
Argumentative Essay About Immigration

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Regardless of where you come from, everyone has a dream. Sometimes these dreams that we have aren't always achievable in our current situations. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions in order to achieve our own happiness. This is specifically true of immigrants, who risk their lives to come to another country in order to work and make a better life for themselves and their families. Most immigrants enter a country because of economic advances and opportunities that are available in a country other than their own. Immigration in the United States has been an everyday occurrence since the U.S. began gaining power and respect worldwide. In the 1880s, European immigrants entered the country hoping to find food and jobs after the Irish Potato …show more content…

is blessed. We have the opportunity to do what we want in life and pursue whatever we choose. The immigrants who come here don't have that chance where they come from. We should give them the chance to make something of themselves, like we would expect someone to do for us if we were in the same situation. Demanding that these migrants have an economic opportunity lined up with make sure that the number of people on government benefit programs stays as low as possible. I think that my plan is one that could keep families together especially for those families who have kids who were born in the U.S. It would also ensure that those who have resided here for a long time and have made a living for themselves won't be hindered by their legal status. They take the chance of going to another country because the idea that they could finally succeed and make a life for their families is enough for these migrants. They should not be discouraged, they should not be reprimanded. We need to make it easier for these migrants once they enter a different country. They should be given the same opportunities as everyone else, especially if they enter a country looking to work

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