
Argumentative Essay: Do We Need Free Birth Control?

Decent Essays

Birth control has been a serious topic as of late. People have started debating whether birth control should be free or not. Birth control is a contraceptive, it prevents pregnancy. Free birth control reduces abortion. The website, states, “Providing birth control to women at no cost substantially reduced unplanned pregnancies and cut abortion rates by 62 to 77 percent over the national rate” (Albert). That is a lot of deaths prevented and all because of free birth control. An argument of free birth control is that “It doesn’t make economic sense.” The website, states that, “Paying for birth control with insurance, the current preferred method of making it ‘free,’ is a bad idea because it will raise the cost for whoever does end up paying for it” (Shane). It is not acceptable for insurance to cover birth control, but it is acceptable for insurance to cover pregnancy and births, that just does not make any logical sense. says, “The percentage of prenatal and maternity costs …show more content…

You can go to a drug store and buy condoms, you have to go see a doctor to get put on birth control. states, “almost all birth control methods—including the most effective options—require a visit (or several visits) to a health care provider” (“No controversy...”). You have to see a doctor every time you want to change the prescription, get a new kind, or the birth control you have now is acting up. So not only do you have to pay for the doctor visits, but you also have to pay for the pills, which are actually very expensive. has cost of differnet types of birth control pills; Gianvi $45 to $74, Loestrin 24FE $48 to $116, Ortho-Tri-Cyclen Lo $37 to $162, and Yaz-28 $65 to $130 (Pinder). A lot of woman can not afford these prices (or the doctor visits), if birth control was free, a lot more women would be able to access it and there would be a lot less unplanned

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