
Argumentative: Bibliography and Additional Information Essay

Decent Essays

This material set-off in this fashion in the handout identifies the revision notation for these matters. Guidelines for the Argumentative/Persuasive Essay

Citing Sources

You are not to employ footnotes or endnotes in your essay. Rather, when you employ another's ideas or quote from a source in your essay, please employ the Modern Language Association, "MLA," format for in-text citations; the format is set forth in Keys, p. 144 et seq.

Quoting, Citing, and Referencing Source Material

Please also review the material on summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting material set forth in Keys, p. 122-25.

Works Cited Page

Given that your essays will contain references to sources that were employed in constructing the arguments in …show more content…

Con Argument
1. First Con Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the con argument and cite to its expert source with credentials
2. Second Con Argument Paragraph: Example of the Con Argument
3. Third Con Argument: Refutation
Discredit the reliability of the con argument or demonstrate that it is in appositive or irrelevant to the topic by challenging its source, timeliness, authorship, or logic. For additional information, please review the Refutation Handout available under Course Documents. C. First Pro Argument
1. First Pro Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the first pro argument and provide its expert source with credentials.
2. Second Pro Argument Paragraph: Example of the Pro Argument
3. Third Pro Argument Paragraph
Establish the reliability of the argument by employing one or more of the seven types of evidence discussed in Bedford, p. 518.
D. Analogy Paragraph: See the Analogy Handout available under Course
Documents for additional information
E. Most Compelling Reason to View the Pro Position as the Superior Position on the Topic Paragraph Based upon Belief, Value, Social Mores, or Tradition. For additional information, please review the Most Compelling Reason Handout available on Blackboard. III. Conclusion A. First Conclusion Paragraph
1. Summarize the essay in a one to two-sentence "restatement"
2. Either discussion of the greater implication of the

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