As I understand from the prompt, every single person will have different views on different subjects and is it possible to a person to make a counter argument to the subject they believe. Let’s say one believes that there are aliens and one has evidence to prove one’s point. But this person has never seen a real life alien and can make a discussion on a topic where there are no aliens. This makes the person open minded and being open minded is the most important key to start a discussion with someone. One of the best examples to give for this discussion would be religions. I, myself believe in Islam and I will be Muslim for the rest of my life. I know most of the rules in other religions and I believe that they are important too. Even though
Aliens aren’t real. My first reason is because they’re Fallen Angels (Demons), this s a fact. Aliens bodies aren’t like ours just as demons bodies aren’t like ours either, they’re spiritual beings. It explains how they move so fast, it explains their supernatural abilities, their fallen angels from heaven. They are smart enough to posses a human’s body and make them do things in unnatural ways, to make us continue wondering if aliens do exist and not think outside the box. They know how we think, because they’ve been human before, they know what we want to believe and don’t. Demons are the only things known to do such devious acts.
In my opinion, I think aliens are real. I think there is aliens in Area 51. Most conspiracy theories say there is UFO crash parts at Area 51. It is most likely true. What else would they be using it for. It is also one of the most patrolled and guarded places in the world. The only other thing I could think of is they are building weapons of mass destruction. The world may never know what is in Area 51. I guess the only way we will ever know is if Someone leaks it out on the internet or a zombie apocalypse happens. If so, I will travel there myself and find out and see it all. If you’re wondering Area 51 is located 150 miles from Las Vegas. Some people say government scientists try and and reverse
18 people were hanged as witches. Afterwards, most of the people involved admitted that the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake.
Does life exist on other planets besides Earth? Has extraterrestrial life visited Earth recently or in our distant past? The notion of extraterrestrial life is a very intriguing subject possibly for as long as mankind has looked into the vast heavens gazing at the stars. Can one say that life on Earth was done by Mother Nature which some call evolution? Is life on Earth the result of creation or alteration by a higher power or being? Some people do believe that other forms of life except those on Earth do exist. Others consider it false because there is no absolute proof beyond doubts. There have been countless occurrences by individuals around the world of either being contacted or abducted by alien life forms. Many unofficial accounts describe the Earth as being visited by one or more alien species. These various alien species that possibly visited Earth may be interested in observing the development of the human species.
There are several different meanings to the word “alien.” An alien could be a resident born or belonging to a different country, a foreigner, a person who has been excluded from something, or a creature from outer space (extraterrestrial). For this argument, a creature from outer space would be the appropriate definition. Many believe extraterrestrials do exist. Many even claim to have seen aircrafts belonging to these extraterrestrials. There have been thousands of “sightings” of unidentified flying objects in which many believe do not look like or belong to anything Earthly. A lot of these sightings have not and can not be explained. Major governments around the globe will not come out and tell the public
Scientists have proven that aliens do exist. According to Nasa Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan she “reckons we'll have signs of life off-Earth in just 10 years, and definitive evidence in around 20.” Why would the US Appropriations Committee provide Nasa with an 18.529 billion dollars to search for alien life and the journey to Jupiters moon if alien life did not exist? We as the British public would think this seems a lot of money but why put so much into something if you do not
Prejudice is the harm or injury to someone that results or may result from some action or judgement.prejudice happened back then and today, the holocaust is a good example of prejudice action.In the play diary of anne frank; Adofl Hitler tried to create a master race so he killed all the jews; he thought they should not live. So Anne and all the rest of the poeple went into hiding to surviv the killing of th jews, but ended up in a interment camp.
The topic of aliens is often a very controversial one to talk about. The aliens in THE FOURTH KIND represent many fears that we have has as humans such as the fear of feeling inferior. That is why many people don’t like to acknowledge that there could possibly be other intellectual species outside of earth, due to the fear of them feeling inferior to a more advanced life form. If aliens are anything like the human species then we should all be afraid, due to the fact that the human race killed most of the animal species and even kidnapped and enslaved other humans. If extraterrestrials ever came to our planet, their technology and intellect would be far more advanced than ours and that could possibly hurt humanity because they could have the power and technology to enslave us. They also represent how people would be willing to do wicked things like using science and technology for malevolent purposes. The aliens abuse of power in the film reflect how humans could possibly turn out if we obtained their technology. Humans could learn to one-day build rockets and spacecraft’s that can travel to other planets and their main goal would be to use these technologies to benefit ourselves. If we had the power to overtake another planet and inhabit it, we would not hesitate to do so and we are willing to do the unthinkable for power and advancement. Aliens also represent the fear of there being no god or religion because most religious people oppose science and credit god for
For many years numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am here today to prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from all over the world have seen and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will you be next or have you already? They are horrifying stories that come up often with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst nightmare?
Understand relativism: some things are relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture. Understand that people from other cultures might have entirely differently value systems than yours, but still not be explicitly wrong.
We live in a universe that is about 46 billion light years old. In a world, as massive as ours there must be some form of extraterrestrial life out in the galaxy. For thousands of years ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, have wondered the same question. Are we alone? As our technology advances, things such as videos and photographs are surfacing of people claiming to see such alien life. Whether it is an unidentified flying object, or if it’s from someone claiming to see an actual alien, there are thousands of people that believe they have seen proof. Some also claim that the government is hiding things behind our backs, like the Roswell UFO incident for example. Though many people refuse to believe in the existence of alien life forms until they see evidence, the fact that multitudes of people have eye-witness accounts, the improbability that we are alone, and the idea that we have thought of aliens so long, bring forth the evidence that proves something is out there.
Just because you radically disagree with an opposing message to your world view, it is important to listen to all sides of an argument. Not only does this make you a better debater, but it also makes it easier to tailor your argument into ways the other side may understand. This is still the same lesson as from To Kill a Mockingbird: you have to understand the other side’s point of view, to walk around in their shoes. By keeping a holistically open mind, one can be a better agent for
With all our knowledge of everything around us, overwhelming as it may be, there are still a lot of aspects that are unknown to even the smartest scientists. Did you know that humans know only 5% of the entire universe? Yes, everything we know about the Earth, the Milky Way, and all the planets is barely even a fourth of what comprises the entirety of the universe. Knowing that, it would be illogical to say that the creatures on Earth are the only forms of life in the universe. Today I will tell you about unidentified object sightings, close
For half a century the subject of UFO has been discussed by scientists, ecologists, politicians, and common people around the world. It seems paradoxical, but the main question of their discussion concerns existence or non-existence of UFO itself, so many people is not sure that the very subject of their debate really exists. I share the opinion of those who do not believe in UFO saying that this phenomenon has not been scientifically proved, and everything its adherents operates is conjecture and fantasy, and disconnected stories of those who allegedly have seen UFO are far from scientific explanation of the event.
The famous William Paley has a different ontological argument within his text Natural Theology. The title of the reading gives insight to the theory, which focuses on something called natural design. The writing is based on an intricate and extensive analogy between the man made and the natural. For instance, Paley describes a man made watch in great detail. This intense detail sets the notion that each piece must have been put in place by someone, whom we can infer is a watchmaker. He then compares this to the intricacy of nature, which must have been made by a supreme diety. Such complexity could not have come about by chance. Only the most