
Argumentative Essay On Acid Rain

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Acid Rain Coal mining is bad for the earth, there is no other way to put it, but why is it bad for the earth what drawbacks does coal mining have? It turns out a lot, it's terrible for the environment, coal contributes to global warming and the effects of acid rain. This being said, if we continue to do it, there must be a very good reason for ruining our earth, right? What are the benefits of coal mining? Why do we continue to ruin our earth, home, and destroy wildlife? Well, coal energy production brings in more than one trillion dollars of GDP, which is short for gross domestic product. That being said it also generates more than 360 billion dollars for additional household income, and doing this creating over 7 million jobs. If it's so beneficial for our economy, what are the negatives? Along with that, acid rain rate is higher around these coal sites. The water around these areas become more acidic. Coal causes local and state water supplies to become contaminated with acid. This is bad for all the fish. The fish in that water die due to the acid corroding their insides. Also the wildlife that drink that water may not survive. The gases coal gives off are highly polluted and not only that but, sulfur is included with coal and when that sulfur mixes with oxygen it creates sulfur dioxide which destroys the atmosphere and is one of the biggest causes of pollution. Coal also ruins ground and surface water causing permanent damage to local ecosystems that use that water

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