
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control In The United States

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In Middleton, Idaho a toddler accidentally shot an infant in the face with a loaded handgun Monday afternoon. Investigators say the 10-month-old and 3-year-old were in a vehicle and were temporarily left unattended. Police say the toddler found a loaded handgun in the vehicle and unintentionally fired the weapon on the 10-month-old child’s cheek. While this story is shocking, gun deaths are pretty common. In 2010 unintentional firearm injuries caused the deaths of around 606 people (not including intentional), ( Statistics say that 32,000 deaths are gun-related per year in the United States. Gun control has become an aspect of the political world that is constantly changing based on how gun rights activists and gun control supporters argue and provide for sufficient reasoning for their cause. Two recent ads, one which shows a picture of a gun, and another that uses a picture of two children, one holding a book and the other, holding a gun. Both convey a powerful message, but ultimately the second is more effective, due to its comparison between the importance of safety. …show more content…

The first ad, shows a gun facing the audience against a black background and in the left corner it states, “Are your children safe?” The word “safe” is in larger text size. There are words on the right bottom corner declaring, “Stop gun violence.” It also provides information on the left bottom corner about their organization stating that their goal is to, “secure freedom from gun violence.” This ad is rhetorically effective because it uses certain words to express the reason why gun control shouldn't be allowed. The word “safety” has a bigger font size to emphasize the importance of safety.The word “gun” is colored in red to imply the source of violence are

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