
Argumentative Essay: Can Women Have It All?

Decent Essays

Can Women Have It All

Can women have it all? Throughout history women have shown remarkable strength and resilience when faced with some of the most difficult times. In the biblical days there was Ruth who overcame adversity. During the Victorian era, there was Eleanor Roosevelt who overcame the death of her parents. During the post-civil war era there was Harriet Tubman who led scores of slaves to freedom. In each example above there was a woman, a mother who not only tapped into the nurturing needs of her family but that of others as well. In each example of above you find the very definition of “thrive”: the ability to stay the course and progress in a seemingly hopeless situation. However, I can imagine that these stories are without …show more content…

When it comes to family, it’s not as easy to make sacrifices. This is not to imply that women can’t have careers and families and be effective, it’s simply making note of the challenges faced when choosing this path. “Yet every study so far has shown us to be less effective when attempting to multitask. Even when our subjective impression is of having accomplished more in less time, in reality we get less done, we do it with less accuracy and depth, and we remember less about it later. Doing more at once robs all our activities of the attention they deserve -- and the experience we deserve” (Rushkoff). Finding balance is the only answer if women are to continue being a part of the workforce. No one can have it all without there being obstacles along the way. While maintaining family, careers, and home where does self-priority fit? We’ve read the countless arguments in support and opposition of women having it all, and surely the debate will continue. At what expense if any does it cost to have it all? Maintaining careers, family, homes, and self-care calls for more than one working and pitching in on the day to day operations. Come up with a plan that works and execute it to accomplish all that you desire. Everyone’s definition of “All” will very well be different, define your “All” and strive to have

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