The Confederate flag has been around since 1861, as a symbol of endless war, and detestation towards African Americans. Today, 154 years later, some states still incorporate the confederate flag into their state flags. The Confederate flag does not show progression in history, rather it is offensive to many groups and should be put to rest, because it does not promote unity in America. The Confederate flag holds America back and keeps our country stuck in the past. Today the Confederate Flag is still incorporated into five state flags. Those states are, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. The Confederate flag is still currently flying over South Carolina’s capital, Columbia, because of a state law. This law is known as The South Carolina Heritage Act of 2000. Section 1-10-30 of The South Carolina Heritage Act of 2000 states, “The Infantry Battle Flag of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate Battle Flag) displayed on the Confederate Soldiers' Monument on the State House grounds, and any monument, marker, memorial, school, or street erected …show more content…
Governor Folsom also said, “This has been a divisive issue in our state, and I believe it is time we put it behind us and move our state forward” (New York Times, 7). However the Confederate Flag was originally created in 1861 during the First Battle of Manassas. “Confederate soldiers had trouble distinguishing which troops were carrying the American flag and which were hoisting what was then the flag of the rebellious Southern states.” In order to resolve this problem the Confederate Flag was created, to avoid this confusion. During the Civil War, the Confederate Flag stood for war, conflict, and southern pride. Today “one-in-ten Americans have a positive reaction when they see the Confederate flag displayed (Pew Research Center,
In the New York Times article, “Take Down the Confederate Flag, Symbol of Hatred”, Governor Nikki Haley has called to remove the confederate flag from the state capitol grounds. It has become a controversial topic in the past few weeks. Many people are calling for it to be removed since the incident at Charleston African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Historically, flags have been a symbol of unity and patriotism for countries around the world; however, this is not always the case. One particular incident of this presents itself in the essence of the Confederate Flag. The Confederate Flag is a symbol of Southern nationalism dating back to the American Civil War. Even today, it is used by many people to express their southern culture and pride. However, originally, the flag represented the aspirations in the South for the precedence of States rights over Federal rule. The Confederate Flag is also associated with a much more negative aspect. This Flag epitomizes the prejudice and white supremacy associated with the Civil War. This was because the among the former things slavery was the most
The Confederate Battle Flag represented the Southern Nation, this not true. The Southern Nation had 3 different types of national flags during the course of the war. Which all 3 have been modified because resemblance of the United States Flag. The other Confederate Flag was the parade flag. People have taken it upon themselves to incorporate the “Southern Pride” upon their own terms and meanings, which in no shape or form was the reason why the Confederate Flag was created for or intended. All they needed was a clever tricky way to fool the enemy.
The Confederate flag has now become a hot issue for South Carolina, which is the last state to have the original Confederate flag still flying on its Statehouse. What got the State’s attention was the economic boycott of South Carolina that was announced on January 1992 by the NAACP to pressure the State to remove the Confederate flag off of its Statehouse in Columbia. The NAACP’s removal request is based on the fact that they, the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag is one of hate and discrimination. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently whom are called the pro-flag groups. They claim that the Confederate flag is a sign of heritage
Yes, I know we’ve all been inundated with press coverage over the recent Confederate flag debate, but it’s still an important question worth discussing. I’ve always been interested in the American Civil War and especially the post-war Reconstruction era. I intend to provide a brief history of the Confederate flag and argue that, although individuals have the right to fly any flag they wish, the Confederate flag should not be displayed in
For many years there have been discussion on whether the confederate flag should be flown, especially in the southern parts of the United States. There are several reasons why it is not morally acceptable to fly the flag, just like there are many problems with people using the N-Word. Both of these subjects contribute to racism; and as we move forward in fighting the battle of racism, the confederate flag and the N-Word should be a thing of the past.
It is quite hard to answer this question, because the confederates have more than one flag. There exists the first confederate flag which is blue with one white star. Next there are two versions of the first confederate national flag. Both with red and white stripes and blue square on top left corner, one with seven stars forming a circle, the other with thirteen stars forming a circle. Then there is the confederate battle flag, which is the one most people have seen, it exhibits a red background with a blue X as well as thirteen stars to compose it. This flag was first brought into battle in December 1861. The war between the Confederate and the Union was fought because the south had wanted to succeed from the north to become its own country.
The Confederate Flag’s meaning can be viewed in many different ways, in fact it already is. The flag has a lot of meaning behind it. Take the design for instance, a lot of the design portrays a lot of the flags meaning. If you take away all the color of the flag and just look at what is left. “There are 13 stars on the flag; these stars represent the 13 original colonies for when the U.S first began. Each one of these colonies had its own system of self government, until the start of the northern aggression. When the northern states began trying to swipe authority over the southern states which this was the main cause of the Civil War in 1861. The blue side ways X is actually lying on top of the stars and the stars are shining though it. The blue X is lying on the stars showing that the southern states no longer want to be a part of the Union.” (Coski, page 20) So basically, the flags message is to cross us out of the Union (us being the South). In my opinion, the rumors made up about the Confederate Flag were most assuredly made by the Northerners to get rid of the South’s flag. I also feel the Southerners should stand strong in keeping their heritage and legacy for their children. The Confederate Flag is something to be proud of as a Southern.
The Confederate flag is justified because people in the south shouldn’t be flying the flag even though it’s their flag they are just making the U.S. look bad when they are flying the American flag and the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag was a symbol of pride for most of the southerners, they thought they could have put their flag on anything they could and they fought for it and wanted to keep their slaves. I think the Confederate flag should have been taken down a long time ago because they shouldn’t have taken this down before we had the United States flag out and put it in front of the White house instead of the Confederate flag flying out there before we had the American flag made.
While some have argued that the flag represents their heritage and southern pride, others feel that it represents racial separation and a very ugly period in this country’s history. The Confederate battle flag is the most recognizable and has become a primary the single
The Confederate Flag, otherwise known as “Stars and Stripes”, was a battle flag adopted by the Confederate Congress In March 1861. It was originally
Some people see the flag as racist and others do not. Others see it as a symbol of southern pride, and rebellious spirit. Churches, schools, streets, counties and cities have been named after famous confederate generals, battles, and events. Although the Confederacy, the flag, and its monuments are seen as a symbol of racism, the confederate flag and its symbols should not be seen by people or states as racist because it has been used to name roads schools and other important places, provides a positive impact on pop culture, and allows us to honor the fallen soldiers that fought in the confederacy..
The battle flag of the Southern states during the Civil war, stands above the capitol building in Columbia, South Carolina. It flies there, remembering and honoring the lives of men who sacrificed everything they stood for, and everything they had for something they believed in. They fought to protect their homeland, and to gain independence of the Union. The flag stands there, not as a symbol of hate, racial inequality, or blood-thirsty war, but as a symbol reflecting the rich South and the men who gave everything for it.
Before engaging in discourse regarding the Confederacy, it is important to understand what, exactly, it was about. The Confederate States of America were formed in 1861 as a way for the deep South to continue owning slaves, due in part to the fact that their agricultural industries depended on slave labor to operate. While they did stand for other things, the origin and primary goal of the Confederacy was to fight against those who wanted to abolish slavery. Because of this, Confederate memorabilia and monuments are fundamentally linked with slavery and racism, and this aspect must be remembered when discussing what to do with regards to Confederate monuments.
One of the most trending topics in America right now is the Confederate Flag and whether or not it 's racist. 42 percent think the flag represent southern heritage and the other 42 percent think it 's racist and should be taken down. 75 percent believe it 's racist and only one in ten will agree that it is southern heritage. Depending on what region is asked about if it is racist, there are different answers. The Midwest say it is racist and the south, of course, say it 's not racist. A poll showed that African Americans, Democrats, and the highly educated were more likely to perceive the flag negatively. The Confederate States of America came into existence on February 4, 1861. It had six states at first and they were the Deep South. Those states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. After April 1861 four upper south states joined. They were Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. They made they 're own court system and congress. It reflected a lot of the American government. The confederate flag should be taken down because it is a symbol of hate, rebellion and racism.