
Argumentative Essay: Is The Vietnam War Justified?

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We should have declared war on Vietnam because more Americans were killed during the police action than during the revolutionary war, and like any other war Vietnam sparked economic, scientific and medical growth in the country. We may not have declared war on Vietnam, but it still fits all the parameters in any other war, we can't change the past but we can still change Vietnam to its title that should be the Vietnam War. Wars should not be wars just because we declared war on the country or area in question, wars should have larger parameters. If a police action induces large economic or social growth it should be changed to a war. In the Vietnam Police Action,"25% (648,500) of total forces in country were draftees."(Vietnam Veterans Foundation1) If they had to send out a draft to get 25% of their military why didn't we declare war on them? Vietnam was one flew of the bloodiest …show more content…

"GDP growth increased and peaked at 7-3% of GDP in 1966."(Institute for economics and peace2) Vietnam helped the American economy in a time that was rough, few people agreed with the deployment of troops to Vietnam, but it still boosted the economy. Any country needs the GDP to increase in order for the country to remain stable and wars are a good way for countries to help their economy. Without war the way the world economy works would be very different and there would be another way to boost the economy. When a war starts the country sees a growth in jobs and the country starts producing ammunition and other things necessary for a war, Vietnam needed ammunition and guns which lead to an increase in weapon manufacturing jobs and brought up the economy. Vietnam may not have been as beneficial to the economy, but it still helped America to become the power that it is

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