
Argumentative Essay On Blackfish

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Journalist Stephanie Collins addresses the worldwide phenomenon of the 2013 documentary Blackfish and discusses the constructed truth we are persuaded to believe. The bias presented in this documentary works very effectively and the audience is left to feel the pity for the killer whales of SeaWorld. However, can we believe everything director Gabriela Cowperthwaite presents to us? Have we just fallen victim to the constructed truth of extreme animal activists? Documentaries are known for constructing their own version of the truth they wish to portray. Now while some documentaries may show the truth that majority of us agree with, there are always two sides to every story and many of these documentaries only showcase the truth they want us to believe.
Don’t get me wrong, documentaries are important ways to get the truth out into the public’s eye, however many of these documentaries tend to manipulate the truth in a way that relies on our emotional sides. The manipulation of truth in ever present in the documentary Blackfish and director Gabriela Cowperthwaite has effectively cleverly constructed the truth to tug on our heart strings.

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Blackfish manipulates footage and information and shows it in a way that is completely misleading. In the documentary there is footage of a killer whale dragging someone underwater and it was said that this is Tilikum, the main orca in focus of the documentary, with Dawn Brancheau, a former SeaWorld trainer who was killed by Tilikum during a show. My condolences go out to Dawn Brancheau’s friends and family. However, as said by CNN reporter Michael Scarpuzzi in 2013 it is still clear that “The three years since Dawn's death have seen the emergence of individuals who have chosen not to honor her memory, but rather to use the events of February 24, 2010, to advance their own interests. Some seek commercial

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