress to investigate the reasons behind the bombing and provide recommendations to help avert such occurrences in the future. Therefore, this paper discusses the impact of making the US border more secure, the rationale behind replacing the "need to know" with the "need to share". Moreover, the paper highlights the DOD's role the role in border and coastal security, its relationship with the Department of Homeland Security and how DOD supports civil authorities.
One of the pros for building the fence is that “control of the borders are required for national security”. With the rise of terrorist groups around the world including
Link, A 2004, 'Staking everything on it: a stylistic analysis of linguistic patterns in 'Hills Like White Elephants'', The Hemingway Review, 2, p. 66, Literature Resource Center, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 March 2017.
In the past few years, there has been a recent push for a border wall to protect the United States from the increase in immigration and drug trafficking. Although the border wall aids in reducing problems in our country, it is affecting the economy of the country and the health of our environment, therefore the border wall is not the best solution.
“We have learned as a Nation that we must maintain a constant, capable, and vigilant posture to protect ourselves against new threats and evolving hazards. But we have also learned that vigilance and protection are not ends in and of themselves, but rather necessary tools in the service of our national purpose.”(Napolitano, 2010, p.iv) In the wake of the September 11th, 2001 attacks our nation has taken upon itself extreme vigilance to ensure the security and defense of the American people. The relationship between homeland security and homeland defense is one that is tightly knit. Each has a very distinct mission set but somewhere along the spectrum they cross over and mutually support each other in the best interest of the nation.
Since the attacks on September 11th, 2001, intelligence activities has been one of the most controversial issues facing this country with one of the most controversial being the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Created in November of 2002 and concepted just two weeks after the attacks, the DHS focuses in five goals; prevent terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage the borders, enforce and administer immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace,
I feel that border security should be a priority and it is important to me because of the consequences we are currently suffering from and will continue to suffer from. We have decades of children that will depend on us to resolve these issues now rather than lay the burden on them. Even if Border Security is dealt with successfully, the radical terrorist threat will continue and will be able to be dealt with more easily because of the progress we will be able to make at home domestically as well. Securing our nearly 6000 miles of border between just the Canadian and Mexican borders not including our coastal shores and ports will be vital in many ways, such as national security and for a prosperous America.