
Argumentative Essay: Government Progra Free College Education

Decent Essays

Free College Education

College education should be free for all students that want to further their education, because education will give students a better opportunity to have the great paying jobs and a better future. When students are able to get great paying jobs, they will be able to buy their first home. Students will not have to worry about paying back student loans, because it would already be paid. Students would be able to live their lives debt free and become better providers for their families. Students would also be able to send their children to school for free. There would not be any excuse for a lack of education in the communities in the United States.
I believe our crime rates would be lowered in the communities. Younger teens would be occupied with school and apart from things that will get them murdered, locked up or in trouble. Because of education, our children would have something to look forward to and work towards their goals. Parents would be able to invest more in their children, because of free education. Those who are less fortunate would get the education they need for better paying jobs so that they can give back to their communities. President Obama said that he would propose a government …show more content…

The rising costs of higher education are a huge issue in this country. Some of the best students cannot afford college and either do not attend or leave college in debt. Higher education should not be seen as a privilege, but as a right. A degree should not come with a price. The dropout rates of students has increased and it is taking longer for them to complete their degrees due to financial issues. Indebted students are less satisfied with their careers, save less money, and are less likely to own homes. If this country wants to end financial inequality and build a better future, we need education to be

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