Another Slap to the North It's no secret that Northern Ontario has a higher rate of Opioid overdoses in our communities per capita than the GTA. We also experience an unacceptable homeless rate and almost all of our rural towns are under-serviced when it comes to mental health care. So it should come to no surprise when the North is left out of the government’s announcement for 657 million dollars that is going to be invested in repairing and retrofitting social housing. When Peter Milczyn, Minister of Housing ,was asked through twitter if this would benefit just the GTA ? His response was; (The)funding (was) throughout the Province for high rise buildings in this round (of funding). He was then asked (that there is) No high rise buildings
Sexual thoughts pop in and out of most people’s mind, but especially teenagers, and there’s nothing they can do about it. It is normal for teenage boys and girls to experience this, more than ever when they are hitting puberty. The hormones in the body begin to act up and teenagers want to experience other things on their own. Males begin to grow pubic and facial hairs, and their voice starts to deepen, while girls’ breasts begin to develop and their body begins to take shape. After hitting puberty, teenagers are now at the point where they want to experience things. ‚Don’t go out there and get pregnant‛ a mother
Canada’s housing market was one of the best for the recent years, but even with all the concern of household debt home prices will still have risen by 5.5 per cent in 2016. Their House prices have nearly doubled in the past decade to keep up with the costs of oil. They continue to have troubles selling houses but continue to build more, as well as condominiums and apartments. Their “New Government” continues to watch housing closely
When looking for a new place to live, choosing the right location is key. What attractions are nearby? Will there be a variety of recreational activities? Have you considered renting in the Village of Carol Stream? If not, you should since they are a growing town with a great deal to offer!
Together Aspire–Together Achieve: this is the motto of Hamilton, aptly summarizing its strengths and values. However, we must not limit ourselves to only acknowledging our strengths as there is always room for improvement. A problem exists in Hamilton that I, as mayor, would like to solve–homelessness. Our aspirations and achievements mean nothing if we fail to protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Having a roof over one’s head is a basic necessity and not addressing the needs of those who have been denied it reflects poorly on the ethos of our society. Homelessness is cyclical and contingent on economic development. With house prices increasing exponentially, the first step is to make affordable housing accessible to low-income
It is clear Ryerson University needs a better way to make education accessible to all their students. With the constant delays of the transit systems we have, and the rising costs to commute, students are skipping lectures. The best solution to this problem is starting VR enabled lectures. This will keep expenses low for students and save time that students struggle to find. VR enabled lectures are far superior to the alternative, which is living on campus. By living on campus expenses increase and you’re not in the comfort of your home. Also it is not guaranteed you will get approved to live on residence because of the limited beds available. Being a computer science students we already have the necessary knowledge to make this possible, as
Although during World War II, a strong case of bystanders is seen, there were also cases of rescuers who came to the aid of the innocent victims. The rescuers saved thousands of innocent lives, however in total their number was minute compared to the millions of people who died. Rescuers ranged from people such as nannies and peasants, to doctors, police officers, and social workers. They came from nations such as Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Hungary, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Belgium, etc. They decided to not view the Jews as rivals, or to alienate them, but instead to stand up for them and view them as human beings. Rescuers strongly believed that one person could truly make a difference.
Does an evidence seized in warrantless search can be used at a trial violates the Fourth Amendment?
Many schools don't have enough funds to support themselves; therefore they should use their money to fix buildings and to buy new textbooks. According to Amanda Ripley’s article, “It's Time To Scale Back,” maintaining a grass field can cost more than 20,000 dollars (11). Premont Independent School was threaten to close because of money issues so they had to stop the sports teams and by doing this they were able to save 150,000 dollars (10). Schools should stop using their money on sports and start using it on the school. In conclusion schools should save their money for more important things. Although saving money is important, allowing kids to study for a longer time is also crucial for their education. Ripley stated in her article that by
Our goal is to end homelessness in 10 years by creating a framework for a portable housing for people to receive housing assistance flexibility to choose where to live. For this reason, we are proposing legislation for inclusionary zoning because it would enable municipalities to ensure affordable housing. Ontario has updated the Long-Term Affordable Strategy legislation, which was implemented in 2010, because we want to implement people-centered housing program and provide municipalities with flexibility to meet local needs in the community. We are introducing new legislative and policy measures by investing $178 million over the
The reporting party (RP) stated her mother 94 year old resident Margaret Wig DOB 7/14/20 was admitted to the facility on 5/31/15. The RP stated on 7/3/15 she went to visit her mother and found her sitting by the front door. The RP stated her mother looked very emaciated. The RP stated her mother appeared to have lost at least 10 pounds during her short stay at the facility. The RP stated her mother disclosed she was fed cooked cabbage and radish. According to the RP the cabbage and radish meal made her mother sick which caused her to vomit. The RP stated her mother also disclosed the facility took a hotdog cut it in half length wise and cut those pieces in half. The resident was only given a quarter of the hotdog for dinner. The RP stated when
Since the elimination of the affordable housing investments by the Canadian Federal government in 1990, there have been various attempts at relieving the epidemic of homelessness for Aboriginals that coincided with the program withdrawal. These have included federal initiatives, typically crafted as a solution to homelessness as a whole, but with funds targeted to Aboriginal groups, as well as provincial, municipal and even band programs working to relieve
the miracle pill has been created to give the average person a full bedtime rest in only 1 hour, but since the rest time is so short, you will never dream again. Some advantages of taking this pill is that since you can get a full time of rest, you will be able to get more work done, due to starting work earlier and also having more time to do things. Some disadvantages is that, overtime the amount inside the pill being taken may not give the same effect as the first couple times it has been taken, causing you to have to buy more and take more to reach the same effect of a full bedtime sleep, but some things that may happen is overdose on the pill, or addiction. Since the pill takes away dreams, it will definitely show, because according to
Back home in New York, living with his parents atop their diner, Lucas finds himself a civilian again. His identity as a war veteran being quite evident, with an eye-patch and a significant scar on his forehead caused by the shrapnel.
We live in a technology driven world, almost everyone own a smartphone today. Uber and its competitors are allowing us to use an app on our smartphone to call for a cab. When a rider request a ride, the app gives you an estimated time of when the driver will arrive. It also calculates the fare and take the money out of your account. Whoever came up with the Uber idea is genius. Uber is beneficial to both the riders and the drivers. Uber created jobs for a lot of individuals, also for people who has a job but want to make extra money can drive Uber. The riders get high quality service for a fair price. In addition, the Uber app is easy to use and to understand. Increasing the amount of cars on the road results in faster pickup time which is
A very controversial topic over the past few years has raised the same question over and over again, “Do people have the right to rescue services when they put themselves at risk?” Mountain climbing is an enjoyed sport from people as young as 13, to people as old as 70. Unfortunately, every sport comes with risks. Nearly 250 people have died while attempting to climb Mount Everest. However, more than 4000 people have successfully climbed this towering giant, standing at 29,035 feet tall. Though both sides of the argument have valid points, people should have the rights to rescue services because of a few main reasons. Without rescue services, there will be an extreme increase of deaths on mountains, and those who run rescue services will lose a considerable amount of money.