
Argument Against Gun Control

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In today’s society, gun violence has become far too common. Every single day in the United States 96 people are killed by guns. This accounts for nearly 13000 deaths per year. Many gun advocates will make the clever argument that guns do not simply fire themselves, so why place the blame on them? While guns clearly do not fire themselves, they far too often fall into the hands of people who are not in the correct state to be responsible for such a potentially deadly weapon. No, one cannot solely blame these inanimate objects for the thousands of deaths that take place each year, however, they can question why and how these mentally disturbed people, are able to so easily gain access to them. The term “gun control” doesn't mean they want to take away the guns from those who have no intent to harm anyone with them, it simply means to make it more difficult for guns to fall into the hands of those who want to harm others with them. …show more content…

By no means should guns be outlawed or taken away from anyone. Should legally sold semi-automatic guns have the capability to become fully-automatic with little alterations required, probably not, but preventing dangerous people from acquiring these guns is the first step in the right direction. Those who have a criminal or mental illness history, should not be able to walk into a walmart and purchase a firearm as if it was a bag of chips. No, not everyone with a mental illness is dangerous, but many are willing to sacrifice their second amendment right if it means keeping their country safe. Yes, there are currently background check requirements in place for many retailers that sell firearms, however this does not mean that all of them have the same protocols or that they are without

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