
Argumentative Essay: Debunking The Dress Code

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Debunking the Dress Code Imagine a story about a girl getting sent out of school, because she wore a shirt that showed her shoulders and the immediate reaction, “They're probably overreacting!” Well, newsflash, they aren't and the very same thing could be happening to girls within your community. In response to this blatant sexism, removal of individuality, and clear violation of the First Amendment right to free speech, it is obvious that schools should either get rid of completely, or simply moderate intense dress codes that are affecting their students in many ways. The first point that supports the claim previously made, is that dress codes clearly violate the right of free speech. This has been proven many times in different instances, such as shirts as harmless as ¨No one knows I'm a lesbian¨ being banned by principles in …show more content…

Dress codes are essentially the seed planted in minds of girls that grows into all women being given the thought that assault is the victim's fault. This is, because women are asked at the sign of assault what they were wearing and being told from a young age that their clothing is too distracting can make them actually believe that they deserved what happened. Also, dress codes give girls the impression that their education is less important than boys when they are sent out of class or out of school entirely and when they ask why they are told nothing other than they are distracting the boys. Finally, sometimes the things that are available for certain girls will always violate their dress code no matter how hard they try. Some administrations need to take into consideration that girls who are slightly bigger only have clothes available that are meant for people slightly older. As said in an InfOhio article, “Don't teach girls to cover themselves from the male gaze. Teach boys to look at something else”

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