
Argumentative Essay: Animal Welfare Vs Animal Rights

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Animal welfare versus animal rights is very controversial, but yet interesting subject. There is a huge debate between Animal Rights activists and Animal Welfare activists. Animal Welfare refers to the state of the animal; the treatment that an animal receives is covered by other terms such as animal care,animal husbandry, and humane treatment. Animal Welfare activists believe that animals should be treated humanely and fairly, but do not have the same rights as humans. Animal Rights is a belief that animals have the right to live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans. Animal Rights activists do not distinguish between human and animals. They believe that there is no rational difference between an animal's …show more content…

One of these practices Animal Rights activists advocate against is factory farming. Factory farming is a system of rearing livestock using intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs, or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions. Factory farming is necessary due to the high demand to feed our growing population. Most of these factory farms have intensive operations. An intensive livestock operation refers to a farm or farm operation engaged in raising, breeding, or feeding beef or dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, poultry/fowl, turkeys/ducks, or other livestock in concentrations of 300 or more animal units. Another practice used in factory farming is confinement systems. Confinement system is any system of raising poultry or other livestock in which the animals are kept from contact with the ground primarily as a sanitary measure. Using this system helps keep our food from being contaminated and making the general public sick. At these farms, livestock animals are confined into small pens with hundreds of other animals. Confining these animals in such small space can lead to the spread of disease. To combat this spread, farmers put loads of antibiotics in the animal’s feed. Another problem with having such a large amount of animals confined into a singular space is fighting. When the animals get into fights,

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