“Good in theory, but how are you going to prove that he’s behind this?” Barnes asked. “You can’t put down in your official report that you had a bad gut instinct about this man’s character, and that’s why you think Rutherford is guilty. Seriously, without concrete proof what are you going to say? Rutherford came off as a jerk to me, so he’s clearly at fault for creating a super weapon and unleashing it upon his countrymen.” “No, you’re right,” Brayzack sighed. “I need real proof. Something that proves this wasn’t just a research experiment gone wrong. That this wasn’t a good-natured attempt to advance modern medicine that got away from the Ackerman team. I need to be able to prove that this bacterium was created for weaponization.”
With the coming retirement of Representative AL Ott, we need to make sure we find the right person to fill his shoes. To me there is one candidate that really stands out. After meeting with him and doing my research, it is apparent that Atty Ron Tusler is the perfect candidate for the position. He is a proven leader and has done a lot for the Republican Party. He is a job creator and has a passion for helping people. He is doing this for all the right reasons and I believe he would be a fantastic Assemblyman. Join me in supporting Ron Tusler for Wisconsin's 3rd Assembly
The case of Branzburg vs. Hayes all began in 1969, when a Louisville Kentucky reporter by the name of Branzburg wrote a story, in the Courier-Journal, which described how two local residences made hashish marijuana. The article went into great detail and revealed many facts, including the amount of money the two made on selling the hashish to the public. The article also featured pictures of the two individual’s hands working with a plant like substance and was identified for readers as hashish in the caption under the picture. Branzburg was in agreement with the drug dealers and promised them he would not reveal their real names or identities in the article.
The book Decision in Philadelphia the Constitutional Convention if 1787 by Christopher and James Collier offers a unique look at the scribing of the Constitution and the events that not only surrounded it but led up to its creation. The authors take on the events and their creative writing style make the book and enjoyable and fact filled read on one of the country’s most important events. They begin with a historical look at the events that led up to the signing and a brief synopsis of the events that were occurring in the country at the time. The background that they give provides a good base for the information and allows the reader to see things through the eyes of someone living in the time.
These two primary-source historical documents have one purpose : to urgently persuade a group to act upon an issue. So in order to do just that ,one has to be completely biased to their view. That is exactly what Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Franklin D. Roosevelt did. They chose words deliberately which matched the tone of their speech. In the case of Elizabeth Cady Stanton speech, she wrote it from a personal point of view, having had experienced the female discrimination herself. She used a variety of related terms to emphasize her whole idea , take a look: "The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her". Without
In the story The Garies and Their Friends by Frank Webb, one man is responsible for the race riot. The prosecution charges Mr. George Stevens with Inciting a Riot and Seditious Conspiracy. We intend to prove these charges beyond a reasonable doubt. We will do this by presenting overwhelming evidence of his guilt. He manipulated people and circumstances to his full advantage to implement his plan. His agenda was one of violence against innocent Black men and women. These already oppressed citizens, became tragically disenfranchised as a result of his actions. He has torn the fabric of their livelihood into pieces, leaving many homeless. His wanton destruction and
The McCarthy Hearings and the Salem Witch Trials both transformed the thought process of Americans today. Despite being described as completely unique and distinguished events, they both are eerily similar in appearance. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are both described as witch hunts with several similarities in the way the inspired fear but they have several differences in the motivation and the end of each event.
	 Rutherford B. Hayes was considered by many to be a simple, uncontroversial, and honest man to run for the presidency. That is why many people are perplexed that such an astute person should have one of the most controversial elections and presidencies ever. Considering Hayes’ honorable principles, it came as a surprise to see how he could unknowingly make a decision about reconstruction where its effects were so blatantly derogatory to the cause he was trying to help.
Calvin should not win the lawsuit this was a worst an honest mistake. From the moment Cavin entered the store Sara could tell he was out of place. With the way he dressed it was obvious that he couldn’t afford the clothes in the department store. Sara continued to watch him until Calvin took an expensive pair of jeans into the dressing room. Being the only sales person around, she was concerned that if she did not detain him until a security guard was present that if Calvin put on the jeans and left the store then she would not be able to stop him. The detention was completely justified under the circumstances to avoid a potential catastrophe where Sara could have been injured. Also, just because Calvin had money on him, does not mean he wasn’t
“Truman stated that his decision to drop the bomb was purely military. Truman believed that the bombs saved Japanese lives as well. Prolonging the war was not an option for the President,” (ushistory.org 1). President Truman and the United States government made a fair decision by dropping the atomic bomb on the Japanese citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during 1945. The bomb allowed the United States to appear more powerful and led to them influencing the rest of the world. The dropping of the atomic bomb was also a just response to the previous atrocities committed by Japan to other countries including the United States. In the long run, the bomb saved more lives that would have been lost in the war, since the bombs caused the
March 25, 1931, nine men hopped on to a freight train of no return (Uschan 10). Unjust, prejudice, and racist the Scottsboro Trials, were definitely not just another ordinary case. The Scottsboro Trials changed how America viewed segregation. The nine young men, who hopped onto that train that day, were innocent and harmless. The Scottsboro Trials revealed the unjust treatment that African Americans faced outside of the Harlem Renaissance and changed views on segregation.
When creating an express trust knight and knight articulated that there must be certainty of subject matter, certainty of intention and certainty of objects.
The Scottsboro Trials Racism wasted the lives of nine young, black men. In a trial where the only plausible evidence proved their innocence, they were still convicted. They were accused of rape, but all it was was an accusation. There was nothing to back it up.
Norris had decided for some time that he wanted to purchase a motel. After looking at several different areas, he settled on Port Stephens in New South Wales as offering both the potential for a business and the lifestyle he was seeking. He rang a number of real estate agents, inquiring whether they had any motels listed for sale. He finally found a motel and general business listed with an estate agent called Evatt. Evatt told Norris that once he got going in this business it would be a gold mine. Norris sought an accountant’s advice and then proceeded to buy the business. Within six months of buying the motel and general business Norris was broke because there were neither the tourist numbers nor the local population to
Penny, David’s wife is the secondary victim of the incident. As per Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992] a secondary victim is one who is no more than a passive and unwilling witness of injury to others. D owes secondary victim a duty of care it needs to be shown that proximity of relationship: a close tie of love and affection to a primary victim, proximity in time and space: proximity to the event or its immediate aftermath, proximity of perception: witnessing the event with their own unaided senses, caused by shock: the psychiatric injury must be caused by a shocking event. In this case Penny who is the secondary victim has to satisfy all the stated conditions. Under the reasonable foreseeability it needs to be illustrated
This case explores the problems managers face when assembling a team. David Fletcher, is an overworked portfolio manager of the Emerging Growth Fund at Jenkins, Fletcher Partners (JFP), an investment management firm in New York. As an individual, his superior performance throughout his career has earned him an outstanding reputation. Starting out as a clerk, he rose through the ranks of Wall Street to eventually manage the two most aggressive mutual funds at a major investment firm. Success at this firm only added to his reputation and lead to his current role at JFP, a smaller firm with an informal culture. At JFP, Fletcher is challenged with the new responsibility of managing a team, in addition to managing his portfolio.