
Argumentative Essay On Coal

Decent Essays

Coal, the rock that burns the ozone layer and keeps the lights on for millions of Americans to see everyday. The bigger question at hand is will coal run out in the near future, or will there be more to come? Coal has been used for over three thousand years when first used by the Chinese, but if they have been using coal for over three thousand years, then why are we just now arguing over when the coal will run out or not. This is because of two things, how long it takes coal to form and what will we do if it runs out. Coal is a renewable energy source for many reasons, it doesn’t take as long to make coal as previously thought, coal is being formed right now under us, and that there is still coal to be found. You might have been taught …show more content…

Sonar is very accurate in its readings for things to a certain distance underground, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t coal under that range. GPR, ground penetrating radar, is used to detect things underground from high-frequency waves and can register up to a thousand meters at most, for air, but even if that was the ground instead of air that it can detect that far down still doesn't mean that there isn’t coal under there because coal can even be found farther than that. The main reason that there is more coal to still be found though is that the Earth is huge! Everyone knows that, but that means that no one ever has been able to know where everything is underground, so that means that there is still a ton of coal to be found still yet uncovered or even known of. But all of coal underground is just there and if no one knows of it, we can’t get to it since we don’t know where it is, so coal will run dry and the only way for us to keep up with the demands is to have this 36 week coal to form all the time, but it can only form under rare, special conditions which makes the chance of it forming so it is non-renewable. This is entirely true, but where there is a demand, there is a supplier which means if all of the known coal runs out, that people will try to find the rest of it while the rest replenishes itself. Coal is a thing that drives the turbines to gives at least millions of Americans jobs and electricity every single day, why would we hurt

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