
Argument Analysis Of Cultural Relativism

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Part One: Area of Philosophy

In this essay you are in a situation when you are visiting another country where you must decide if random people are going to live or die based on the choice of you having to kill one to save the rest and weather it is morally right or wrong, but the country in which you are from this not acceptable behavior, so it becomes a difficult decision for you to make. The area of philosophy that relates most to this situation would be ethics. The field of ethics involves the defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.

Part Two: Argument Analysis

I look to my philosopher friends for what their philosophy is on the issue of what is morally correct. I first speak with Ruth Benedict she talks about her philosophy of Cultural Relativism which says that different cultures have different moral codes and that each culture determines what is ethically right and wrong that no one culture is better than the other, but that they have developed different culture belief’s over time, and that the culture will provide me the answer of what to do. A question that can and is often use for debate is whether or not capital punishment is considered immoral which kind of the issue is here, curtain countries use it while others …show more content…

Stace of Ethical Subjectivism theory is that in a world where so many people think differently from one other on what is right and wrong and what is morally right to one person may not be the same from another person thus it would almost be impossible to figure out the true answer to anything. Lets keep in mind that often times when people commit crimes they are sentenced by people based upon what they think is right and wrong and what is acceptable by society or to be the truth and hand down a punishment which sometimes can determine whether someone is to live or die so in that case does anyone truly live off their own morals or are they always somewhat influenced by the culture they live

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