The high price of a college education is an issue of growing concern for American families. Over the past twenty years, tuition has more than doubled at both public and private schools. Yet, subsidies to schools, in the form of state appropriations, as well as aid to students and their families, have failed to keep pace with those cost increases. Parents are painfully familiar with these developments. Everywhere I go in Connecticut, they’re worried about how they are going to help their children pay for college. So, I was not surprised to see in a Washington Post poll last October that 63 percent of Americans with school-age children worried "a great deal" about college costs. Even more striking, a report by the American Council on Education found that 71 …show more content…
The stress on individual students and families is only part of the story. There is also a powerful connection between our nation’s ability to provide higher education and its ability to maintain healthy economic growth. We regularly hear from employers about America’s shortage of skilled workers necessary to help them compete globally. If college becomes a luxury that an increasing percentage of our population cannot afford, the economic divide between higher education "haves" and "have-nots" will widen to the point where it undercuts the American dream and stunts our economic growth. So today, we will ask our witnesses, "why is college tuition so high?" The schools tell us that they are providing an expensive and highly valuable product - an education that will mean thousands of dollars more in future earning power for
In the year 2017, Americans owe about $875 billion in student loans, which is more than what is owed on the nation’s credit cards combined. Student debt is flooding the country and burdening millions of Americans to the point where it is nearly impossible to pay off. Despite the fact that the majority of people believe tuition is outrageously expensive, there are many that believe the cost of college is exactly where it needs to be. Author Dylan Matthews writes about the skyrocketing costs of higher education in his 10-part series entitled “Introducing ‘The Tuition is Too Damn High.’” He reflects on how tuition is gradually increasing throughout the decades and argues that it is too much to keep up with. Matthews provides a logically convincing argument, but does not adequately or abundantly use emotional or credible appeals, as well as premises.
In the year 2017, Americans owe about $875 billion in student loans, which is more than what is owed on the nation’s credit cards combined. Student debt is flooding the country and burdening millions of Americans to the point where it is nearly impossible to pay off. Despite the fact that the majority of people believe tuition is outrageously expensive, there are many that believe the cost of college is exactly where it needs to be. Author Dylan Matthews writes about the skyrocketing costs of higher education in his 10-part series entitled “Introducing ‘The Tuition is Too Damn High.’” He reflects on how tuition is gradually increasing throughout the decades and argues that it is too much to keep up with. Matthews provides a logically convincing argument, but does not adequately or abundantly use emotional or credible appeals, as well as premises.
Statistics exhibit that majority of people are unable to pay for their further education. Pew Social and Demographic Trends state, “A majority of Americans (57%) say the higher education system in the United States fails to provide students with a good value for the money they and their families spend.” Tuition rates for colleges hyperbolizes its values comparatively to the money families spend. It also proclaims, “An even larger majority- 75%- says college is too expensive for most Americans to afford.” College snatch away the money of American families at a value too high and too much for the average family to spend. Not only does college seize the money many family don’t have to begin with, but it forces families to go into debt. Working extreme hours and trying to pay for college wearies the family’s way of living. According to Pew Social and Demographic Trends, “A record share of students are leaving college with a substantial debt burden… about half say that paying off that debt made it harder to pay other bills… about a quarter say it has had an impact on their career choices.” Debts triggers a person to change their profession and causes hardships to their life in the future. High tuition rates and debts stir students away from college and jobs that they truly want. College acquire families money at an
The towering prices of college tuition is an avid cause for the overwhelming ignorance in America. U.S. leaders once hoped that 60 percent of the U.S. population would have college degrees by 2025. Today in 2017, it is closer to 30 percent. Not only do tuition costs dig deep financial holes in a student’s life, the pressure of making the investment causes unnecessary, avoidable stress. Students around the world flourish without the financial commitment. Students in America- the land of the “free”- need the same financial freedoms and opportunities to thrive and contribute to mankind in the changing world of today.
Kris, a wife and a mother, worries about the increasing cost of higher education. She and her husband have a two year old daughter whom they are determined to send to college. They want their daughter to succeed in life, but they have to weigh the complications of going to college as well. “I have always thought about college as a “catch 22”...You’re taught from a young age that in order to achieve the “American Dream” you must graduate high school and go to college,” Kris contemplates (Kris 5).Throughout Kris’s ten years of experience with college, she has seen the tuition increase to shocking heights. In fact, she claims that community colleges cost as much as state colleges did when she first started her college hunt. Back then, she
When people talk about college, they are often talking about typical four year colleges and universities, but there’s another option. One that’s less talked about. Maybe because it’s viewed as less prestigious or maybe because it’s just not that common of a choice. Except that it is. Students from across the nation choose to attend Community Colleges for a myriad of different reasons. So why is Community College often viewed in a negative light when so many students are attending them? Why are so many students looked down upon for choosing Community College if it helps them achieve their goals in life? Your choice of college doesn’t diminish your achievements unless you let
“Forty percent of college students choose community college…Whoever you are, this plan is your chance to graduate ready for the new economy, without a load of debt,” quoted President Barack Obama (Calvert). The average community college tuition is about five thousand dollars or less. Compared to an average four-year college, it can ten to twenty thousand dollars of tuition. Let’s say you decide to go to a community college after high school or whenever. You would most likely be saving a lot of money by going to a community college instead of a four-year school. Imagine how much you would save if America’s community colleges were free. Not having to pay for two years of college would save around ten thousand dollars,
“College Prices Soar Again!” “Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!” “Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable” These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single source. There have also been some propositions of how costs could be lowered, but these have yet to be seen. The United States has gone into a tuition crisis.
Achieving a college degree is worth the time and effort as well as the financial struggle because there is more to be gained besides context knowledge. College is something that has dropped in importance as less and less people attend every year. These students are unsure as to whether it is worth it.Parents push their kids towards college and some even tell them not to go because of financial problems. This pressure students to make a life changing decision. This is all things that may keep a student from a secondary education that could kick-start a new and better life.
So it’s not that colleges are spending more money to educate students, it’s that they have to get that money from someplace to replace their lost state funding; and that’s from tuition and fees from students and families (Sanchez 1). While most institutions tried to keep costs down, some took advantage of the public perception that a high tuition means a quality education (Sanchez 2). The problems that students face now are rising tuition, increasing loans and lacking financial aid to compensate. The fastest growing income for public colleges and universities in our country is tuition. Most students must take out loans to make it through college now.
College tuition is an expensive entity to pay for and not many people have the luxury of having college being completely paid for, however, so many people that have previous experience like teachers, counselors, and parents, want students to pursue this expensive entity so their future is brighter. Why is being a college student becoming a luxury that fewer people can afford and attend to? Factors like the actual cost for college tuition, costs for higher education, the working class and their difficulties of paying for other things in addition to tuition, proposals from our government, and tuition remission, is when we begin to see how big of a problem tuition costs actually are. School is an important opportunity that I have taken like many of my teachers, parents, and government have told me to take, but I still struggle paying for it; if school is a value that people should be taking advantage of, tuition needs to be more affordable in order to do so.
Throughout the USA college tuition has increased drastically; in the last five years Georgia colleges have had 75% increase along with other states such as Arizona whose tuition has increased by 77% (NPR). Since 2006 the tuition in Utah has increased by 62.8% and is rising throughout the U.S. (Desert News). Between 1885-2016 the price of college has increased between 2.1% to 4.3% per year beyond inflation (CollegeBoard). Through calculations, that equates to about a hundred precent increase since 1885. It’s no secret that college tuition has skyrocketed, increasing student debt and leaving prospective students to ask “Is College Worth It?” college education is beneficial in that it teaches students valuable life lessons in responsibility, prepares students to enter the workforce and can be relatively inexpensive. The eduction is “college education” is worth every penny but America has created clichés to define the college experience which are expensive and unnecessary. In a radical new world a college education is required in many high paying jobs, which leads to the question “Is the experience of college all it is built up to be?” Through recent research, many articles and news mention about the value of higher education seem to only take account of is the financial aspect. A college education is worth what one makes it and is an investment in a future and in one’s self. The purpose of college the education is to be prepared to go into a the workforce having gained the
The path to success has been remodeled over the years by different generations due to the developing mind. College does educate and challenges people to do more and think more. We can clearly see this example because the developers of this debate are both college graduates. Later on in life more and more questions will be asked and answered. College has an importance that is so popular but that importance has a value. The developing world and society will always view college as something necessary no matter what because is has proved to be a path and a escape to a better life. People that have specific circumstances and cannot pursue college have often been denied of a huge opportunity that can be life changing to almost everyone. No one can judge intelligence based on economical stability or tests, but what the educational system seems to be judging intelligence on is the bank account of the projected student. There is a saying that says "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." But as technology is constantly advancing and computers are running almost anything, is a college education really necessary? There are people whom have never set foot in a college and are doing better than people who have their master's degree. There are views from both sides that contain a valid argument.
As more and more high school students realize this, the increased demand and need for college is going to go up. According to the Lumina Foundation for Education, colleges are realizing students and families are willing to go into debt as to increase their post-secondary education income (Dickeson). What about the others who cannot afford to go this route? Individual states play a major roll in the cost of higher education. If anyone has been watching the news lately, they most likely have seen states facing budget problems and shortfalls. With this being said, it now means most of the problem has been shifted onto the shoulders of the parents and aspiring students. Justification for these outrageous costs is being demanded not only by parents, but also by state and federal officials. According to the College Board, “In the past five years, the average cost of in-state tuition and fees at public colleges has jumped 35% -- after adjustment for inflation. . . . In the past 25 years, the average cost of tuition and fees has risen faster than personal income, consumer prices and even health insurance” (Block 1). Tuition prices pose a serious problem, especially for families whose income cannot keep up.
Education, ironically everybody has the wrong mindset that educations is only get at a school, and it was very extraneous that when I was browsing the meaning of education on internet, I found that Google defines education as, “The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.” Did you read that? If not let me make it clear to you, “ESPECIALLY AT A SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY.” It is very strange to me that most people have the ideology that education is especially learned at an institution, but for me education can be learn anywhere because it is nothing else than the willingness of a person to discover new concepts of the complexity things that are around us. There is a very interesting quote that