
Argumentative Essay On College Education

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The high price of a college education is an issue of growing concern for American families. Over the past twenty years, tuition has more than doubled at both public and private schools. Yet, subsidies to schools, in the form of state appropriations, as well as aid to students and their families, have failed to keep pace with those cost increases. Parents are painfully familiar with these developments. Everywhere I go in Connecticut, they’re worried about how they are going to help their children pay for college. So, I was not surprised to see in a Washington Post poll last October that 63 percent of Americans with school-age children worried "a great deal" about college costs. Even more striking, a report by the American Council on Education found that 71 …show more content…

The stress on individual students and families is only part of the story. There is also a powerful connection between our nation’s ability to provide higher education and its ability to maintain healthy economic growth. We regularly hear from employers about America’s shortage of skilled workers necessary to help them compete globally. If college becomes a luxury that an increasing percentage of our population cannot afford, the economic divide between higher education "haves" and "have-nots" will widen to the point where it undercuts the American dream and stunts our economic growth. So today, we will ask our witnesses, "why is college tuition so high?" The schools tell us that they are providing an expensive and highly valuable product - an education that will mean thousands of dollars more in future earning power for

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