Is College Worth It?
Unfortunately, in today’s society an individual can only be accepted either by the wealth that the person has or by achieving the highest form of education possible. Sadly, not everybody has millions of dollars in their bank accounts or are from an elite society, but everybody does have a chance of getting accepted by going to college and being successful. It is not going to be easy nor stress-free, but in the end, it is well compensated. Now, in the community there is a dilemma about if college is really worth it, and it comes really close but it also depends on the perspective of the person. Furthermore, eight out of ten times, college would be worth it, because there are only two or three things about college not being worth it and those are that, the individual is not really putting in the dedication, they have drug problems and/or they are not able to afford the full tuition. The most common one, is about the individual having drug related issues. There is numerous of real stories about this issue, for example, one day a speaker came to a high school to aware young teenagers about not getting into drugs, because it can ruin their lives
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A person with a Doctoral degree can make up to $1,623, a professional degree can make up to $1,730 and if it is compared to a high school diploma that can only make up to $798. The doctoral degree can make a little bit more than twice and the unemployment rate is extremely low. People who is thinking about going to college are so distracted about all the loans and debts that they would end up with instead of looking at the bigger picture. Current loan-based funding system stifles the economic mobility of students; they enter the labor market with a financial deficit that may take years to overcome. (Elliott) While this might be true, students with a higher degree in education are still going to be able to pay them off without having to sacrifice
Over the last decade—from 2004 to 2014—the share of graduates with debt rose modestly (from 65% to 69%) while average debt at graduation rose at more than twice the rate of inflation.” and According to the Department of Labor, as of 2008, 17 million college graduates were in positions that did not require a college education. 1 in 3 college graduates had a job that required a high school diploma or less in 2012.
Is college worth it? This one question turns into this debate high school seniors begin to think about before graduating. In our society you cannot really say no to college education because many make it known as a necessity to be successful in life. Many of our parents have raised us to know that college is a must go and that there are no failures. However some may think different. A lot of people may think that not setting a foot in a university or community college does not make them successful and that they will do just fine without a degree towards a career. We all know once someone graduates they are not always guaranteed a successful life with well-paid career and awesome benefits for you and your family. There are different views from both sides of this debate.
The increasing cost of higher education in the United States has been a continuing topic for debate in recent decades. American society emphasizes the importance of education after high school, yet the cost of higher education and advanced degrees continually rises at a greater rate than inflation in the 1970’s. According to the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, cost factors prevent 48% of college-qualified high school graduates from pursuing further education (McKeon, 2004, p. 45). The current system requires the majority of students to accumulate extensive debt with the expectation that they gain rewarding post-graduate employment to repay their loans.
Is College Worth The Cost? The thought and pursuit of college education has and will continue to be instilled in minorities. Though a debated topic, the attendance and completion of one’s college education statistically results in higher pay, a healthier, happier lifestyle and a sound future.
The true question is if college is worth the time and effort? This is asked everyday by millions of students considering college. According to
The increasing cost of higher education in the United States has been a continuing topic for debate in recent decades. American society emphasizes the importance of education after high school, yet the cost of undergraduate and advanced degrees continually rises at a greater rate than inflation. According to the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, cost factors prevent 48% of college-qualified high school graduates from pursuing further education (McKeon, 2004, p. 45). The current system requires the majority of students to accumulate extensive debt with the expectation that they gain lucrative post-graduate employment to repay their loans.
In the U.S. students are encouraged to earn a college degree, but the cost of an education turns many away. “Driven by the allure of a decent salary with a college degree, Americans borrowed to go to school. Outstanding student debt doubled from 2005 to 2010, and by 2012 total student debt in the U.S. economy surpassed $1 trillion” (Mian, Sufi 167). There are plenty of opportunities to obtain funds for college, including one of the most common, student loans. A student loan is defined as “a common way to fund education, specifically college and graduate school, and they provide educational opportunities that you otherwise may not be able to afford” (Barr). Student debt is at an all-time high in America. Over half of all lower income
Is college worth it, many ask and a lot of them wonder. This controversial topic has a lot of arguments and still no fix answer to it. Some people might find college to be not worth it as most people find it useless after graduation as said by TOM BACHTELL on a college graduation “ diploma—need not be a statistics major to know that the odds of stepping into a satisfying job, or, indeed, any job, are lower now than might have been imagined four long years ago”. But in my opinion I would say that College is worth it and it 's worth more then anything and people should go to college.
College is a dream that almost every American wants to come true, however, with the extreme rise in the costs of tuition it is a dream that has quickly turned into a nightmare. “Tuition at a private university is now roughly three times as expensive as it was in 1974, costing an average of $31,000 a year; public tuition, at $9,000, has risen nearly four times,” (Davidson). “For the average American household that doesn 't receive a lot of financial aid, higher education is simply out of reach,” (Davidson). That is why many students have begun questioning the worth of a college degree and if the amount of debt that is received upon exiting college is all for the better. And considering that costs have risen much faster than the rate of inflation, many are starting to believe that college just isn 't necessary any more. However, according to White, economically, the answer would still be a yes. “While unemployment rates for new grads and experienced workers alike have fluctuated throughout the recession and recovery, the earnings premium that college-and advanced-degree holders enjoy over their peers who didn 't attend college has remained relatively stable, and in some instances, grown, according to the report that was released this week,” (White). A study was shown that many college grads are able to get earnings that are significantly higher than those who did not get enough education or only hold a high school diploma (White). Even
Education has been around for more than 200 years, and with that education has advanced. Many people seek higher education as a way to improve themselves for the future, and as a way to create something out of themselves. Reaching for higher education has never been cheap, it has always been very expensive. The cost of attending a college or a university has always been out of reach for many people simply because they cannot afford it. Many have wondered is college is worth the money?
As of 2015, the average amount of student loan debt in America alone was 1.2 trillion dollars and the average balance for each of the roughly 40 million borrowers still paying back loans was $29,000 (Holland 2015). John Oliver of “Last Week Tonight” makes a point that student loan debt exceeds that of both credit card and auto loans. However, despite the negative financial effects, achieving a college degree is vital to the National Economy and the job market. According to studies by the Hamilton Project, “The cost of not going to college is rising just as much as the cost of going,” (Greenstone & Looney, 2012). This is because employers are increasing the credentials of future employees which, in turn poses two issues. First, it is
Is College Really Worth It? Is a college education even worth it ? From a young age countless of young minds have a sequence of getting an educa tion drilled in to them. Elementary, Middle, High School, and straight to college. Now days most jobs in this society won’t even consider a resume without some sort of post-high school education.
The cost of a higher education in the United States today is astronomical. The statistics are shocking: student loan debt in excess of $1.45 trillion. The student loan debt average from 2016 was up 6% from the prior year(“A Look”). This shows that continuing your education comes at a hefty price. It seems that students are almost being penalized for trying to better themselves by furthering their education.
It is no big secret that, in America today, most high-paying jobs require a college degree. Thomas C. Frohlich of USA Today stated that “graduating from college is a prerequisite for the vast majority of high-paying jobs”(2013). With the cost of a college degree increasing in unison with demand, few can earn a degree without the help of student loans. The American Student Assistance website reports that of the twenty million students enrolled in college, about sixty percent are attending with the help of student loans (2014). Obviously, student loan debt affects the individuals that obtain them. However, it also has severe effects upon the nation’s economy.
Is college worth it!? There is pro’s and there is con’s about college. Are you a anti-college or a pro college?