
Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Argumentative Essay Braden Rawson Social Networking or the use of specific websites or applications to interact with other users is one of the many key and driving factors today in our world. We find ourselves lost for many minutes or possibly hours at a time on any particular app or website. Looking deeper into the issue of social networking and its impact on our life, I highly doubt we have accomplished anything at all. A very smart man once said, “Time is money.” If that quote is true do we find ourselves in the twenty first century wasting money on pictures of people we don’t even know and moments we were not a part of? As technology has evolved and become so apart of our world its effect spread to all ends of the spectrum of every …show more content… reports that 59% of students with this access use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. After the student leaves school grounds he or she is still required to complete various assignments or projects. With these comes many questions or concerns on how the teacher may want a specific item completed, or even maybe how to even start an assignment. Social networking and the ability to interact with fellow teachers and students after school hours is crucial to the success of every student. There truly is not enough time in each school day to cover or complete all work that is necessary. With Facebook and our friends just a click away we enter in a world of more focused student centered learning. Those self-driven students will seek our answers and solutions to any work assigned for outside of the classroom. Collaborating and working with like-minded people will not only benefit them in the classroom, but also be a crucial skill in the work force of our world. Social Networking brings along a few negative but controllable aspects. There are countless stories about people of all ages who have been affected in some way or another by cyber bulling. The Story of Megan Meier was one that you will never forget. She hung herself in a closet because a certain boy

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