Outside store ABC, there is a raging thunderstorm. Inside store ABC, 4 workers are all performing various tasks: Bobby is checking and stocking newly delivered merchandise, Sarah is cleaning the grill and coffee areas, Tasha is sweeping and mopping the bathroom floor, and Jose is checking out customers. Suddenly, a scream echoes through the store. Beverly Beliveme, a frequent customer, has slipped on the wet floor. Beverly tried to lessen the impact of her fall by turning her body; nonetheless, Beverly plummeted to the floor. Feeling embarrassed about what just occurred; Beverly sprung to her feet and tried to walk. When she felt an excruciating pain in her knee, she fell to the floor again. Tasha and a few customers witnessed the fall
On December 17, 2016, the complainant reported that she was engaged in an argument with her wife Lynn Townsend (Lynn) over Christmas decorations. The argument became physical and Lynn along Kiyanna Townsend (Kiyanna) and Michelle Townsend (Michelle) assaulted the complainant by striking her in the face several times with a handgun and punching and kicking her in the face and body. The complainant described the gun as a black semi-automatic handgun with and extend magazine. The complainant was transported to GW hospital and treated for her injuries. A sixth district detective was requested to assist with the investigation.
Police officials say that a motorcyclist, identified as Kaylan Perry, 21 from Fairfield, has died after a fatal crash occurred while racing with another vehicle on Sunday.
Reportedly, Melanie Thornburg, a South Carolina Sheriff Captain, is in the hot seat after wearing blackface with a Bob Marley Halloween costume. Melanie Thornburg claims that, "I didn't do it out of lack of respect, and I express regret to anyone that took offense. I wouldn't have ever tried to taunt anyone."
After about 15 minutes the wind picks up even more and the Arch becomes uneven. Tim is a construction worker with Dave. He works in the same section of the Arch. The wind is so strong that Tim loses his balance and falls back. Knocking Dave up and over the edge of the Arch. He falls for about 100 ft before a big blue net catches him below. Dave doesn't know what to say. He sits there and just waits until someone gets the crane because he is still 150 feet off the ground. He is so glad that someone put down the net. Dave is thinking, and he is kinda upset with himself. If he didn't convince everyone to go back to work he wouldn't have almost fell to his death. The company lets him go home and take the rest of the day off. Once he gets home he doesn't want to say anything to his wife and kids because he's afraid that they will be frightened. So he just goes on with the rest of his day. Dave eventually goes back to work the next day and doesn't mention anything that
For issue 1.4 the discussion explored the question of whether or not sexual problems should be treated pharmaceutically. Connie Newman advocated for pharmaceutical treatment while Anita Hoffer argued against. Connie Newman presented her argument with various research, referring to the DSM to support her argument that sexual problems were not only a psychological but also physiological problem. She also laid out a comprehensive timeline demonstrating how the sexual problems have been viewed and treated over the years, progressing from purely a psychological based treatment to VIAGRA being an accepted method of treatment for male patients with erectile dysfunction (McKee, 2013, p. 51). However she did recognize that treatments for women had not
The first thing I would do is expand the company’s production of wine. Numerous restaurants in Nashville have demonstrated an interest in making Belle Meade their official wine. I believe this presents both a challenge and a great opportunity. Although Belle Meade has no real competition now, this could change in the near future. I think the company should make the necessary expansions and seize this unique chance.
Elizabeth Proctor being accused of witchery by Abigail Williams has garnered the attention of all of Salem. If she is proven guilty, she will be sent to prison for eternity. Goody Proctor is known in Salem as a good Puritan with Christian values, but this accusation and her possible hanging could ruin it all. Abigail Williams, on the other hand, has gained power in the courthouse and has accused others. However, many rumors circulate the village saying that Ms. Williams is not the good Christian girl that she has recently been made out to be. I am here to deny or confirm these rumors for good and find out the answers from Ms. Williams by investigating and interviewing her.
A woman was admitted to the Toronto refuge and analyzed as agony from insanity, a not extraordinary determination for women, and a stage past mania. The reason referred to by specialists for the persistent madness was lactation. This was one of the scores of cases referred to by Wendy Mitchinson in her history of the medicinal treatment of women in Victorian Canada. The cases, consolidated with the restorative writing of the period, mirror the general public's distractions, both among the all-inclusive community and the therapeutic calling. Most importantly, they show in sharp detail the general public's view of women. For most therapeutic specialists, the male body was taken to be the standard; women were other. Specialists were
We are formally complaining about Ms Sanchez's supervisory actions in allowing perjured evidence to be put forth in expelling a student, Olivia Scales. We further complain that through her acceptence of perjured statements, and negligence in gathering statements, Ms Sanchez's has violated state law § 39-11-402 (3).
Forty-one-year-old Oregon medical marijuana patient Kristie Groce of Portland is no stranger to adversity. Kristie has suffered immeasurably with numerous medical illnesses and injuries over the years. She had even been written off as terminal and placed on hospice care at one point. Despite the mortal diagnosis, Kristie is now thriving in ways she had never dared to dream of due, in her mind, to the healing properties of cannabis. Cannabis has not only given Kristie her life back, but now she has learned she is creating a new life, something she was told would never happen.
In Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo faces a lot of different challenges in his life. When he returned to his motherland after being exiled everything he knew was different. In the end he could no longer overcome the challenges and he chose to end his life. He rebelled against change in his religion, faced racism, and struggled with complications in his life style. This novel suggests that we see things fall apart when people choose to judge others based on their religion, race, and lifestyle.
World War II, a time often seen with its negative connotations of death, dictatorship, and human suffering, also generated new concepts that continue to impact American policies and societal attitudes to this day. The bombing of Pearl Harbor served as a catalyst for US participation in the war. Banding together in unity, Americans rushed off to fight in Europe, leaving their families behind to take care of the home front. With soldiers going off to war, American industries were left with a labor deficit; until the government’s sights settled on the female population. Turning to the mothers and wives left behind, propaganda to recruit them arose in the form of a one red haired worker. During the trenchant years of World War II, the patriotic image of Rosie the Riveter nurtured a fleeting taste of freedom that motivated American women to incessantly struggle for gender equality. On the American home front, Rosie became the poster child for female contributions to the war effort, and women fought fervently to become vital members of the work force, yet they were forced back into the domestic molds imposed by society.
It is clear Ryerson University needs a better way to make education accessible to all their students. With the constant delays of the transit systems we have, and the rising costs to commute, students are skipping lectures. The best solution to this problem is starting VR enabled lectures. This will keep expenses low for students and save time that students struggle to find. VR enabled lectures are far superior to the alternative, which is living on campus. By living on campus expenses increase and you’re not in the comfort of your home. Also it is not guaranteed you will get approved to live on residence because of the limited beds available. Being a computer science students we already have the necessary knowledge to make this possible, as
In 1963 a man by the name of Ernesto Miranda was accused of committing crimes against a woman. These crimes were rape, kidnapping, and robbery. Miranda was a poor man who lived in Arizona. Police came to his house after being accused and took him to the station where they held him for a 2 hour interrogation. Prior to this interrogation the police never did inform him of his rights. Granted by the Constitution, people accused of crimes here in the United States have rights. The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution states that one has the right to be silent. The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution states that one has the right to have a lawyer to help defend themselves. After they they were done with the interrogation they had Miranda sign a confession. They later used this confession against him. The argument his attorney used was that his confession should not be used against him because he was not told his rights when arrested. He was still overruled and had a 20 year sentence.
The nation’s bigot community has been in hysterics over the past few months after Target announced that it would allow transgender people to use the restroom and fitting rooms that correspond with their gender identities.